Tuesday 31 December 2019

Bed & recovery

Am thankful that I am self-aware enough to know when getting up / going to work is beyond me, & for the means & ability to phone in sick.  Thankful my boss is easy to deal with on these occasions.
Thankful too that I am starting to perk up,& that a lazy day has done the trick.

Thankful for the things I am starting to clear from the house, for the presents from friends (especially the candles that I'm using to clear stale energies from the rooms).  Thankful it was dry when I went out to the bunnies, & to the bins, for being awake to pull the bins out & then return them (the neighbours usually take care of it, am glad to be able to take a turn).

Thankful there is food in the house, & shops nearby.  For friends to talk to / message & support me. That we have running water, to drink & clean with, & flushing toilets, sanitation for health & wellbeing.

Thankful that husband is so calm & easy-going.  He is awesome to be around, & he looks after me well.  & that there is an easy walk coming up next week that I'm going to sign up for later.  Local, & pretty & I know a few of the people.

Monday 30 December 2019

More than Surviving

  • Thankful for even small signs of progress, I'm up to 10 - 4.15 for my working day now.  There was a time I couldn't imagine even being in work.
  • Thankful for friends, 
    • one's just popped in with a Christmas present, & a couple of hugs, & an invite.
    • they keep an eye on me
  • Thankful for what I can do, my abilities, & skills
    • like reading, & being able to walk etc.
  • It was dry & I had the chance to go for a few walks through the nice area
  • Husband cooked lovely, healthy tea.  Is supporting me trying to be healthier
    • & he obliged me with helping revise emails it was unwise to send
    • thankful I didn't send any I'd regret
  • Had a good laugh at lunch with a friend, & hopefully we helped her see things more rationally.

Sunday 29 December 2019


Thankful for friends, & for being able to get out & about.  Thankful for my physical health, & people supporting my mental & emotional wellbeing.  Thankful it was dry when we went to the beach, & (secretly) that the café had stopped serving.  Thankful for a traffic jam allowing me to drop friend off, & a space to collect her from.  Thankful the shop had what I'd gone for.

Thankful for husband, for the beach chippie being open again, & for him sharing his dinner (& not saying I told you) when I hadn't ordered enough for me.  Also for him having bought fruit for me, keeping me well looked after, & fed healthily.  & for being supportive.

Very thankful the shop had hay & I have enough for the bunnies.

That someone I thought had taken offence got back in touch.

Thankful I was around yesterday when neighbour wanted a favour, & that I caught up with the other one too.  Thankful for the people around me.

Thankful for all I have, & that I have access too.  Space to do things, I even did a bit of yoga yesterday.
Thankful for hope, for a better future, & being able to overcome current issues.

I'm pleased with myself for starting on the old rabbit run, & for getting into the loft to start decluttering up there.  & for the few things that have been given away.  Thankful that taking action has made me feel better.  Am proud of myself for getting up & getting on the weekend, even without needing to go anywhere.

Saturday 28 December 2019


Thankful that I have good neighbours, & easy access to the things I need.
That husband is calm & patient, & makes sure I am taken care of.
That the bunnies are ok,
That we are in a position where I can take a break from work.

Thankful too that I have friends to talk with, & people who understand me.
That I'm up & have plenty of things I can do, and nothing I need to do.
Thankful for the time & space to gradually work through decluttering, & I can see progress...

Thankful it's the weekend & I can relax.

Thursday 26 December 2019

Boxing day

Happy to be in another good mood, had a lovely lie-in reading.
Thankful I did some chores so now I feel like I've been productive, and also had a relaxing day.
Thankful husband took me for a walk, & that my feet survived,
That I had fun with neighbour, that she invited me round & that I was brave enough to accept, & that I'm feeling better.
Also glad we won the game, suddenly it's got hard!
That we have food, & warmth, & shelter.
That the bunnies, & friends, & family are all safe & well.
That I got fuel the other day, so that a chore that doesn't need repeated for a while.

Wednesday 25 December 2019

Fab Christmas

Thankful for a lovely day, for waking in a good mood, getting dressed & even putting make up on.
For husband doing weights with me before dinner.
For dinner itself, & sensible food portions, for speaking to friends & family.  For husband saving veg for my bunnies.
For it being dry for me going outside to the bunnies, for being able to enjoy watching them run around with their veg, & being so soft & fluffy.
Enjoying Baileys hot chocolate, & husband making them unprompted, & for him taking the wine off me to open.
& for him playing heroes with me again.

Tuesday 24 December 2019


  • Thankful I got up & went to work, & that breakfast was nice, we had a bit of a laugh.
  • Friends came round to check up on me, & leave me some treats, so there's a bag of goodies under the tree for tomorrow.
  • Thankful I got a bit done at work, & have myself some notes for later.  Decisions made & ready to be argued.  Am feeling stronger.
  • Thankful for a nice afternoon with husband, I got the table cleared and so we played heroes. I am slightly motivated to type up the keywords - getting a bit of my mojo back.
  • Thankful husband is easy going, & I have no obligations.
  • It's like along weekend & I know how to enjoy myself, have perky up quite a lot since coming home & deciding the enjoy the holiday.  Friends & husband have definitely helped.  Glad I got the table cleared & opened out, feeling a bit better about the house too, there's room for us to eat tomorrow.
  • Did the washing up & that always makes me feel a little better.  Thankful for the time people spend with me.

Monday 23 December 2019


Thankful I got good bacon for breakfast, & husband gave me his piece.
Thankful boss agreed to my suggested hours next week, gradually going to get back to fulltime.
Thankful dentist trip was uneventful, & I'm noticeably perked up today (he even commented on how much calmer & brighter I was today).  I survived my day, had a nice chat with a colleague who says he'll miss my smileyness.  Thankful that I still appear that way, & even on a bad day we still had a laugh (the other day).
Also thankful anaesthetic wore off in time for me to eat, & that husband joined me for baileys / hot chocolate.
Got home in time to sleep.  Shop had hay so I'm fully supplied for the holidays & we don't need to go shopping.
Have stayed awake til a reasonable bedtime, hoping to get back to normal soon.

Sunday 22 December 2019

Well rested

Thankful for husband looking after me, for the luxury of spending my day in bed / relaxing so I can properly recover.
Thankful for the books & cards & pc & colouring supplies that surround me so I have plenty of entertainment options.
Thankful a friend sent me a link to a rehousing stuff facebook page & I managed to pass on a few things, relieved to keep them out of the landfill when there's nothing wrong with them.
Thankful that I feel much better today, & now I am well rested & ready to face the week, also for a decision I've made about work.  Thankful for people to talk it through with, & that I've been motivated to do a few things today.
Thankful for all I have, food, heating, house, friends, husband.

Saturday 21 December 2019


So thankful for my bed, it's safe & cosy.  For husband looking after me, & leaving me alone.  He cooked me lovely lunch, & even saved the nose of the brie cos he knows it's my favourite bit.  It's just further evidence of the effort he goes to for me, reminding me to appreciate him for making me feel so special.

Thankful I found an old gratitude journal & it's reminded me of things I take forgranted:  direct debits, not worrying about bills...
It's from 3 years ago & based on "The Magic".  Thankful for the reminder that it's about why as well as what.

Thankful for the books around me, & the entertainment.  That  I can indulge myself in terms of time, & money, &space.  Very thankful that I have such a range of hobbies (quiet, active, passive, ones I can do lying down etc.) so that like today when i'm tired (or my eyes are sore) there are still things that I can enjoy doing.

Thankful for my tablet, that I can still get on the internet when I'm in bed, & for the external keyboard because it's much easier to type that way, & easier on my wrists,

Thankful for my friends, that I can message & stay in contact without having to meet up.  So on off days I can feel supported & be supportive, that's important to me.  I don't want to feel like a bad friend when I'm already low, or that I don't care when I know there are things going on in their lives too.

Friday 20 December 2019


Thankful I got up & got to work, & the day passed.
I got a task finished without taking on any new ones.
Thankful it's the weekend, can sleep & rest, cosy bed invites me...

Was dry when I went out to the bunnies, bunnies are happily tucking into their food.
Husband went to the Chinese for both ordering & collection
Plenty of entertainment around me

Friends making sure I'm ok.
Was dry when I went walkabout, got my 10k steps, good chat with workmate, company for some of the walk.
Getting into a little groove at work, & getting the hang of shrugging stuff off

Thursday 19 December 2019

Friends & support

  • thankful I got to tell all the people that I wanted to tell personally, & that no-one's questioned me,
    • also for a compliment
    • for a few fortuitous meetings with people around site
    • getting through the day without tears or meltdown
  • that someone thought of me when friend was in visiting, & I got to pop in & see her
  • that I did the bunnies before I went out
  • tea was good
  • safely home
    • friend understands
  • progress in a few areas
  • Christmas hugs

Wednesday 18 December 2019


Thankful I know myself well, self-aware, that I made the decision not to go to work, & it was the right one.
I got to speak to the HR manager & phoning in sick was straightforward.
Thankful husband was home, just to be around, & to feed me.

Thankful for the house, & heating, & being able to hide under the duvet, watch tv, colour, read...
That a dentist appointment meant I went to Pilates, & that was ok.  Very thankful I didn't just sit in the waiting room & cry.  & I have my next appointment next week after work.

Thankful for my friends, & husband.
Thankful I have the hope that tomorrow will be a better day.

