Sunday 31 October 2021


Thankful for the woods, & that I got parked.  That the gym was empty & I had a few mins on my favourite machines before the rain got too heavy.

That it stopped raining while I put the bunny to bed.

That I got to see some of the fireworks out the bedroom window

That I feel better for not taking the statins, & remembered to take my other tablet.

Husband made me hot chocolate, & did the washing up.

The kids round here are sweet and polite.

I started another stitching project & it looks like it'll work

Friend is doing ok.

Saturday 30 October 2021

Days out

Glad I remembered the craft fair and made the effort to go.  That I found it and got parked easily.

That I made the effort to go to the ACT.

That as I was thinking it would be nice to have a friend to walk with, I got a messsage saying a friend was in town.  & we met up & it was fun. 

It was a pleasant day & I got to the woods twice, and had a go on a few of the machines.

That dropping the mango packet meant I saw the wire I needed as I bent down to retrieve it.

That I remembered to do grats.

Friday 29 October 2021


Thankful that my day was calmer, & I had one task at a time.
That nothing is urgent now & I can catch my breath
That I looked into a couple of things and made some progress.
That I had a pleasant evening with husband
That I got home in time to put the bunny on the grass for a while, & it stopped raining when I went out to put her to bed
That I remembered to put my left-overs in the fridge
That there was white chocolate ice-cream too & I enjoyed it
That I have all weekend to read & indulge in hobbies

Thursday 28 October 2021


Thankful that one of the activities got delayed
That my favourite QA officer was in & I got the answer I wanted to the 2 questions I asked,
That I was ready 5 mins before the time I'd told husband was the latest I'd be
That it stopped raining for our walk to the canteen, & for us walking to the car
That he opened my juice for me.
That I enjoy oranges, & some other fruit
Thankful it's bedtime & today is over.

Wednesday 27 October 2021

Productive day off

Glad my boss messaged me to say today's important thing was delayed
& that I got to still have my day off
Got to speak to someone in IT & sort out husband's laptop.
Fitted in a supermarket trip & managed to finish the book I was reading.
That husband picked up food at the supermarket & we had early tea, & a pleasant afternoon watching tv & playing cards.
That we managed to coordinate with friend & complete a scenario in our new game.
That the burner survived being knocked off the table
That I remembered to contact the pension people & managed to get my address changed, & husband got his changed too.
Managed to get the health insurance app and upload the receipt for the scan.

Tuesday 26 October 2021


Thankful I managed to get some queries answered, a bit of work done.
That I found the hospital ok & got there in good time.
That I chose well for my dinner, & it all arrived home intact
& finally made it to the shop & husband came too,
That logging back into work meant I could sort out my plans for tomorrow, & get another few things done.
Glad I have the freedom to come and go.
That I managed to implement a new "& so what" line into anxiety, so what if I'm late?  I don't know where this insane pressure comes from.

Monday 25 October 2021


Thankful to have the day off, 
& being able to nap at will.
For a lazy day,
That Pilates sessions are available to me, & host is fine with dropping out halfway through,
For husband feeding me,
for online gaming & friends,

Sunday 24 October 2021


Thankful I remembered to put the new insurance disc in the car 

That the weather was good for our walk, that there was a nice no. & we had group chats after.

That husband made lovely dinner and we ate early cos I was hungry 

& had plenty of time for gaming, & that was fun.

That it's a long weekend cos of the bank holiday.  That I've been enjoying a new book, glad we have the  volunteers book channel and useful recommendations. 

That I had a pleasant short chat with friend.

Saturday 23 October 2021


Thankful for a day off, for not having to go anywhere.
That husband takes care of meals, & made me hot chocolate, & sorted out the marvel game for us.
That he came down to play, & that we finally won.
That I made it to the ACT session, 
That I had a pleasant day with husband & have started on my next stitching & it's looking good to be posted as a Christmas present.
That someone's hosting a walk at the woods tomorrow so I can get out & get some company.

Friday 22 October 2021


Thankful to get my package posted ok, & that I got back to the car before husband, & before it started raining.
That I got to step away from work to have a rest when I needed one, & looking back over my past time sheets, & I have done my full hours several weeks lately, & even one a half day over.
That it's bank holiday so a long rest this weekend.
That I got done what I needed to today, & was relieved to route my documents before the session timed out (big whoop).
That husband remembered to get toothpaste for me,
That the book a friend recommended from the library was available for me to download today.

Thursday 21 October 2021


Thankful we got to work before my team meeting, & there were free desks for both of us.
That the extra I did was appreciated, & I look good to my boss again.
That husband finished for me to get home before I crashed.
That I felt better after a lie down.
There were knives in the kitchen so I could cut up my apple for an afternoon snack.
I'm pleased with the reading I did.

