Tuesday 31 October 2023


Thankful I got to see some of the fireworks, that my window has a lovely view.  Will remember for next year.

That husband ordered tea while I was busy so it came pretty much once I was free.  And he ordered me the right things, including treats.
He's hoovered and mopped and the place looks lovely clean.
He sat and played another of the new games tonight - it's a sweet game and I like the expansion.

Team meeting was a laugh and workmate turned up and seems ok.  

Managed to get my priority task finished and complete the documents from last week.
Also remembered to take care of another document I'd forgotten about.

Knees are feeling better now after resting.

Found the paperwork for my dental claim so that's ready to post.  
Decluttered a few items too, & rediscovered a no e scented candle.

Slept better and started work early to get a good number of hours in, hopeful I'll actually get my full hours in.

Counselling was OK, she might finally be understanding me.

Monday 30 October 2023


I got to the woods in a break in the showers, & enjoyed the quiet.
Also got to do some backwards walking.

Husband indulged me playing the new games

Got started on a new story, & I have plenty of time before I need to submit anything else so I can mull over ideas.

Husband found the ink for the old printer, so I can try replacing the cartridge before giving it away.

Enjoyed the extra day off, was a lovely break

Am enjoying the new nuts more now too

Sunday 29 October 2023


Pleased for friend what she's finished the proof reading.

Remembered to phone my parents and got to speak to both of them.   They were chatty.  

Got to the food festival  - parking was easy and the plaza was quiet.  Got my first choice food and we left with plenty.  Think husband's enjoying the spending spree.  Glad we have a stash of bags in the car.  And that it was mostly dry while we were there. 

Also that he takes care of the food, so dinner arrived without prompting.  He knows me well enough to choose for me, even if I'd rather the asked sometimes. 

Have played the first of the games and it's probably a good one to play with company, or to eg  take to England in the summer. 

Watched a full play through of the sealed one.  Looks worth the effort and the expansion too.  Have ordered sleeves for it although I had enough left I've that we can get started.  For YouTube and all the information we have access to.  For apps on the TV so I can watch in comfort.

Remembered to message friend to ask how her application's going and sound out thay tomorrow probably isn't a good invite.  

Have created a grid to help me manifest a piece of writing.  Enjoyed creating it, and am excited & optimistic about writing tomorrow.

Remembered to ask chatgpt about the plagiarism and am reassured that using it for analysis won't adversely affect me.  Have submitted my first assignment.  Pleased with myself for figuring it out and being well ahead of deadline.

Weight isn't bad. 

Reconnected with a friend who commented on my Facebook post.  Is good to have friends. 

Also remembered to message another friend to accept an offer and am feeling blessed to have friends.

Saturday 28 October 2023

Fun things

Managed to write a reflection piece and get it typed up, & perform a few more edits on the cafe story.  Friend picked up a couple of errors for me.  Am ready to send it in tomorrow.

Got dressed in time to have lunch, & we had time to get to the chemist and put husband's medication in the fridge before setting out.

Arrived in nice time, & the game was fun, thankfully we won.

Snack break was good, & got me through the second half, & we stayed for dinner which was nice.

Remembered all the games, so looking forward to playing them.  Also that the rain held off until after we had them all in the car.

Remembered to message friend.

Bank holiday - long weekend!

Glad I have hobbies, lots of them so plenty of things for me to enjoy.  That we have room enough for them all.

Friday 27 October 2023

Feeling the love

Glad I messaged workmate, & that husband agreed to us offering the room, also glad she declined. The boss is looking into whether there's anything like a hardship fund.

Enjoyed sleeving the cards, & that husband is happy to play.  Also did really well in an online game.

Have had a good look at tomorrow's game so we're not starting from zero.  Also means they're likely to have it all set up for us arriving.

Husband's agreed to go to the food festival the day after since he knows it would probably be too long a day for me otherwise.

Unsolicited hot chocolate! Been a while and it's a sweet gesture of care.

That we investigated the burrito bowls and they are the best idea, it worked much better with everything mixed together and the sweetcorn salsa is a good shout.  Glad husband tried it first so I got to see it.

Remembered to phone friend & she's OK, they had a nice holiday.

Good feedback from boss in an area I pride myself on.  Enjoyed talking with him and he likes me ideas (& appreciates my foresight).

Thursday 26 October 2023


That I got a message through to husband to cancel my appointment. 

Glad I was in the early session so I had to time to get home and eat.

Colleague came to the talk and the people I spoke to really enjoyed it.