Tuesday 17 December 2019


Thankful I got a nice nurse, & we had a good chat.  She's been good every time I've seen her & I'm going to write her a thankyou note.
That I was there in time, with a few minutes to message friends.  That I came home for lunch & had a few minutes with husband.

Thankful that I got something done that I've been avoiding for a while, & it wasn't that bad.
Am pleased with myself for being firm.

Thankful that we have plenty, that they sent the last collection date for the foodbank, & husband's helped me drop stuff off at work.

Thankful he looks after me, & cooks good food for me.  He weight trained me tonight too, watching my form so I don't hurt myself.

Thankful I've remembered how to smile & shrug things off.

Thankful that I got up early to put the bins out, which meant I was on hand to reassure a neighbour she hadn't missed the collection, the bag handles were still hanging out of ours, & I got to pull them back up after they were emptied so there was no risk of anyone slipping on our drive.
That I left home early for work so tyre pressures weren't an issue, & I had an excuse to email the boss & casually mention a few things.

Monday 16 December 2019

retrospect & perspective

I'm glad I got up early enough to get to work to catch my boss before he started his meetings.
That a meeting that was never going to go well was moved to the end of my day so I could still enjoy the rest of my day, & I did.  Husband was supportive when I got home.  Have turned something that annoyed me on its head & can use it to my advantage.

Decorating the work tree with friends was good.

Got a convenient dentist appointment this week, when I'm still on early finishes. & blood tests booked in for over lunch tomorrow.

Got to tell the people I wanted to tell, before word is out.

In a good mood again.  A friend got in touch & we've made plans.
Have an idea about where to go next with the decluttering.

Sunday 15 December 2019

Fab day

Got up on time, bunnies are good.
Had a fabulous day with a friend, she was on time, we were on time to where we were going (& even had a little adventure on the way).
I had a really good laughter session, & can still feel it there to access.  
I feel so much better these days, & I cheered up a friend.

The café was good, open, & enjoyable live music which was a bonus.  There were some really good pictures on the wall.  Thankful there was something in the café I eat, & I enjoyed the hot chocolate.  Also thankful friend has taken snacks & a drink for me.

Husband cooked me a lovely dinner & we had a lovely evening.

All is well.  I have a fabulous support system for which I am deeply appreciative.

Saturday 14 December 2019

Lazy day

Thankful I got my review finished & it's submitted ready to post (March).  It helps me feel that I accomplished something today.
That I got myself down to the shop in the dry & the bunnies entertained me with their treat.
Husband made a tasty dinner, & there's enough left over for my tea, finished now.
A show we watch has its next season out, so that'll be our Christmas watching.

I remembered stamps so the Christmas cards are ready to post.
Thankful for the WAP, & discussing it with my boss, husband agrees with the edit, & it's emailed to my boss.
Found a helpful little book that I am enjoying reading just now.

The cards were supportive of a decision I made today, as is husband & friends.  I am thankful for the support, & I know that I feel better now the decision is made.  I had some good conversations with friends today, & there is a new project twinkling its way into existence.

Friday 13 December 2019

Support & conversation

Thankful that I have a new hidey hole at work, another ally to help calm me down & think things through.  "It's going to be ok, we're going to become friends, & breathe, & think, & take it slowly, & get it all under control".  Someone who's main task with me is to keep me calm & happy.

Thankful my reading made sense & is helpful.  & that gullible whilst uncomfortable has made me shift my perspective.

Thankful that one of the people I was considering asking to be a mental health buddy is training as a mental health first aider, as is another supporter.  I feel better about speaking to her now.

Thankful that I came home tired & starving (having just been talking about hunger rage), & husband was cooking me lunch 💝💝  & I left work before I got too grumpy.
& I had a lovely nap which compensates for not sleeping well.

Thankful the top I want to wear still fits, & we had a laugh at work, that the bunnies are ok & I get to clean them out in daylight.  That we have buses nearby & no worries about getting to town or home again.

Thursday 12 December 2019

It's Friday!

Thankful husband's home, that he's cuddly & looks after me.
Thankful too that he remembers to stop gaming & check on me occasionally.
He came & offered me hot chocolate yesterday, & makes sure I'm fed.

Thankful too that there's hope.  That I can get up when I can't sleep & potter around without disturbing anyone.  That I have a blog to pour my ideas out into, & friends to share the more private thoughts with.  Thankful that I have outlets.

That yesterday husband came to vote with me, I got my 10k steps, we chat as we walk, he shared his week with me.  & when we came home wet, PJs to change into & a warm house to enjoy.  Thankful that I voted & my conscience is clear.

Thankful too that having got up at stupid o'clock cos I couldn't sleep, that I can now go back to bed & there's plenty of time to snooze before getting up time.

Thankful that I am safe, & warm, & dry.  & my bed & husbands arm are waiting for me.  Hello land of nod...


Lunch was a laugh, & I got to catch up with a friend.
Made it in on time, cos there was a space in the near carpark
Meeting with boss was useful,
Got tomorrow afternoon off with husband & swapped details with a couple of workmates for meeting up.
Made it up to the IT office & had a good chat there, the guy had the sense to calm me down & we will make a good team.
Have my plan for the next few days sorted.
Husband is home

Wednesday 11 December 2019


Thankful for how far I've come, & that I'm in a good mood.
For the friend who sent me a happy dance gif this morning & reminded me to dance, & that I found the motivation for a quick workout.

That I went back into the house to get the bunnies a cabbage just as a delivery driver arrived - glad I was there to receive the parcel.  It's for a neighbour & I'm glad of the excuse for a quick catch-up later.  Neighbour came round, thankful I expected it to be her & answered the door.

That it's dry when I went to the shop & when I cleaned out the bunnies,& for the walk I had with a friend.  Very thankful for my warm coat, & that I enjoyed dinner (& that we shared dessert).

Thankful to friend for lunch, for sharing my afternoon & helping me celebrate, for showing an interest & indulging some questions & conversations. For helping me work through some things, & to all my friends for their support & concern.

For feeling productive, & my last day of freedom showing that I'm well enough to be back at work.

Tuesday 10 December 2019

everyday things

Glad the review with the nurse went ok, & her report is accurate.
Thankful lunch was a good laugh, & we sorted out husband's food choice, & that we all fit on the table.

Am glad I started my journey map & took it with me, & had a useful discussion about it.  & that I'm having the final session.  There was some useful insight.  

Thankful the bunnies are ok, & I have enough food for them.  That there is food in the cupboard.

Very thankful to be getting back on form, that we have a work employee assistance programme, & I have access to treatment.  

That I am well supported.

Monday 9 December 2019

Work days

Thankful it was dry & I got to wear my furry & fluffy stuff, I was so cosy in them today.  Glad of the reception I got from friends, & a few really fun conversations.

I got up & perked up & even got to work on time. & had a good day there.  Thankful it stayed dry, & I had reason to wander, & I got parked in the near carpark, & workmate helped me carry the heavy stuff & is taking more items.

Glad there are simple tasks I can concentrate on, well within my capabilities, & there are more involved ones as I feel ready to take them on.  Also lucky that I am well supported, & have friends at work. That there is no pressure & I am coping.

My latest querent was really happy with her reading & gave me good feedback.

Very thankful I have warm clothes, & the house, & heating, & food & basics & luxuries to enjoy.

Sunday 8 December 2019

Lazy Sundays

Thankful it was dry when I wanted to sort out the shed, that husband appeared right on cue to help when I was stuck, that I have my swing, for friends to help out, for being bold enough to ask.  & that a friend is happy to take something I found that will be useful.

Thankful husband suggested a walk, & it was dry for that too, & we had a good chat.  That he's excited. & the walk helped me reach my step target.

For the friends I have, for people to talk sense to me, that I trust their opinions, & that they listen to me.  I have an idea where to donate some of my stuff that will really appreciate it, & also friend has been convinced by something I said!

Thankful I am endorsed, no more mentoring.  & mentor has received her parcel.

Thankful for my bed, cosy & warm, & the option to phone in sick or go in late if I need to.

Saturday 7 December 2019

Survived the week!

  • Thankful I survived the work week
    • boss found time to see me, & that I was reassured & the imaginary pressure's off, & we've booked time for a proper conversation next week.  That he saw me passing & invited me in for the chat since I hadn't got the message in time.
    • A missing piece of paper turned up & I made some progress with a new project.
    • Pleased with myself that I passed an obstruction on to boss without letting it affect me much.
    • I'm doing ok at work, the important thing is that I keep making it in, & I did my 4 days!
  • Invited out & accepted.  It's nice to be invited, I got parked, I even got out of the space again afterwards ok, got home ok & while I was still capable of driving
    • arrived reasonably on time, glad I remembered & the show finished just on time, had a nice evening with husband before I went out
    • other friend turned up & it was good to see her
    • played with some new cards & got good messages
    • passed on husband wisdom, & friend shared it on FB, thankful to have a wise & quote worthy husband.
  • Reading is positive & I got to use my new deck, & I found the website & it's amazing & I got a bonus journal cos I pre-ordered
    • useful for blog piece
    • can now preview artwork for another deck I'm interested in
  • Pleased to find homes for more stuff we're decluttering

  • Got to the market & spoke to person I went there to support. 
  • Got parked easily in a dead-end, my preference cos it's easier than pulling out in traffic.
    • avoided the worst of the crowds
    • remembered hay
    • locks arrived (husband ordered them)
    • remembered his request at the shop
    • remembered tape
    • got a couple of cool things
  • remembered to call into the other shop & got what I wanted
  • husband took me walkies when I got home
  • shelves fit perfectly in the shed
  • Thankful for all I have, & the people around me.