Wednesday 20 October 2021


Thankful I managed to stop in time in the traffic jam, that I got to art club ok.
That I perked up during counselling, 
That I remembered to eat my left over Chinese, & husband made yummy dinner, & that he looks after me.
I remembered to hang the washing before I left.
That I found a box to fix parcel I'm posting.
That I can take it easy & nap whenever I want, & have easy days
That I have few obligations

Tuesday 19 October 2021


Thankful to have the easy question during the training, & that it's over now.  
That I got a short walk in with husband, & remembered to put the bunny away,
That I got to have a nap, & that I'm free to disappear off for naps whenever I need to.
That I'm well supported & part of a good team with a good boss
That the bank allows weekly recurring payments so I've set that up for counselling.
That I've been enjoying the YouTube show I'm watching & am nearly finished the current stitching piece.
For friends to chat with during the day
For finding a good counsellor that I like & feel is helping me.
For the art lunch & starting to make friends.
That I got registered at a doctors & the wait list is short for the investigations, that I have hope it'll be sorted out.

Monday 18 October 2021


Thankful the boss took the time to catch up me, to reassure me that I'm doing ok & to keep doing what I'm doing (in terms of taking breaks when I need them, & just letting him know).  Thankful I have a good boss.
& good team mates, that they let me talk & are supportive, & friendly.  That I took the opportunity to open up a bit & we have a good laugh.
That husband does the cooking & makes the effort to provide good meals.  That he's cut the iron rich food out, substituting broccoli for carrots, & giving me sensible portions.
That I made it to Pilates for the first time in ages, & have the sense to take it easy & drop out when I get too tired.  That our classes are online so I can still attend.
That I made it to the meditation too, & that seems like a nice class.  That I managed to get into the session.
That my mood is generally stable, and good, & in general (apart from these investigations & conditions suggested by the blood tests) my health is good.  I am capable of doing most things I want to, & have learnt to manage my energy.

Sunday 17 October 2021

sunshine & rain

Thankful the weather was good & husband came out to some nearby gardens with me & we had a little walk.
A friend is enjoying a show I recommended, as am I.
For interesting conversations, & support.
That I told my mum some of what's going on healthwise & updated my dad about the house, & he's offered to lend us money towards a deposit.
That the kitchen is so much better now the washer's been replaced.
For finding some useful online resources, & a mindfulness group,

Saturday 16 October 2021


That I got up for the ACT session & even managed the yoga.  That I'm feeling better and getting my energy back.

That husband did weights with me and I'm getting stronger.

That I made a mistake volunteering and have a low risk opportunity not to dwell on being corrected, and can work on not feeling criticised.  

That I am more assertive now, both with volunteering and telling rather than asking, and with work.  Making decisions rather than asking permission.  

That husband suggested going to the range and I found a nice photo frame.  And then a more practical one in the charity shop as I was waiting for him to collect his glasses.

That I got in touch with a few friends I haven't spoken to in a while.

That I'm getting back into the habit of doing Reiki self healings and was in a lovely Reiki bubble this morning.

That the bunny went straight into the carrier when I went to get her in the rain.

That I enjoyed playing the kalimba and it perked me up 

Friday 15 October 2021

Easy days

Thankful I got up & managed a half day at work,
That I figured out what I needed to do for my pdf & that's in hand now.
That husband's given me notice of his on site days so I can fit them in
That I got friend's card posted, 
someone let me pull out into the traffic
I was inspired to do friend's grid & am pleased with it
Stitching is coming along nicely,
am managing my energy levels better today
got a book finished & posted the review to the book club channel
got slack downloaded onto my phone again & finding it much easier than the website

Thursday 14 October 2021


Thankful to be able to take the day off for rest & recovery
that my boss is easy to deal with 
& husband looks after me
for friends to chat with during the day
that nothing important came up at work
that I'm feeling better now
that I enjoyed reading and stitching and relaxing and having a lazy day

Wednesday 13 October 2021

More rest

Thankful for my rest day, for a cosy bed where I can rest my weary self

For a lie in & getting a letter from the hospital so I didn't need to listen out for the phone, & managing to book a convenient appointment.

That counselling was uplifting & I felt better afterwards, & tackled some of the paper backlog.  That I found my PIN & can log into my savings, & the website was easy to use to close different savings account.

That husband cooks for me, & made nice dinner, & we had a good chat about the house & housing market etc.  That there are plenty of options for when we come to buy a house.

That I was inspired to create a grid, & managed self Reiki.  That I have opportunities to explore and develop myself and create.


Tuesday 12 October 2021


Thankful for naps
That I stayed just long enough to find the paperwork & be there for the discovery of the error - so boss could avert us having a problem.
& my contact was in the corridor waiting for me so I could get in to help him.
That husband got me treats without me asking for any.
That the bunny hopped straight into her carrier to be put away
That my new book arrived
For friends & support
That I can have an early night, no obligations.
That I remembered to pay for tomorrow's session.
That I got to collect my prescription

Monday 11 October 2021


Thankful for the freedom to disappear from work & take naps.  
That the team meeting was a laugh.
That I got a few visible things done from my todo list
That I got to the doctors in plenty of time, & popped into shop & found a nice card, & got myself a drink.
That I remembered I'd paid by paypal before I paid again at reception.
That I got home safely & husband had dinner ready.
That I saw the leaflet for the condition the doctor was talking about
That I can afford the tests & they should be done fairly quickly.