Taking in the book was a good idea, glad I remembered it.

Messaged workmate, glad I reached out.  Also that I didn't say "at least".  Glad they're OK.

Husband ordered dinner and it arrived in time for me to have some. 

Even though I got stuck in traffic, I arrived before class started.

Happy with the piece I wrote in class and read it out.  Also enjoyed the chat at break.

My sleeves arrived so I can enjoy aleev8ng cards tomorrow.

Wednesday 25 October 2023


Thankful for the freedom and flexibility of my job.  That I was able to have a nap after dropping husband of. 
It was sunny and I got out for a walk at lunch.
For the space to indulge hobbies - I had the bongos out and we have a big table for gaming.
Husband played with me & we've figured it out now. 
Next game will be smoother.
For counselling and the space to think and reflect. 
I remembered to go to the library & returned books as well as getting new ones
My ankle was fine with the walk

Monday 23 October 2023

More games

Thankful I'm feeling better today.
Got up and managed the full day's work.
Got out skipping and did heel raises after 

Husband did my blood sugar levrls and they're down to normal. 

Got my prescription no bother.
Got out for a walk at lunch and it didn't rain til the way back.

Burrito place does delivery now and the customisation is really good.

Friend is listing more games and one I like is up and I was first to stake my claim.
Noticed that the other seller is Dublin before I started investigating his games. 

Husband was so sweet he carried on playing after he'd won because I didn't notice and he said it looked like I was enjoying myself 🥰

Have the sleeves ordered for one of my new games.

Sunday 22 October 2023


Glad husband wanted to go to the shop so I actually got showered and dressed.  

That he looks after me and is being particularly attentive at the moment.

That I found the labels and there was enough ink left in the printer for them.

Perked up a bit today.

Managed weights and found my tracker.

Husband fixed my browser issue.

Saturday 21 October 2023


I got myself up and dressed.  
The boots were a good shout so my feet stayed dry.
Called the signpost / turning.
Had time to polish the boots.
Cafe was open & I got some cards, & resisted plants. Weather was fine for us, wind has died down.

Husband played games and watched films with me.  Attentive and snuggly.  Was so cosy in my massive hoodie.
Found the films we wanted 

Got my writing done and am here with grats.

Friday 20 October 2023

Keeping up

Glad my game arrived today and husband's been playing with me.  I found the rules in English  and there was enough ink to print them out.

Also managed to get the spare bedding dropped off and am relieved to have it gone.

Friend is driving tomorrow which is nice.  She's also looking forward to playing games again.

Reminded the boss of what we were supposed to be discussing and got a couple more things moved off the list.

Workmate checked I cos I was late to team meeting.

Someone messaged me out of the blue which was nice.

Thursday 19 October 2023


Thankful I got a blood donor's appointment, & that it's early.  
Husband swapped hygienist appointments with me so I get the later one.

That we got put for some air in the break and a few of us went for a walk.  
Glad someone suggested the centra - I wouldn't've thought of it.  
Led us there & back successfully.
It was dry for the walk.
The drinks were nicer than the canteen.  
And we got back in good time.  
Tutor left the door open for me to get some air into class. 
Classmate shared his chocolate with me.
Tutor likes the latest story and it's probably fine to submit as it is - so that will be instead of the cafe story.

Managed to complete a story in the writing exercise and read it out, which had been my aim for tonight.  Also made the effort to speak to the woman next to me.

Boss is happy with the work I suggested doing and I have plenty to get on with for now.  

Tuesday 17 October 2023

Everyday acts

Got the breakdown finished and sent on.
Was dry for the walk with husband and was enjoying his company.
He  cooked yummy lunch for us.
Counselling was good- I was cosy in my blanket too

He played games and watched TV with me.  
Feeling happy and noticed.
Found the game I was looking for on Amazon- should be fine with German version. 

Finished work on time to avoid something that would have annoyed me.

Monday 16 October 2023


Thankful I got to chat with the boss.  
He's happy with me and I got to casually tell him I don't like reviewing.
I got all my questions answered and am ready to progress a few items.

Husband came gaming with me which meant I had company for the wait.  
It was better than I expected and I enjoyed it.
He also cooked dinner while I showered so I wasn't in a rush.

Got friend's message just before I went on an Amazon spending spree so I'm buying from his collection instead. And that was the push I needed to ask about another weekend gaming session.
Makes the decision for me about the sound bath.