Thursday 5 December 2019


pleased I got up to take husband to work, & I got a nap afterwards
also pleased that a song is back to comforting me
my new deck is working out great
enjoyed lunch, avoided the audit
had a useful conversation & have found out what's happening.
Husband's present arrived, got him sorted for the secret santa,
friend brought me a fabulous gift,
news tomorrow!

Wednesday 4 December 2019


I am so thankful to be off work today, & more so to be at home.
The day is mine & it is free apart from lunch with a friend, & that I got some stuff removed
Pleased the pub was reasonably empty, that there was plenty of room for the pushchair.
That there was space in the carpark, & that I got in & out easily.
That I remembered fuel, & pulled away safely
That there's no-one to see me cry
That is was dry when I did the smidge of gardening that I did

So many things, husband is home tonight, I can put the heating on, I have friends, & access to the things I want, & things I need.  I can stick the heating on at will, & eat cake for lunch if I want (I didn't - I had curry).  That I'm self-aware enough to know what I need, & what will be good for me.

Tuesday 3 December 2019


  • Just in time
    • for the training it benefitted me to complete
    • home for my nap
    • awake for lunch & to fill the car screen wash
    • to work for another meeting
    • meeting trainer in the corridor to direct me to the correct room
    • to the training to get the best seat
    • volunteering to take down the posters taking me to hometime
    • no queue at the post office or the pet shop
    • home to clean out the bunnies before it got dark
    • & to be in ready for my parcel
The meeting I had was gentle & a good laugh, & supportive.  Very glad I had it, & for the opportunity to open up & find a new source of support, & to get a fresh perspective too.  For someone to recognise that the isolation is a problem.

Parcel has just arrived, & I have a few more things picked out to pack.  A friend has agreed they want a set of glasses I thought they'd like, & a workmate is taking something that someone else has failed to take.  Feel like I'm back on track with the decluttering / packing.

Thankful for my health, physical abilities, house, warmth, provisions, friends, abilities, skills, resources, support, so very many things.

Monday 2 December 2019

Friends & a laugh

  • Thankful I had a good day, 
    • I was awake early enough to potter, & get to the shop for milk & bunny treats.
    • I have enough to do at work & am still getting on with plenty, also that in the context of having not even been back a full working week, that I am still managing to progress activities.  
    • Self compassion, take it easy & get there
  • Got home in time to nap
  • Good feedback from latest readings
  • new starter was brought round before lunch so we could be friendly in the canteen & she eventually joined us
  • on time to pick up friend, roads clear, above freezing
  • liked my dinner & had a good laugh at the Christmas party
    • glad I went, also glad I went with friend so I wasn't turning up alone
    • friend is really happy with crystal

Sunday 1 December 2019

I love weekends

Friend & I both survived the frosted back road to the café, had a lovely chat.  Balanced, 2 way conversation.  Thankful for the friends I have.  Borrowed some lovely looking decks & treated myself to a pre-order.  Also really pleased friend likes her necklace & appreciates the length.  We had a fascinating conversation about shared interests.

Thankful it was dry & I had a few minutes for the woods.  I love being out in nature.  Stayed out of the mud too.

Thankful for massage, we had a really good chat too.  She's interested in some of the same stuff, & is going to have free time next year.

Thankful took the hint, I'm going for a nap & will be starving when I wake up" & cooked dinner.  It was yummy.  Also pleased that we were partway through an episode so watching it was ok.

Had a lovely meditation with my crystals, & tried a new base one.  Worked well.  Woke up in good time for dinner.

Had my reading back from mentor, is looking good.

I also got my through my packing blockage (the teapots that needed washing).  Mission accomplished.  Also pleased a friend has a new social opportunity.  & found another friend who's interested in something we're planning for next year!

Saturday 30 November 2019

Happy Nik

I had a fabulous day out with a friend, & surprise dinner.  Chose well.
Feeling good, another adventure planned for 2 weeks tomorrow.
A friend is accepting a gift, & another couple of things have new homes.
Deposited a bag of stuff at the charity shop, & have found one that'll likely take the footstool (well they say they take furniture).
Husband has fixed the lounge device with a new one.
Finished the book I was reading

The hutch door was still closed with both bunnies inside so me not bolting it last night didn't matter - massive relief!

Friday 29 November 2019


  • Thankful I caught my boss, 
    • that he's acknowledged my maintenance days
    • kinda pleased he only had 5 mins so the conversation was efficient
    • it was earlier than my agreed start time 
  • he saw me having a meeting with someone he'd told me to talk to
    • plan seems straight forward & easy!
    • reasonably convenient training session next week
    • when I put it in my calendar someone else moved a conflicting meeting (so I can attend all the training rather than skipping out early, if I make it in on time for the training).
  •  I've remembered a few time sensitive things & can put aside distractions to get on with them (obviously grats are a priority 💖).
  • A good laugh
    • one of the guys I have good banter with said he'd missed me, & it reminded me about some of the things I enjoy about being there
  • It was dry when I wanted to carry a computer to another department
    • a missing lead gave me a good excuse to pop into IT, where I had a good laugh & good conversation & reintroduced myself to the IT guy.
    • it was dry when I went up there too
  • got some progress made on a few work things, I have hope again!  💖
  • husband chose well for dinner (taking me out to carvery, very quick)
  • the brownies were lush
  • caught up with a couple of friends who are rarely active on messenger

Thursday 28 November 2019

friends & warmth

  • Thankful I am currently able to choose my days, & that I could stay home today.
    • A day to myself, with friends to message
    • finished friend's necklace, made it neater, worth the effort of redoing it
    • did some of my crystal meditations, the honey calcite is gorgeous, & I can revisit these any time I want
    • happy to have time to spend with my crystals
    • read some of the book, will likely have it finished for Saturday, have been enjoying it
  • Heard the window cleaner & opened the gate so they did the back
    • offered them a brew & they accepted
    • am pleased even on bad days that I can still be kind & raise a smile
    • remembered the right no. of sugars etc.
  • Soon perked up, managed to bounce around a little & was cheered up
  • glad I can have the heating on whenever I want
  • got some glasses washed & wrapped
    • couple of bags of stuff ready for the charity shop
  • enjoyed dinner with friends
    • remembered to take brownies for them
    • more plans for soon
  • got reading edited & sent, relieved it's gone.
  • local paper arrived in time for me to use in the rabbit hutch after I cleaned them out.

Wednesday 27 November 2019

Beaches & company

Had a good lunch & walk & talk with a friend yesterday.
Saw some fab little birds
Had an enjoyable evening with a friend.
Slept well, & got up early & got my reading sent to my mentor
Finished a colouring I did for a friend,
Napped & seem ok for crystal club later
Still making baby steps at work, taking more complicated ones, & arranging meetings.
Someone I was expecting to be difficult to deal with was easy & pleasant.

Monday 25 November 2019

another good mood

I am thankful for time & space. I keep being so inclined.
Thankful my boss made time to speak to me, & is continuing in a gentle, concerned manner.  & I got enough done today.
Thankful to be in a good mood, & for the laugh I had with a friend today.
Thankful for my friends.
& to have shared my new favourite song with a friend.
& that my tired today is normal tired, & I've perked up after a nap.
Husband made me unsolicited hot chocolate, friend is popping in tomorrow.

Sunday 24 November 2019

Not so lazy Sunday

Thankful I get to lie in bed with husband.  Woke feeling well rested (well got up & pottered around & then went back for a nap).  & got myself out in time to walk to friend's house for second lunch.  Had a good (excitable) chat with someone I don't usually have such upbeat conversations with.

The practice session was useful, & friend had got us a real client to treat.
Home via the beach, had a lovely time listening to the waves & got my 10k steps for the day.
Curry with husband was nice.

Thankful for lazy starts to the day, & being able to take it easy, & for being in a good mood today too.  Seems to be more than a fluke!

Thankful friend has taken the step, & it's one more item out of the house. She loved her pyramids.  It was dry when I walked there, & afterwards when I went to the beach, & got there before it was too dark.

Bunnies are happy & eating, & I found some newspaper for their hutch.

I am also (secretly) very thankful that a mate has rearranged plans for Wed. I knew wed evening was busy but hadn't considered that I'm working wed & thurs & a busy wed night is a bad idea.  This way I get plenty of naps if I need them.

Saturday 23 November 2019

Free & friendly

Woke up early, refreshed.  Remembered park run, was up early enough to volunteer.
Bit of social, bit of volunteering, bit of exercise, doing something I believe in...  all good stuff, & all that fresh sea air!
Jogged a little, walked a lot (to get there in nice time).  Some of the park runners are very appreciative.  Phone survived the damp.  Last litre of milk from the shop on the way home.  Husband made me hot chocolate without being asked!

Turned up just in time to hello to a new acquaintance, found the place & got parked outside.
Am thinking of all the things I am thankful for, including being able to come home & get warm after getting soaked, & that I kept my good mood.
Found the bit in the book that made perfect sense to me.  I have found the source of my discontent & now I can properly try to fix it.

Thankful for my friends & family.  For husband cooking & looking after me so well, & being so supportive.  That everyone is well & healthy.

