Saturday 21 December 2019


So thankful for my bed, it's safe & cosy.  For husband looking after me, & leaving me alone.  He cooked me lovely lunch, & even saved the nose of the brie cos he knows it's my favourite bit.  It's just further evidence of the effort he goes to for me, reminding me to appreciate him for making me feel so special.

Thankful I found an old gratitude journal & it's reminded me of things I take forgranted:  direct debits, not worrying about bills...
It's from 3 years ago & based on "The Magic".  Thankful for the reminder that it's about why as well as what.

Thankful for the books around me, & the entertainment.  That  I can indulge myself in terms of time, & money, &space.  Very thankful that I have such a range of hobbies (quiet, active, passive, ones I can do lying down etc.) so that like today when i'm tired (or my eyes are sore) there are still things that I can enjoy doing.

Thankful for my tablet, that I can still get on the internet when I'm in bed, & for the external keyboard because it's much easier to type that way, & easier on my wrists,

Thankful for my friends, that I can message & stay in contact without having to meet up.  So on off days I can feel supported & be supportive, that's important to me.  I don't want to feel like a bad friend when I'm already low, or that I don't care when I know there are things going on in their lives too.

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