Sunday 15 October 2023


Thankful for the blanket and being able to snuggle on the sofa with husband.  That he watched loads of episodes with me today.

For having variety of entertainment and plenty of free time to enjoy it.

Googled coffee grounds before putting them out on the plants and I was right to wait.

Glad we put the heating back on yesterday - it was frosty today.

Enjoyed creating a grid for a friend & she loves it.

Have 5 of the excess duvet sets out aside to give away.  Charity is still collecting then and drop off is relatively easy.

We did well to get this house and how little work was required.

My brother messaged so I got to talk to him a little which was good.

Saturday 14 October 2023

I know myself

Got a story written- I'm happy with it as it is so it can be a flash fiction entry if it's not enough of a story for a submission.  A few friends are reading it for me.

Am pleased I got the piece written, that I know myself well enough to know eg not to force myself to try to produce something yesterday.  

I still have time to work on larger pieces and plenty of ideas so even if I produce something I don't like, at least I'll have something.

Got some nice wool and a cushioned hook - had forgotten I was looking for one.  Husband managed to get what he wanted from the first shop.

Managed to get the hang of the new square too.  Next one will be even better.

Enjoyed the gnocchi he got me - he chooses well for me.  

Friend did my reference.

Tomorrow I can work on my previous piece.  It's been long enough that I can face it now and it doesn't matter of I don't like it once it's revised.

Friday 13 October 2023


For post settings so I can backdate for yesterday and continue my streak.

That I got up early enough to bank morning hours.
Got the urgent stuff out the way and have corrected my mistakes.  Found something else to occupy me.
The boss messaged to say we'd meet Monday instead which meant I got to pilates.

I'm an adult and I get to make my own decisions and own the consequences.  And I enjoyed watching tv doing crochet.
I have a few story ideas written down and all weekend to work on them.

Central heating and being able to afford to have it on.

Husband played the new game and enjoyed it.  Am glad I got the one with wooden pieces. And I still have a few euros left on the gift voucher.

Have survived this far into the year's no-spend snd am confident of completing it.  Doesn't even feel like a restriction now.

Husband let me have the toppings off his ice-cream.   I love how sweet and generous he is.

Thursday 12 October 2023


Glad I spoke up and got my filling done.  

Appointment finished as I was getting shaky and he actually sat the chair up for me in between him doing work.

That I had time to get to the bank and paying in the cheque was painless.  Also remembered the credit card application.   

And still got back in time for hypercare amd i was right with what I'd done.  IAs now released.

Remembered my cup in time to get back into the building and retrieve it.

Got home safe and managed to extend my story a little.  Have ideas for writing over the weekend and no plans.

Wednesday 11 October 2023


Thankful to get the vaccine in work - easy and accessible.  
Plus it had us on site for a meeting that was better in person.
Husband came to the snack bar with me when the meeting was delayed, that was nice. 
He is usually up for a wander when I need one.
We also took a trip to the nice coffee machine so I got my hot chocolate for the day.
Found out the canteen is open til late in case I ever need it staying insite after hours (or for snacks for eg gaming).
Sound Bath guy was fine with me cancelling at short notice and Monday's is probably a better time (& duration) for me.  And I've remembered gaming -just as well I didn't respond to the sound bath.
Figured out the error leading to a friend's issue and have set correction in motion.  
And I get to add bonus time to my week.  Also doea no harm for the boss to see me working late occasionally- workmate does the bulk of the out of hours.
Caught up with the boss for a few mins which was nice.  He takes the time to speak to use when he sees us.  As does the big boss. 

Lots to be thankful for.
Husband has paracetamol (recommended for after the jab) and offered me his water to go with it.
Husband is sweet and thoughtful.  Very fortunate 

Tuesday 10 October 2023


Thankful I remembered grats.  That missing a few days doesn't ruin it for me.

That my game arrived and it has lovely woodem pieces.  Being in Italian doesn't matter because the English rules are online.
I found the black cartridges I needed and have those rules printed.

Remembered and enjoyed the meditation.  They remembered me too.
Finished the episode with husband in time to make the start.

Had a lie down at lunch and got out for a quick walk after. 

Have done the next few exercises in the creative writing book and a writing goal for the weekend since I have no socialising plans. 