Friday 22 November 2019

Who needs energy anyway

Thankful husband sleeps through me having the lamp on, reading on bed, getting up etc.  & that lamp & books etc. are easily to hand on the shelves he put up for me.
Thankful to catch a friend who's busy in evenings.
Happy friend has rearranged plans, & that I had the sense to admit the original plan was beyond me.
Glad of my bed, & being off today.
Bonus half hour before friend arrives, more relaxing on the sofa
Made other friend laugh, glad she's in a better mood

Massive relief at having come off the tablets when I did, my liver results were so high, & have come back down massively since so there's no need for concern.
Got a parking space right outside & enjoyed reading my book, & had a little nap before it was time to go.
Cooked lunch for me & a friend.  Success.
& had a little play on a few things at the park.
It's been a fun day.

Thursday 21 November 2019

even bad days

Thankful I got a couple of crystal meditations done & I enjoyed them.
A lie in with husband, found a couple of crystals I thought I'd lost.
Got the doctors appointment I wanted with the doctor I wanted.
Made it to lunch time & had a laugh
Phoned my boss & got to leave early.
Got enough progress made, & some records in order.
No pressure, no obligations
Thankful I got home before I cried, & my bed is lush for crawling into

Wednesday 20 November 2019


Thankful husband was extra cuddly this morning, & that we got to work ok.  
Spent more time talking to the new girl & she's fun.  She also brought my lunch to the canteen with her.  Husband shared chips & they were really good.  Lunch was a good laugh.

Got a big hug from workmate, & we had a really good laugh, it was obvious she'd missed me.  Picked up from where I'd left off on Monday, & have got plenty of work to carry on with tomorrow.  & it's easy with no pressure.  Got a thank you from someone I didn't expect to.  Calmly accepted some problems that've arisen without getting stressed.  Managed to stay until my agreed temp hometime.

Glad I'm enjoying the decluttering / sorting. & that there's no rush,  It's liberating being able to part with things.  We've even managed to sell some stuff.  Remembered to get hay while husband did the shopping, & he got me milk without being prompted. 

Concerned friends checking up on me. Supportive.  Plenty of support in place.  Started dithering about whether to go to work tomorrow or Friday, & friend texted reminding me she's in work tomorrow & that's why I chose Thursday to be in, & anyway I've got plans with a friend on Friday.  It'll all work out.  I've perked up after my nap.

Tuesday 19 November 2019


Thankful the neighbour puts the bin out for us, & pulls it back.
That I can sit & watch the frost without needing to be out in it.
Messages with friends, & chance encounters with friends,
& especially for trips out with friends, with the care & support I have.
A lovely snuggle with husband, & general content in our relationship.
That we have heating, & a house, & luxuries, & necessities.
Thankful to be in a good mood, out of bed, & with options but not overwhelming choices.

Also thankful for the millions of things I take forgranted, being able to drive & afford fuel, the generous way work are treating me, having time & space to think, & recover.  Being able to read, & access to all the books I have.  Libraries, doctors (healthcare in general).  That the tests today were successfully completed.

That I remembered a few errands that're now taken care of.

Monday 18 November 2019


  • Thankful that I woke up, that husband did the bunnies for me, & that there was plenty of parking at work.  Also that it doesn't matter that I was late.
  • Boss was happy that I turned up
  • Got to catch up with workmates, & have a good laugh. & meet the new one (& she has a treats drawer)
  • Lunch was fun, as usual, & I managed to remember my login details & get started on an activity.  Also that my brain was working enough for me to get started on some activities & hopefully intercept a mistake.

  • Glad too that husband is laid back enough to not be bothered by a few grumps, & that I remembered the chippie was shut & drove him elsewhere.
  • & that I've remembered that there's no milk, so off I got to the shop

Sunday 17 November 2019

Time & space

Today I am thankful for sleeping well, energy, & being able to get up healthy & well.
For things I can give away rather than throw out, for the bin being by the door & easy to use, for paper & pens & being able to label areas that are done, & things that're packed.  For clever apps & the inspiration use them.  For friend getting some mojo back & letting me read for her.

Thankful there is space for me to put stuff, so there is no immediate rush to remove it from the house.

For having the time & space to do what I want, & the ability to think of what to do, & things around me that cheer me up.

Saturday 16 November 2019


thankful friend contacted me & we met up
for PJs & warm house to come home to
for husband making me bacon & dinner, & dinners for the week
& friends to chat with
& washing machine & conveniences, & that friend's present fits perfectly in the box I've got.
& that it stopped raining while I went out to the bunnies,
& some stuff has new homes, & some stuff has been sold via a friend!  & I've actually packed a few things, not everything is being given away.

Friday 15 November 2019

Rest day

thankful I have today off & I can just rest, & that I convinced myself off the sofa
that I got to wear fluffy clothes & get my parcel, & that they didn't need ID
the pyramids are lush,
I have cleansed the rooms, thankful for my dragon & crystals
thankful husband has put an asda order in so I can just collect him & come home,
managed to switch an uninspiring reading for a better one in the exchange,
figured out how to adjust my chair rather than have a meltdown so I'm really pleased with myself.  Quite happy for that to be my achievement of the day.

Spoke to talking matters, same assessor & have managed to get onto the waiting list for a new location which should be shorter.  Glad I heard the buzz of the phone ringing & answered it.  She says I sound much better for being off the medication.

Thursday 14 November 2019

Back to work

  • Thankful about so many things about my working day
    • discussion with boss was ok, got the main things I wanted (tomorrow off, only dealing with my building / friends)
    • arrived perfectly on time
    • introduced the WAP concept & started that discussion
    • got through all my emails (guessed the correct number range), & outstanding documents
    • got home just in time for my nap
  • Lunch was a good laugh, & I ate well, lunch with friends
  • Temperature in building was ok, & new hoodie was perfect
  • catching up on crystal meditations & enjoying them
  • husband home!  tea was nice, 
  • remembered to get cash, & a treat for the bunnies

Wednesday 13 November 2019


  • Thankful that I got to
    • the tip, clearing a bag that was in the way & taking a little more from the garden
    • the health food shop, got my stones from yesterday
      • tourmaline wants to be a necklace 
      • very pleased I got it finished to wear tomorrow
    • home in time for start of service slot
    • Pilates
      • a good conversation with someone I've not chatted with before
      • stated my preference for crystal day
  • Friend called round with flowers for me
  • Boiler service done in time for me to have a nap then go to Pilates
  • Remembered the potatoes, will have them tomorrow
  • Am cautiously excited about going back to work, probably more excited than anxious, & am sure it'll be ok
  • New pyramids ordered & posted!
  • Friend's back seems much better these days

Tuesday 12 November 2019

Friends & doctors

  • Thankful I got the flu jab through work, that there was no-one around, & that I had a quick chat with the nurse about my return, she approved & documented the revised proposed return to work.  That I was in & out without crying.
  • A friend messaged me to invite to dessert, thankful she made contact, & that it was sufficient motivation, there was something I liked the look of & really liked. We had a really good laugh, baby is ok, friend is good...
  • Being able to get doctors appointments.  Saw a nice doctor & got to tell my story sensibly.  She authorised the phased return, & we had a reasonable chat. Very pleased to be off the tablets, & getting my brain back.
  • Husband sent some sweet messages
  • Chatting with friends, including reminding me where some of books were
  • When I was cold & wet I had a dry, warm, safe house to come in to.
  • remembered who the pet pyramid would be perfect for & friend is going to send me some pictures,
  • remembered heating guy will need access to radiators & boiler while I have time to clear the way
  • husband left me tasty food, so I can easily eat well while he's gone

Monday 11 November 2019

Funday Monday

Glad I got well cuddled by husband before he left, & I was calm after he'd gone.
Crystal self healing helped me realise something, & conversation with friend helped it properly establish.
Got a catchup with a neighbour & she carried the parcel round for me
Day worked out well, timing's were ok
Lots of fun & decluttering

Sunday 10 November 2019

Crystal course

  • Thankful I was awake early & got up.
    • picked up friend on time
    • got the seat I wanted 
  • Thankful I remembered all I need, 
    • pyramid was for friend,
    • glad I took Oscar, used for the meditation
    • didn't buy anything afterwards
  • Recognised when I needed to escape, 
    • thankful it was dry & I can walk in my boots
    • plenty of time remaining for lunch & the cake was really good
  • Remembered massage, got there in time
  • Husband finished the shed

Saturday 9 November 2019

Yay me

Got a convenient doctors appointment organised,
First Christmas present wrapped
Cancelled going out tonight (friend was fine with that)
Remembered to suggest meeting later on Monday
Husband has started on the shed
Old rabbit hutch & run have been rehomed
Bread machine came clean

Friday 8 November 2019

Friends & free time

Very thankful I discovered the bit of plastic in my new socks (with my hands as I was hanging them rather than when I was wearing them).

Christmas meal is at a good time, & there's something on the menu I like, husband has take care of our bookings.

That when I grazed the post the car wasn't damaged & I got out of friend's drive without hitting the car opposite. & I got to collect husband from work.  Petrol station was empty.

Soap brillo pads & me did an amazing job & I degreased a few things.
Husband remembered milk for me.

Catch up with a friend has helped cement some ideas.  Caught up (quick hellos) with quite a few friends today.

Miracles & manifesting pyramid is working it's magic.  Friend gifted it to me.  Plans have come together beautifully for Monday.