Sunday 10 October 2021

Day out

Thankful for calm hobbies, the stitching & reading, & phone games.
For a pleasant day out with a friend, weather was good & we got parked, & she drove.
That the rest of it was open so we had a decent walk, & my knee held out.
That I got to the shop for milk & remembered cash back.
That I resisted chocolate, & only ate til I was full & left the rest
That the new skein matches closely enough to the previous one & I am on the home straight with the design.
That husband takes care of meals & most of the food decision, & he knows what I like.
That I remembered to phone my mum.
That I've been thinking more about something that upset me & really it's not a big deal.
That friend told me about the drug scheme & it can be applied retrospectively if needed - better to know upfront.
Husband did weights with me, 

Saturday 9 October 2021

Lazy days

Thankful for being able to get up & volunteer for a spell (shorter than a shift) & getting to finish a conversation.  That it was straight forward & low risk.  & only needing to take a single convo.

For coming back to bed afterwards & having a lie in.
For remembering the class & enjoying it, & being able to have another nap after.

That husband cooked yummy lunch & dinner, & I got to catch up with a few friends today.
For getting the insurance renewal sorted.

For being able to count my blessings.

Friday 8 October 2021


Glad I got to chat with the boss.  That he likes my ideas.  

That I had the volume on my phone & heard it ring - that the appointment was rearranged so I didn't need a half day off work and I got a convenient time on Monday instead.

Had a good laugh with team mate and enjoyed the walk.  That there were apples at lunch so I got one, & it's still free lunch Fridays.  Pleasant conversation on the way over with someone I rarely chat with.

The fix seemed to work, and we got our bit done.  That the work WiFi was back on and we got logged into sessions OK. 

That I got the requests sent through and got a good way through today's tasks.

That someone I met the other day was explaining how to plug in and it worked so now I can use the external monitors on the hot desks.

That I found the restaurant & the car park OK and we were on time.  That I put the bunny to bed before we went.   That it was a pleasant evening and mostly enjoyed food and company and husband let me have my favourite bit of his dessert. 

That I picked up a reading from the exchange and have done a reasonable job on it.  

That I have a cosy bed and comfortable house and have plenty to be thankful for 

Thursday 7 October 2021


Thankful that team mate was in & helped me with tech issues.  
I managed to get onto the system eventually & do what I need to.
That I'm ok to have tomorrow off, & the docs didn't phone back.
That I am better off the tablets, & can function tired rather than be exhausted.
That I got my manifesting picture drawn, on a really nice page in present book.
That I remembered to bring my coat home from work.
& that I remembered to pay for my shawl.

Wednesday 6 October 2021


Thankful that I had a decent break between counselling and art lunch.  
That we had a nice session & I enjoyed their company.
That one of the others helped me pick the right shawl colour.
That I got home in time for dinner, & husband had fried the gnocchi for me, & I enjoyed it.
That I remembered to hang the washer, & all my dirty laundry fitted in the load
That I remembered that I love my job & the team I'm in, & am lucky to have the terms I have.
That I enjoyed today's meditation & my slate

Tuesday 5 October 2021


Thankful I had chocolate to share and we had a bonding moment, & I got a hug!  & it was good for us to get our frustrations out, & that I have workmates who will listen & know the value of a rant.  

That I enjoyed lunch & the walk.
Left in time for the low sun to not be an issue when I was driving,
That I remembered my contacts form

That there was something at lunch that I liked.

Monday 4 October 2021


Glad it was pleasant weather & we got to sit outside & talk.  That we go for a walk at lunch, & I have work mates to join.  That the office was quiet & the work went smoothly.  That an issue I encountered was calmly resolved, & the boss came to the team meeting & is setting time aside for me.  That work is going well.

That I made it home in time for Pilates, & am getting back into it.  
That I checked my bank balance & transferred money so have hopefully avoided getting overdrawn.  That we have plenty.

Sunday 3 October 2021

Day out

Glad it was mostly dry while we were out, that I have a coat in the car & put it on.
That we eventually managed to get food, & found a seat.
That she got some clients 
That we had a nice day out, & I resisted fluorite & labradorite, & got some nice crystals.
That I found the oranges we like in the shop
That I got to the carpark just in time to meet friend, & we had a nice day.
People are still interested in coming on the walk next month.

Saturday 2 October 2021


Got to the workshop on time / early.
Glad we went to the supermarket last night rather than this morning, so I had a lazy morning.
That I had enough money for the course, & I enjoyed it, that I survived the drive home safely & when the sun was in my eyes there was nothing on the road.
That I'm making friends.
Glad I looked at the map, & the found the hotel - it isn't where I thought it was.

Friday 1 October 2021


Thankful that team meeting was a good laugh & perked me up enough to go to work.
That lunch was nice & the walk was fun, 
& I was glad I went to work,
& the meeting was much more efficient and we have nothing to do til next week
& the boss came in & he's sorted out me being okay to be off on Wed.
That husband agreed to come to the supermarket tonight so I can have a lie in tomorrow
That I remembered the film workmate recommended & I enjoyed it.
& I got the time confirmed for tomorrow.