Saturday 7 October 2023


Thankful for having friends,
For having the sense to suggest going out, & having a friend who was available & ready for a cuppa & a chat.  Extra bonus = my drink was free.
Had a bonus wander round the outdoor bit 
Got the curly hazel I was after, & a few other exciting plants too, & nothing bank breaking.
For the lend of a fork which made digging much easier.  Weather was good & I got out planting and everything's in now.
Husband sent me on a list of what he wants for Christmas & that's all ordered now.
My sunflowers are still flowering
Won on one of the games I like playing, & against someone in the high 200s
Looks like the weather's going to be good for tomorrow's walks

Friday 6 October 2023


Thankful I have an easy job & was pretty much left alone.
Husband knew I wanted hot cookies and ordered some with dinner.
Felt better after a nap
There's no deadlines or pressure on me for anything
I have a wonderfully calm life.
Husband takes care of the meals & made yummy cheesy egg thing at lunch.
Managed to get a game I wanted (& I've been doing better on the online solo game).
There're another couple of games to investigate so I can spend the balance on my card
Am excited about the work club starting up because I can rarely be bothered with the travel to the other one

Thursday 5 October 2023


Thankful I made pilates and that I have the freedom to leave early.  For the physical space in the lounge and husband finished his meeting well before.

Managed to resist snacking after dinner.  Dinner was good and I like snuggling under the blanket with husband watching tv.

That I get left alone to get on with my work.  Found something interesting to do and investigate.

Gaming is delayed so we can take our time in Kilkenny.

Got another coding module finished.  Was a bit of a chore towards the end but I think I have the hang of it.

Been remembering times out with friends and sending them reiki.

Wednesday 4 October 2023


Glad I had enough parking paid.
That my card was on my desk rather than lost.
Crowns look good, glad that's all over.

Chicken curry was nice.
The yoghurt I dropped in the kitchen dented and stayed intact.

Got my priority work tasks completed and know what to play with next.

Started a new crochet pattern.

Husband's finally learnt to use a quicker washing cycle, & I have the dryer emptied for him.

The flu jab and my next dental appointment are of different days.  
Got details of the hygienist visits and they shouldn't interfere with anything.

Actually got started reading one of the creative writing books.

Tuesday 3 October 2023


Happy to get outside skipping.  That I'm managing the extra 30s.  

That I had an easy day and was left alone.  Fixed my chromatogram issue and am ready to execute tomorrow.

The next job is ready too so I have plenty to be getting on with without being under pressure.

We revisited some old issues in counselling amd she understands them better now with context.  

One of my friends sent in my timebank reference and I remembered to remind the other.

Husband did my wedges for lunch and the pan fried salmon was lovely.  Then he did steak and fried potatoes for dinner which was also lush- he spoils me!

Got to the library to collect a book, late enough for free parking and practically right outside too.

Finished the scarf and started a new one.  Glad I have hobbies to enjoy.

Monday 2 October 2023


Thankful we got to work OK and in good time.
Managed to shower and take breakfast.
Used the fallen leaves to clear up the spilt yoghurt.

Plenty of steps and managed to catch up with the boss. Was a good chat.  Stayed long enough for husband to catch up with him too.

Managed to get something sorted today and that got me brownie points.  Had a laugh with team mate and she helped out with access.

Lunch was nice.  And we came home for tea.- just as well since gaming wasn't tonight.

Had a nice walk and chat with an office mate, & another is looking to do that nature walk so I'm going to do that with him one day. 

Finished a book and got it returned before it expired.  

Managed being on site and am feeling better in general.  Did practically a full day's hours.

The computer glitch my laptop had at work doesn't happen at home.  Phew.

Sunday 1 October 2023


Glad the walk was enjoyable, reasonable pace and the temperature was pleasant.  

Friends stayed for a chat.  Glad the meetup has served its purpose and I'm happy to let go

Husband did wonderfully crispy bacon when I got home & I had the last of the baguette.

He cooked a new batch of curry which  was lovely and started watching Castle with me again.

Got most of the assessment form filled in.  Enjoyed answering the questions and taking the chance to vent about what annoys me.

Enjoyed the tarot zoom, appreciate the chance to get my cards out.

Not having class this week hopefully means I get to do some reading.

Paid for the car insurance.  Thankful I remembered, that it went through OK, & that I have the money to pay for it

Got the demon story mapped out but think that'll be a short story and I concentrate on the subtitle one as my longer piece - and also that I don't have to decide yet and still have plenty of time to work out ideas.  The tarot pointed towards concentrating on creative efforts and that was useful - I agree.  

That there's enough blue wool to make a decent scarf.  There's enough light from the lounge lamps that I can crochet while watching tv with husband.

Am feeling better again today