Thursday 7 November 2019

No ordinary Thursday

  • I got a choice of parking spaces right where I needed to be
    • Got to reception in good time
    • Doctor requested a full blood set, including the hormones
  • Friend was there and we had a fab chat, & she had some wonderful new pyramids
    • so glad for my emergency £20
    • left on time for the appointment
    • got there right on time & there was a space outside
    • the experience was interesting & therapeutic
  • Some fab boots in the charity shop as I walked past
    • my size, meant for me ;-)
  • Awake to collect husband
  • Reply from boss
    • what I wanted to hear
  • The bacon husband cooked was spot on
    • he remembered to share the ice-cream
  • showing GP app to friend I noticed there was an appointment booked for tomorrow (that I neither requested nor knew about, I think it was an error from speaking to reception this morning).  Cancelled it & it's showing on the system as available now - phew.

Wednesday 6 November 2019

Early days

  • I got my fibit synced, via updating the app.  There's now a sleep score (based on sleep duration, quality, & restlessness).  Am looking forward to collecting the data!
  • Am thinking the dodow works well, the challenge is to fall asleep before the thoughts start up again
  • Looks like good news is imminent.
  • Cancelled lunch means I have the opportunity to declutter a little, & take stuff to the charity shop
  • Am feeling good today, & made myself a lovely grid.  Enhanced friend's grid & she is happy with it.
  • The "well reasoned" suggestion I made is going down well with other members

Tuesday 5 November 2019


  • Got to see friend & her baby, lovely catching up
  • found my way to counselling, enjoyed the session & found it useful,
    • realised I am looking forward to going back to work in some ways, 
    • remembered some of the things I like / appreciate about my workplace / job
  • beach, listening to the waves, carpark was quite empty when I returned to it, 
    • tried out a new cafe & had an enjoyable time with a cup of hot chocolate
  • had a lovely chat & treatment with friend
    • she's sorted out my neck & back / shoulder
    • she was so distracted by the crystal heart that she didn't I'd left her extra money 
  • chats with friends
    • one friend who rarely initiates conversation did so tonight
  • husband is home 😍

Monday 4 November 2019


  • Thankful I got to the crystal shop & she had the stone I wanted, I got the last one.  Was quite restrained & didn't buy too many.  Remembered the names of the cards I was tempted by so I can research them.
    • Got to call in to a local beach & enjoy listening to the waves, in between showers
    • got safely out & back & had time for a nap before collecting husband
  • Friend I'm meeting later in the week is enjoying a book I didn't get into so she's happy to keep it.  I might take her a couple more from my collection to see if she wants them.
    • She's going to lend me a couple more sets of cards to see if I like them.
    • She's in a better situation now.  Pleased for her
  • Got some lovely feedback on my reading, & made what I thought was a well reasoned suggestion on another thread,
  • Got to collect husband on time,
    • got a quick chat & hug from a friend after a chance meeting
    • husband made me hot chocolate before he left, & I got a snuggle on the sofa watching tv
  • Am getting over the side effects of the tablets, & am happier being off them, reassured it was the right choice
    • husband agrees I'm doing the right thing, in the best way
  • Found a plant-based food challenge to try, is perfectly timed with wanting to cook healthy, wholesome meals & cut out the take-aways.
  • Thankful for friends being available to message & for mutual support.

Sunday 3 November 2019

my heart overflows

  • Thankful for some conversations that I've had tonight.
    • that I have friends to take the time to check up on me,
    • send me interesting links
    • help me in practical ways
    • suggestion for a new blog
  • Thankful I've remembered my grats
    • that I enjoy doing them.
    • that there is plenty for me to be thankful for
  • Thankful I took my mentor's comments without feeling (too) defensive / criticised,
    • that I included her thoughts,
    • that the querent has replied & is happy with her reading
    • also for another conversation we've been having
  • That even though I've stayed up later than intended, I have plenty of time to sleep in tomorrow,
    • bed is comfortable, 
    • I seem to be sleeping better
    • am enjoying seeing the fitbit sleep data
  • I remembered the corn on the cob in time for us to eat it tonight
    • very thankful I didn't discover it mouldy in the microwave 😆
    • husband made lovely dinner & it was ready for me coming back from yoga
  • Thankful I got fleecy material & have a new simple (hopefully quick) project for the next couple of days.
  • Thankful that I'm ok after my hard stop of the tablets
    • that I discussed it with the doctor & came off them,
    • grateful for the experience, & giving them a chance, & for a better understanding of what people go through
  • that husband is so fantastic & understanding,

Saturday 2 November 2019

Books & trees

  • Thankful the trees are trimmed, & all is done, also that the neighbour behind came out to say how happy she was about it, & gave me some mint for the bunnies.  The bunnies soon recovered from sulking from the noise, too nosy not to be interested in the mint!
  • Happy husband came to the woods, & it was great watching a kid jumping in the puddles.  Kid was so happy.  Also that the café was open, & someone ahead of us tried the door so we knew that.  My bacon was lovely.
  • Husband's just made me hot chocolate & I've hung his washing, done my one item of housework for today - a new habit streak.
  • Having an interesting conversation with a friend.  Ideas are more fun shared.  Very thankful I have friends to share with.
  • Also glad no real ill effects from skipping today's tablet, a headache that I may've had anyway.
  • Found another couple of bookmarks in books I'm ready to donate.

Friday 1 November 2019

Doctors went well

  • Thankful that husband worked from home, a lie in for me.
  • Thankful that it was only spitting when I set off for the doctors, that when I got lost I still was able to run a bit & arrive on time.  & that she was running late so I had time to recover. 
    • Thankful that I got this doctor, I like her.  She even asked if there was anything else, something that I was perhaps reluctant to say.  There wasn't but I found it a nice touch that she asked.
    • she agreed to the blood tests I wanted & I got booked in for them, hopefully to get the results before I go back to work,
    • thankful that I can come off the tablets, & that I feel good about that
    • & that I remembered to email my boss while I still knew what to say
  • Thankful that my reading request came in early, it was easy, & it's gone to my mentor now.
  • Thankful that I replied to a conversation I started, & made it into a good - bad - good sandwich.  I remembered a book he'd recommended & said I'd enjoyed it.
  • Thankful for friends to chat with to help me think things through
  • thankful that husband took me walkies, hopefully the start of re-establishing that habit.
  • & I ate fruit & veg today

Thursday 31 October 2019

Low obligations

Husband stayed home a little extra this morning, & I drove him to work.  Got home for a nap, did a crystal healing that did the job.
Thawed out soup, & had it with toast, enjoyed it.  Glad I did that bit of cooking the other day.
Glad too that I can have a lazy day, that I'm still at work & can nap at will.
That I went to the corner shop early enough that not being able to get cash there wasn't a problem, & I got my parcel posted & cash from the post office.
Napped for long enough to get me to collect husband & back, & he made lovely dinner.  That we have cameras so can see who's at the door & we can ignore all the trick or treaters.

Wednesday 30 October 2019


Thankful that today's delivery was a book & it fit through the letterbox, that friend found a free carpark & that there were spaces available.  That I'd taken a book to read & it was dry as I sat outside waiting.  That I took a sensible choice of footwear, coat & ear wrap.

Thankful that I got home in time for my nap.  That friend shared some useful insights, that it was a dry day, we found a dog friendly café & her dog was well behaved.  That there was something appealing on the menu, & that people were patient as I messed up ordering.

Thankful too that we got to walk on the beach, & that I took my shoes.  That husband woke me up in time for Pilates, & that I enjoyed it.  That I've just remembered the change of date for Christmas party & put it into the calendar.

Thankful for friends, & the people keeping an eye on me, & for the blogging community I'm part of.  Thankful that I have so much to be thankful for.

Tuesday 29 October 2019

Lazy days

Husband came & lay with me while I talked to him, ever calm & understanding & supportive.
First delivery was early enough that I could go back to sleep afterwards.
Second delivery was before my phone call.
Phone call gave me access to a new point of view, & hopefully referral to a more useful (long term) work.
Got a fabulous new fluffy top.
Friends to talk to, dry weather.
Made my soup, enjoyed chopping the veg & watching a new tv show.
New book ordered & is arriving tomorrow.

Monday 28 October 2019


Today I am thankful for all the things I take forgranted that make my life easier, & not everyone has access to (some of these are things I used yesterday, still grateful for them today, & everyday - even when I don't use them it's reassuring to know they're there).
  • hot running water, 
    • safe & plentiful drinking water
    • sinks & the shower
    • washing machine & dishwasher
  • flushing toilet, plenty of toilet roll
  • indoor kitchen with extractor & window that opens, & husband cooking
    • food mixer, oven, grill, microwave
    • electricity & lights,
    • wifi & internet
    • gas & the heating
    • fridge & freezer
    • entertainment, books & being able to read
  • a corner shops within easy walking distance
  • the tip was empty when we went
So much to be thankful for, my heart overflows today.

Sunday 27 October 2019

Not so lazy Sunday

Enjoyed the extra hour in bed, & still got to the tip while it was quiet. Husband came with me.
Bunnies are happy & healthy, picked them both up.
Got some of the garden waste disposed of, started filling another bag - natural stopping point when I got skewered by a thorn - has since been put in the waste bag.  Found enough newspapers for a while.
Did a little bit of housework, getting there slowly.

Made a cake creation, came out reasonable.  Workmates & colleagues will eat them.
Made it to yoga, was a good session, & a reminder to do more stretching & flexibility work at home.  Met friend outside, arrived at a good time & got a good spot inside.  Extra value as the session over-ran, & nicely home in time for dinner.  Very yummy dinner & husband got me treats.  Found a new show to watch that I'm enjoying.

Saturday 26 October 2019

Blow the cobwebs away

Remembered my grats today!
It was dry & there're exercise machines overlooking the beach & sea nearby so I went there & they were all free (no-one else using them, plus there's no cost, & car park is free & there were spaces available).  I love the sound of the waves, thankful I live at the coast.
Got to post my angels on the step thread.
Husband has been looking after me well.
Spoke to quite a few friends & made some plans for next week.
Even did a story cube story today.
Got the spare bed made, & husband did some washing up.
Felt better after a nap.  Have a few books that can be decluttered & a crystal is going to a friend.
Thankful for what I have.

Friday 25 October 2019


Remembered just in time that friend finishes half an hour earlier than I thought.  Other friend was unavailable so I arrived in time.  Just got the last space in the car park, & met friend & she got a space that she parked in perfectly.  Enjoyed soup for lunch & a good chat.
Got my assessment appointment.

Thing I wanted in charity shop was still there, & as a bonus so was something else, & there were more - I got first choice.  Just got to husband in time.  Had a little nap as he shopped.  He got what he wanted.  Had a good nap tonight.

Remembered to message my mum, they're ok.

Thursday 24 October 2019


Am thankful I'm feeling better, & for the space to recover.  For access to healthcare & medication, friends and support.  Enjoyed Pilates yesterday, thankful I woke up in time to go, & that there was space for me.  Thankful for my health & physical capability, for friends & support.
That I made it to crystal club, remembered my dowsers.  The session was fun, introduced someone new to labradorite, & found the box containing it in the shop.  Also pleased I was restrained in my shopping.  That I left when I was still ok to drive, & got home safely.  That I found friend's house & that I got her a different clear quartz.  That even though I was early to lunch, friend is also reliably early.  It was really good catching up.  Am pleased other friend changed it to breakfast today, getting up early had me napping early.  Thankful I collected husband's parcel, getting to there before it closed, & he checked the id before the parcel name (so the different initial wasn't an issue).

Thankful another friend is free for lunch tomorrow, & that I changed my appointment.  Also friend is looking like her job is secure, & baby will be home soon.  That it's dry, & I got out on my swing, remembered my parents card (& retrieved it from the shop).  That husband is home later, early enough to talk to.  Thankful for all I have.

Thankful I was able to get help when I needed it, that I was able to make that decision.

Tuesday 22 October 2019

Sundays & Fundays

  • Had some lovely chats with friends over the past few days.
  • Found friend's house ok, got back in time to have tea before travelling friend arrived.
  • Meeting with nurse ok, & got in & out without meeting anyone else.
    • Got up & ready & arrived on time.
    • Thankful no-one else was due in after me, so it doesn't matter that we over-ran
  • Weather was good yesterday for the woods, correctly remembering the parking area.
    • Found a café & somewhere to park.
  • Got out to see an Orionid.  Was still dry, got steps, & on way back saw it once cloud was fun.
    • Friend stayed an extra night so we could enjoy extra time together.
    • Fun on the swings with friend.
  • Feeling better on the tablets.
  • Another friend is free for lunch tomorrow & we're going to try somewhere new.  
    • Have been trying to catch up with him for ages.
  • Thankful for editing,
  • Reading is finally sent, this one was a chore so I've gone inactive for this weekend, 
    • thankful mentor is laid back with timings & readily available.
  • Caught up with another friend at the perfect moment in a shop.
    • got what I wanted for another friend
    • Took a detour (went exploring) & then arrived safely there on the second loop.
      • Happy that I am calm when I get lost & it becomes an adventure / learning experience
      • Their dog came & got a fuss, he's so lovely & soft

Sunday 20 October 2019


  • Thankful I slept reasonably well,
    • that I woke calmer
    • that husband is so laid back & cuddly
  • For friends
    • to listen to my ramblings
    • to share ideas with, & jokes
    • to keep an eye on me & offer help
    • to remind me of all the good & fun there is
  • Thankful I got the bed cleared
  • tyre is ok
  • for someone's blog I was reading who's given me some lovely replies
  • for the blogging community I'm part of
  • for easy access to info

Friday 18 October 2019

A lazy day

I have been having a laugh with a friend, crying laughing.  Feels good, & been a while since I've done that.
Husband came home early for me.  He'd've come home at lunch if I'd've wanted him to.
Am feeling better than first thing.
A friend is going to have the bread maker, counts as today's decluttered item.
Finished a colouring, I have plenty of hobbies & resources to support / indulge them.
Am drinking plenty of water, tap water is safe to drink & plentiful.
A few supportive messages from someone I just told, & some plans in the making.
Cooked lunch without burning anything.

Thursday 17 October 2019

The outside world

Thankful friends are tolerating how self  obsessed i am at the moment.   That I do generally remember to ask how they are.  & that I will later message one to say I'm glad she's feeling better.

That a few people have got in touch yesterday out of the blue.  I love those, "I'm free if you're available" messages from people who never have time to breathe.

Friend's cat came to me for a stroke.

Husband's home.  & I sacrificed hot chocolate so I'd have milk for cereal.

That it was dry at the beach & I enjoyed sitting there reading  a book & messaging  friends.  That I have enough warning of being tired to get safely home to nap.  That I was awake & ok to go to friend's & I liked the food.  & that I got home safely from here too.  That I have got safely home from everywhere I've ever been.

That a few people I've known along the way have now dropped off my radar & are.out of my life.

Got reassuring feedback from the others, & from the client.

Wednesday 16 October 2019


Thankful for friends, for all the support I have.  One of them (who is chronic at keeping in touch) messaged tonight out of the blue, I am touched.
Thankful I knew I was getting hungry & friend keeps snacks in her car, enough to tide me over before food.  Thankful I took a coat, & it was dry (both the coat & the weather).  2 beaches & a water feature to enjoy, saw some ducks & swans (or geese).
Did a really useful clarification exercise with her.  Now I know what's important.
Had a better chat with the doctor, & got to ask some of my questions.
Thankful that I had the strawberries out for friend coming & she enjoyed them, & the grapes.
Remembered to take the opportunity to practice dowsing & found some food in the freezer.
Glad too I finally remembered to email work & mention friend is coming, & that I've taken care of emailing my fit note in.  Also that I managed to read this one without getting so upset.
Friend gave me the perfect explanation / title for a colouring I did today. & that I remembered to send him a photo of it.
& for another friend that I reached out to & had a really good conversation with.

Tuesday 15 October 2019


Thankful there wasn't a queue in the post office, that I got my parcels posted.
That I got the things I wanted in the shop, & that I got parked outside.  That someone waited for me to pull out of the space I couldn't see out of, & it was fine cos they were waiting for my space.
Friend came round when I was awake!  & eating dinner so she didn't stay long & I got sufficient nap before going out to counselling.  & she phoned later so I remembered to tell her the flowers are still going strong.
Pulled round a bit in counselling, there are plenty of opportunities to do things (like communicate) once I see them.
 & adventure took me to Tesco so I bought the things I forgot this morning & some tea.  Got home safely.
Done well resisting chocolate.
Ate plenty of fruit.
Seeing a friend tomorrow.  Sorted for a meeting.
Got feedback & my reading was well received.

It doesn't matter that my brain isn't working well, there's always tomorrow,

Monday 14 October 2019

all boxes ticked

got some
  • exercise
  • fresh air
  • fruit
  • social
  • hugs
  • naps
  • support
  • care
  • blog published
got out of bed & got showered & dressed.  Stroked the bunnies.

Thankful for friends & support, and that even on bad days I have everything I need 🥰

Saturday 12 October 2019

Change camp

By 11am today I am already thankful for friends, & the comments on my blog, husband's doing the bunnies for me. Being able to get the bus to these workshops, that there was in date fruit to bring to the shared lunch. & the day continued. There was something I liked at lunch, I walked in just as the friend I was meeting came in too, that there was hot chocolate, that I really enjoyed the session I went to, interesting conversations with people. Safe space, quiet time, being able to sit out on the stairs. husband remembered to do the bunnies, company to the bus station so I got on in the right direction, bus arrived just after I did. Turning up late & leaving early & getting the bus were all good choices, I got off at the right stop. My reading was well received & I've posted it now. That I remembered to post these.

Friday 11 October 2019


Glad cuppa was in friend's house rather than out.  I got to stay in my pjs & dressing gown, cosy.
Her kitten is so sweet & soft, & it kept rubbing up against me & having a fuss.  Kitten love.  She said it doesn't usually take to people that quickly so i feel special.
She was really good to talk to, useful info & a good listener.  Several hugs. 
Very thankful I have friends & I'm not going through this alone.  That I have understanding & supportive friends & experiences to learn from.
Another neighbour invited me round & have me pudding.  Thankful for naps & sofas, & being able to laze. 
Husband came home early.
Friend has agreed to support me in a meeting if i need him to.
Reading is ok, edits are useful to think about but not much work is required.
Remembered about change camp & the sessions I'm most interested in are in the middle of the day so i can sleep in & go late & leave early.
Am off the tablets earlier than expected & it's giving me the opportunity to see what I'm like without.

Glad I remembered to write this post today. I have so much to be thankful for.

Wednesday 9 October 2019


Thankful I had a good nap, that the bunnies are happy & healthy, & soft & I got to cuddle big one twice today! That yesterday we identified stroking the bunnies as soothing, good description.
That I got to friend's house ok, & staying local was a good decision, that there was something on the menu for me to eat, & we had a good chat, & a laugh, & some interesting topics came up.  That I've remembered to put aside the book we were talking about so husband can lend it to her.

That the weather & the ground were dry when we went for our walk, & that I got home safely.  That the longer trip out is saved for another day when I'll have no concerns about getting home.  Pleased too to hear that another friend has made a good decision.  & that I remembered the pan on the hob before anything burned, & that I had soup available for dinner.  
& that husband is home now 😍🥰

That work are implementing mental health first aiders.

Tuesday 8 October 2019


Thankful I caught my boss this morning & I have started the conversation.  & that I have space to think about it still.  That I found out he's on holiday before he goes.
Thankful that my sore throat has gone, that I went back to sleep.
That I got the bins out early, & neighbour pulled them in.
That I got to enjoy the sea air & watching dogs swimming & made it to my appointment on time.
That husband got a charging cable & we can message.
That I got my soup made, has isolated the cooker issue to the main oven.  Soup is nice & I'll make it again. Cooked for myself twice today!
& that I can go to bed early & it doesn't matter.  I can indulge myself in the things I want to do.

Monday 7 October 2019


Today I am thankful again for being able to lie in, for being able to get up at my leisure, & for friends to chat to.  For being able to drive & get out & meet people.  For lunch, for the experiences I can better empathise with (like a friend who always eats in cafes).  For being able to get a parking space, & having a friend to help me carry the hay, & remembering the hay, & there being no queue in the post office.  & for making a sensible choice at lunch.
For the beach being nearby, & the freedom to nap, & getting home safely.  That the mania & need to nap have passed & now I can get on with my day, & thankful for the foresight to get curry out for tea.  & now I can remember what I want from the corner shop, & I can go & get cash & supplies.

Sunday 6 October 2019

Crystal healing

Thankful I got up in time to clean out the bunnies & see my parents off, & to get to the crystals in good time & for the seat by the radiator.  That I got parked on the appropriate side of the road & stayed dry walking up in the rain.  That friend has prepped teacher that I was fragile.  Thankful too for the different atmosphere & being able to sit back & chill.

Thankful I got the opportunity to do a healing, that a friend will let me practice on her too.  That I have friends to share these interests with. Thankful for the healing I had, & that the meditations were enjoyable, & for rediscovering myself.  I have a well defined sense of fun, & I need to indulge it, that's good to know.  Thankful for the clarity to make some decisions.  & for just a small spend in the shop afterwards 😎

Thankful my parents got home safely & that husband washed the sofa throws while I was out.  & that he was happy to come to the other chippie so I could enjoy my favourite fishcake.  That we got parked right outside, only a short walk in the rain.

Thankful that I had the energy to stay awake all day, that I seem to be getting into better sleep habits.  That I was able to gift a friend a crystal, that I am coping better as I'm reducing the tablets, that I have people to speak to, & for the times I don't need to talk & can just listen. Thankful for the kind of person I am, for the being able to prompt people to talk & be able to distract from my worries, & being able to put them into context.  Thankful for my blogs & being able to feel heard.

Thankful for remembering fun things today, & ideas of where to have fun later in the week.  Thankful even my dad had a go on the bongos this time, & that we get on, that the weekend passed easily and we enjoyed each other's company.

Saturday 5 October 2019


Thankful the weather was dry & I got most of the choppings bagged for the tip, plus some of the branches can be dried out & given to a friend.
Thankful I can still have a laugh with friends, & that I am entertained.  Glad that friend is feeling better.
Thankful I remembered to feed the dog
That husband let me lie on him to watch tv, & I enjoyed it.
That I heard back from another friend & she's good to meet next week.
Thankful I have friends to text & meet.

Friday 4 October 2019


Thankful I slept better, for a lie-in with husband off work, for a gradual start to the day.
Remembering to remove my fleecy blanket (& the cushions) off the sofa before the dog arrives.
For lunch, the oven, the fridge, the food.  For Netflix & tv & entertainment.  For comedy shows.

For being able to get up in the morning, being able to see & hear.  Thankful for all the things I take forgranted.

Thankful for my parents & their health, my family & friends & theirs.

Thursday 3 October 2019

Nap time

Thankful I have the day off work so it doesn't matter that I didn't sleep.
Thankful husband took me for a longish walk so I've got today's steps & exercise, & hopefully will be tired out enough to sleep.  Also that the book I wanted to get wasn't in the shop & I'm not tempted by anything else so my no-spend is intact.  That I remembered I had left over soup & had that for lunch.
Thankful that my boss was there when I rang & that we had a little conversation, & that he's being supportive, & that handing in my doctor's note will wait til Monday when husband's back at work.  Also that husband has given me some ideas & I have a vague idea of where to start.
That there isn't too much tidying up to do before my parents arrive tomorrow, & that I still have plenty of nap time.

Wednesday 2 October 2019

Beach, talking, walking

Today I am thankful for the lack of alarm clock since husband's off work.  I am thankful for his calm presence & his cuddly nature.  I am pleased that I am safe & cared for.

Thankful too for a friend who took me to the beach, for the chat & the walk, & the bacon butty & drink.  Thankful to the mutual friend who introduced us.  Thankful for the sun, that the weather was dry, for the pub (& toilets!) in the middle of the walk, & the quiet, pleasant beaches we have here.

I am so thankful that I got a doctors appointment, for the opportunity to say what I needed to, to feel heard, for more time off work, for a boss who's easy to deal with in these respects.  That I'm coming off the tablets, that I remember what it was like beforehand.

Thankful that I have this blog, for the mindset that lets me see good.  For the last time I was in the café & overheard someone ask for sausage sandwich so I knew to ask for bacon butties.  For things I take forgranted like being able to drive, & the beach being nearby, & drinking water, & being able to shower, & having food, & healthcare, & a job, a house, husband, friends....

Tuesday 1 October 2019

My cosy bed

Thankful for my cosy bed.  When husband left for work I just melted into it & it kept me safe and warm.  It welcomes me for naps & sleep, & resting.
Thankful husband seems extra cuddly at the moment.  He's very accepting of where I'm at & what I'm capable of, & he sent me sweet gifs.
Thankful my friends are understanding & happy to rearrange plans.
I made it out to the shop & back.  The bunnies are happy & enjoying their cabbage.
I got my purse back.
I finally put the towels away.  One of my objectives for the day achieved.
Husband is off tomorrow, no alarm!  Looking forward to a long undisturbed sleep.
Thankful he came in & watched tv with me for a while, that he's happy for me to either talk or not talk.  That he's easy to be with.
Also for a couple of friends who checked in with me today, tis rare to hear from them.
One has done well with the meetups groups we investigated online last time he visited.  I am pleased for him & he sounds happy.

Monday 30 September 2019

weather & conversations

Thankful there's a shop with a cash machine nearby & that husband has enough money to lend me some, & that I'll get my purse back tomorrow.  & that I remembered peanut butter.
Thankful that I stayed awake longer today, & my morning nap was short.  I'm seeing that as progress.
Thankful I opened up to a friend, & that we had the opportunity to continue the conversation & it turned into an enjoyable day out.  & that it was dry & that another friend is available tomorrow & we're going out.
Also that I remembered the recovery for the car.

Sunday 29 September 2019

Feeling better

Thankful I perked up.
Husband made me dinner, it was lovely. He just got stuck in as I was going to do it myself.
My reading was spot on, am connecting with that deck without realising, & was pleased with myself for being brave.
Also got outside & trimmed some branches which was fun, & it stopped raining whilst I did so.  It's also ok that I am weaker than expected because I have time to build myself up. & I can take it easy in myself.  & husband came to the tip.  The new shed is ordered, am looking forward to getting it & clearing out the old one.  Have a plan for tomorrow, & then a better plan - time with a friend.
Friend was at yoga & it was good to see her.

Friday 27 September 2019


Thankful I have access through work, & that I was brave enough to give it a go.
That I'm finding the therapy useful, & that today we had a flipchart & coloured markers, better than just talking.
Thankful for a parking space at the beach, & the calm.  For the flowers from a friend, & people to chat with.  For naps, & my crystals, & hobbies.
For feeling better.  & that the rain held off til I was on my way home.

Thursday 26 September 2019


Thankful for being able to lie in, for alarms & for taxis, & money.  Phones, & wifi, computers & tv.
Thankful it stopped raining when I went out to the bunnies, & I came away unscathed from chopping the bramble.  Also thankful the people behind took care of it their side of the fence.
Thankful I got some energy back, I am cheered up.  I found a new app to investigate - hopeful for it's mood tracker.
Thankful I remembered to take my tablet before it's too late, & that I found some cool stuff while tidying up, & also some stuff to part with.
Thankful I moved my coats before they were spoiled, & I finally got to wear a newish coat & really like it.  Thankful for old favourites too.
Thankful swapped the meat I didn't like for his, & he gave me his Yorkshire.
& thankful it's finally late enough to count as bedtime.

Wednesday 25 September 2019


Am thankful the beach is near, that I got to sit out there, that I find it so soothing.  & that it's clear of rubbish.  Also thankful it stopped raining while I was there, & I braved going bare foot on the sand.  Also that the sand was easy to dislodge from my trainers so my car is relatively unaffected 😆 & that the book I'm reading is small enough to fit in a hoodie pocket.

Thankful for my friends, a couple of hugs tonight, & left relatively alone.  Snacks at crystal club were fingers of fudge.  Love them, haven't had one in years, so thankful for a nice treat.  Also there was tea there that I like.

& that friend has good news about the baby & her is about to get much easier.  That bunnies are happy & well & friend's pet has perked up.

Thankful for paid sick leave & breathing space.  For friends that keep in touch. For husband & the care I receive.

Tuesday 24 September 2019

Rainy days

Thankful that we woke up in time husband to not be too late for work, & that I had a nap when I got back.  Thankful too that I easily got to meet friend & all seems well, there's good news & we had a pleasant chat.  She was pleased to see me.
Pleased that I got parked ok, & found the car again.  & I had some nice naps, that I get paid sick leave & have the freedom to nap.
Husband keeps me well treated & concerned friends check up on me.
& the training I helped set up went ok.

Monday 23 September 2019


Had a lovely nap, very thankful to be off work & able to stay in bed.
For having food in the fridge, & water to drink, & friends to speak with.
For the beach being so close, & the weather being good.
Enjoyed my tea, & met friends easily, & they got on well.
Home to husband & to a safe warm house.
For remembering to take my tablet, that the tablets are working.
& for a friend getting good news.

Sunday 22 September 2019


Thankful that yoga was cancelled so that I didn't have to decide not to go, that I remembered to borrow a brick from a friend, & have my mat back in my car.
That I remembered hay for the bunnies & was able to get 2 bags back to the car.
That I found husband in the shop & remembered to get milk.
That we found nice flowers for friend & they were in when we called.
That I have a lovely cosy bed & time & space to sleep

Saturday 21 September 2019


  • Thankful friend came & collected me for the beach, that we left at the right time, that he's sharing useful experiences and talking sense into me.
  • Thankful I phoned a neighbour & that she appreciated the call.
  • That husband is sweet & caring.
  • The weather was good, sunny & reasonably warm
  • I've started being able to part with things, to declutter & downsize

Friday 20 September 2019

Sunny days

Thankful for a friend who took me out for the day, & for the lift home.  For space & ability to talk.
Thankful it didn't matter that I was late, that the weather was good, that friend enjoyed my company.  That we found the place ok.  I made some insights today, I might not remember them but I made them 🤣🤣
Thankful it was dry & we got out in the fresh air.
Neighbour called round with a parcel, possibly as an excuse to talk, am thankful people care.

Thursday 19 September 2019


Thankful for my word a day book, a present from a friend.  & that I enjoy words & have favourite words.
Thankful for my friends, & the people I can turn to, support, friendship, care.

Thankful I got to the doctors in good time & they were on time, that I had a reasonable conversation with the doctor & resisted getting my dose increased.  Thankful that I didn't have to explain too much & my issues are obvious, plus he seemed to remember me from the other week.

Thankful I remembered one of my friends is off & we have plans for tomorrow, that my boss replied to my text & everything's taken care of.  Thankful I walked past the shop that sells crystals, & popped my head in.  Got a lovely thumb stone, & a selenite tower, & the stones I was actually after.  Now to order a colour changing base for it, thankful I have an amazon voucher to spend :-)

Wednesday 18 September 2019

Home day

Thankful I got through to my boss, that I'm free to take time off & that one phone call takes care of it.  That I got through to the doctors & got an appointment, & the same doctor.
Husband is home, hot chocolate might be on it's way!
Thankful I have understanding friends, that I feel better for phoning off work, that I made it to Pilates, that I remembered to borrow a brick for yoga - I intend to go to yoga while my friend is away.
Also thankful I was motivated to do a little tidying up, & I have plenty to read in the house.
Also thankful that I can type at a reasonable speed.

Tuesday 17 September 2019

Even on bad days

Thankful that I enjoy this blog, it's a fun part of my routine thinking back over the day & highlighting my blessings.
Thankful I got an appointment & told the nurse I was scared & she was reassuring.  Having overcome it once, I can do it again.  Have time to think about the rest.  Had plenty of time to get parked & get there, & I got an easy space.
Thankful I live so close to the beach & the weather was dry, & a friend came down to see me & we had fun.  Pleased I can still be fun & have fun.
Husband left me with easy food & I'm going to eat tonight.
Enjoyed reading some short stories as I was finding books to lend a friend.  Glad I can read, & have all the books I want, & enjoy reading.  Very thankful there are things I enjoy.
Also glad a friend reminded me to try a grid, & for the time we did the portal & that I have the mangano calcite & felt better afterwards.
Thankful I have no obligations & can take time out guilt free when I need to.
Thankful taking the parcel to a neighbour opened up the opportunity to talk to her & get another source of support.  Thankful for all the people around me.

Monday 16 September 2019


My bubble held, I woke up in a good mood.
Glad I got a reply back from my boss.
Did some work, & remembered some stuff for the next meeting.
Glad it was dry & that I made it to the beach.  Love listening to the waves.  Happy I live close to the beach.
Husband came to the shop with me for milk, & made me hot chocolate.  & I noticed he left the cheese out so I've put that away too.

Sunday 15 September 2019

Social Sunday

Got to breakfast just on time, support from friends.  Finally admitted what was going on & we chatted about other things.  Borrowed a deck, looking forward to looking at it.
Good bacon.
Home in time for a nap before taking husband out.  Still in a good mood, fun chat there too.  Took him to his favourite for lunch.  Late lunch meant I could go to Yoga, got a nice position in front of yoga friend & she loves her stone.
Much better class than last time - gentle.  Useful.  Intend to go back while friend's on holiday.
Got the bunnies cleaned out & husband got them kale.  Fun watching them run around & hide food from each other.  Snacks in fridge for when I got back - glad I noticed they expire today, & I remembered them when I got back in.  Nice treat for watching tv.
Wind down for bed now, no rush because I have a late start tomorrow.
Interested in one of the courses I signed up for - glad I've found something to do.  Mindfulness explained in an easy way, also plenty of mindful breathing in the yoga.

Messaging friends.  Thankful for all my friends, & the support I have.  For the bubble of care I find myself in today, & when I was struggling earlier - being able to remember that I was in that bubble & find peace again.  That I have a safe & quiet space where I can just be...

Saturday 14 September 2019


Husband has been especially good today, he is always good.  Today is extra.  He's even coming to the beach (which he doesn't really like).  He did well with the shopping and has plenty of interesting treats for me.  I'm eating more (& more easily) now.
I got up & left the house a couple of times.
Found a lovely fleecy blanket in the cupboard.
Spoke to some friends, reassured.

Thursday 12 September 2019

Friends again

Friends still, forever thankful for my friends. For support & people to talk with, & that people still feel able to come to me.
& that I had the sense to come home when I was struggling at work.  I think I'm pleased I made it in, and relieved that I went in late.  Yes, I managed to get a little something done & out of the way.
Husband came home, bringing milk with him.  2 hot chocolates tonight, nice flavour.
He also brought me chicken enough to share when I said I wasn't hungry.  He knows better, & lets me eat whatever.  He also saved me some of the ice-cream.
I also got a lovely message from an old mentee.

Wednesday 11 September 2019


Thankful for my friends, that there are people I can turn to and go to.
Thankful that I am well supported, that I can have an easy day & not be too concerned.  That I have the freedom to wander at work, & take my time.  That I can potter on with little things.  That there are both people who are easy to tell, & people I don't need to tell.

Thankful for the smiley people, & that I can remember that I am a good person.  Thankful for my bed & my house, that I got home safely & have the freedom to nap & take it easy.
Thankful I got to stroke big bunny, & little bunny gave me a minute before she'd had enough.

& a friend sent me a cartoon that motivated me to look for a youtube clip to share.

Tuesday 10 September 2019

Friends & a laugh

Glad I have paid sick days, & that my boss is easy to deal with in such matters, & that I had the sense to phone in & take the day off that I needed.  Happy for a cosy bed & a safe, secure house.  Thankful too for the understanding & support I have from the people I've chosen to confide in.
Glad I live near the beach & had a lovely walk & chat with friends, & I have my appetite back.

Glad too of an easy day today, that I woke early in a good mood.  Got to work & got to speak to my boss.   Managed to get some work done, & lunch was a good laugh. Enjoyed an evening with another friend, (remembered to give her some stuff I'd saved for her) & swapping messages with other friends now.  One messaged out of the blue!  Nice to be thought of.

Thankful I found husband's hammer, & that I've taken care of the washing up, & remembered to get lunch out for myself.

Sunday 8 September 2019

I love the beach

Thankful it's Sunday, that it doesn't really matter that I don't feel well.
That I have friends who will push me to do things, gently suggesting...
That I have access to the things I need.
That the guy I spoke to was nice & things are moving, that husband is supportive.
That husband agreed to come to the beach for me, & then a friend texted & I went to meet her instead.  We had a good chat, & she was supportive too, understanding.  People get it.  I am so relieved I have friends to talk to, that I can be selective about who knows.

Husband has dinner nearly ready, I feel much better for having been to the beach, the weather was good, we walked barefoot on the sand.

Saturday 7 September 2019

Funny how things work out

Had a kip, pumped up the tyres - off we went.
Husband stayed awake when I needed him, remembered the route well enough - glad I can get by without maps or satnav.  Thankful at least one road was still open, & I got there late enough to go straight to bed.  & that I stayed awake the whole time!

Something to eat at the Italian, ordered the right amount, (& glad to share husband's bread & starter).  Glad no-one commented (if they even noticed) how little I ate, & the lack of drink.  
The car wasn't ready so I didn't have to drive in rush hour, the garage phoned before we were stuck in traffic.  Thankful dad did the driving, & I got to sleep in.

Home safe, bunnies are well & happy.