Friday 30 October 2020


Thankful we have the spare table for the jigsaws & I'm enjoying the one I'm doing.  That I've made time for friends this week.  That I had some fortuitous meetings with people at work this week & got what I needed.  

That husband makes me hot chocolate whenever I want, & that he does the shopping.  That he picks me treats I like.  That we have interesting conversations.

That I got paid.  That I have a job.  That I've been doing more of the things I enjoy, like colouring in & reading. 

Thursday 29 October 2020


Thankful that the car insurance is sorted, that I got to work today & for a fortuitous meeting in the print room. For remembering to do the contact form before I left, & that the IT guy came back just before I packed up.  

For having the car, & being able to get out for little drives.  That the new jigsaws arrived & for a good catch up with a friend.  That I have husband & he's easy to get on with, & for my calm drama free life.  That there was a parking space at the parcel motel.

That having a nap earlier means I can stay up a little later to make the bed & do grats, & that I remembered grats. & that tomorrow is a slightly shorter day so I can have a little lie in.

That friend is getting his mojo back.

Wednesday 28 October 2020

Bright mood

Thankful I had a good day.  Got some work progressed.  & figured out how to set up meetings so have a few more this week.  Relieved people accepted them.

Lonely friend has agreed to join us online gaming, I think it'll be good for him. Glad I figured out how to use the keyboard & stopped before my wrists got too sore.

That husband came to the shop with me for the walk, & we remembered what we needed.

That husband & I have discussed the house & have a plan.  Good news about his ma.

That I went out skipping & enjoyed it & my knees survived it.

Tuesday 27 October 2020


Thankful I got up ok, & that I finally got a training course cleared.  That the IT chat was answered quickly by someone competent.

That my no claims came through & the insurance accepted it ok.

That I got to work ok, & it was dry for the walk from the carpark, that I saw a fabulous rainbow as I was walking back out.  That colleague showed me printing & scanning, & boss is going to take care of some paperwork for me.

That we had no milk so husband made me hot chocolate with water.

That husband sorted out my headset for me, & I got into the zoom meeting ok.

That I'm on good form now.

Monday 26 October 2020


Thankful I feel better today, that I had a decent sleep & enjoyed my lie-in.

That I had the sense to drop out of volunteering early when I was in a bad mood.  That I couldn't hear the noise from outside & the bunny enjoyed her snacks.

That we took a short walk.  Husband has let me be clingy this weekend cos he knows I'm not ok.

That I've got a few more self care cards done.

That husband has moved most of the cardboard into the shed out of the way.

Sunday 25 October 2020

Bank holiday

Thankful tomorrow's a bank holiday, I like my long weekends.

That husband took me out for a walk & it was dry & warm, that we've had good conversations today.

That I have friends to chat with, & hobbies to do.  That I enjoy colouring & reading, & quite simple things that are easy to get, & easy to pick up & put down again.

That I got a shout out by a supervisor, feeling appreciated.

That I'm feeling brighter now, & more stable.

That I've rediscovered music (as daft as that sounds), now enjoying some music & singing.

Saturday 24 October 2020


Thankful husband agreed to come to the appointment with me, & that he is so calm.  He gave me a big hug & knows when staying silent is the right thing to do.  That I found the place ok & the woman who processing my application was lovely, & friendly.  That I've been calm since.

That they are snack bars in the cupboard so I can nibble on things.  That the tap water is safe to drink.  That husband cooks for me, & that he finds shows for us to watch together.

That I enjoyed volunteering & my texter was appreciative.  That group chat was fun.  Found some new music.

Husband cut up the melon & brought it to me, along with a hot chocolate.

Figured out how to move on in the game I'm playing, & have uninstalled a couple I didn't like.

That I've rediscovered how much I like colouring in.

Friday 23 October 2020


Thankful I got my work process finished & sensible, & that it fits onto the page on Powerpoint.  That I have it ready to show the others.  & that we can give responsibility back to the lab.  That project unlocks have given me an insight into how to improve the forms.  That I have the document drafted ready.  That I have the forms drafted & ready to go online too.  

That my trays & T-card board arrived, & I figured out how to assemble the board.

For the long weekend & being able to read my book.  That I like reading & have easy access to books.

That I had a good chat with the boss, & I raised some sensible points.

That I have an essential worker letter, so my licence appointment is still valid.  That husband has put the number plates on for me, & I have letters to cover me short term.  Thankful I looked through the paperwork & have what I need.  & that at a push we can walk to work.

That my volunteering conversation went well. 

Thursday 22 October 2020


Thankful I settled into work & got the urgent changes performed.  That we got to the bottom of an issue & I completed the logs while I had all the projects selected.  That husband was sweet, & I got the writing done on the jigsaw.  That mentor buddy seems ok with how I'm doing at work, & there's nothing urgent coming up & he's agreed I spend tomorrow clearing reading I need to do.  That he's left me his number & said be sure I get in touch if I need to, he's having a day off for the sake of it so I won't be disturbing him.

That my day has ended better, that I've managed to get the insurance & have the money to pay it, that things seem to be coming together now.  That I have nearly all the paperwork in order, & I have tomorrow to fill out the licence paperwork.  That friend talks sense to me when I'm fretting & I'm generally calmer after her wisdom.  Glad she got her grats done & is ok, even in horrible times.  That I feel ok now, & tomorrow is Friday so I can have a late start, I'm ok for hours this week cos of doing extra on my half day Wed, & the boss isn't concerned as long as the work gets done.

That we work from home & it's convenient, I can have an off day & there's no-one to notice.  That I can wear whatever I want & not have to look presentable.  That I can leave the car on the drive & not worry about driving it til the number plates & insurance etc. align.

Thankful it's a long weekend, & I can finish the library book I'm enjoying before it needs to go back.

That I registered for a priority car appointment (so I could at least prove I'd tried if I get stopped) & the appointment came through today, it's for a Saturday so the worry about asking for holiday during the audit is gone.  That I am blessed with so much, & even when I'm stressing about things I have plenty that I take forgranted & it could always be so much worse.  That I am rich in so many important ways, & now I can go to bed with a full heart, ready to send love & blessings into the world.

& the reading I got back from my new contact was uplifting.  Glad I have a job where I can take my time & not be pressured, that I am skilled & treated well.  That support is there when I need it, & that work have a counselling service I can use, & it's per event so I could use it now for anxiety about the move & leave myself the opportunity to use it again later.

Wednesday 21 October 2020


Thankful we got straight in to pay, no queue, & got husband home in plenty of time for his meeting.  That I managed to get number plates and an insurance quote sorted.  That I am calmer now. That the insurance is comparable to UK.

Thankful I got some of my work reading backlog sorted, & that I made a plan to share with trainer.  That I am getting more familiar with the systems and processes.  That I'm on top of things, & pre-empted some of the tasks I was given.  That when the boss asked about a certain thing I was in the middle of it & so knew the answer.

Thankful that I can enter details into the timesheet & save it as I go, so I've recorded my holiday before I forget.

Thankful I remembered the washing in the machine & hung it.  That I have pretty rainbow backs on some of the full size cards ready to send to a friend.  That I am more confident at the volunteering now.

Thankful that I have hobby supplies here so I could colour while volunteering, that rainbow is such a lovely colour scheme.

Tuesday 20 October 2020

car & work

Thankful that I missed the original car appointment & this one was nearer.  That she let me come home & print the email & I got it back to her tonight.  Also that I can go back with husband tomorrow to pay. & that delay from the original also means we have the money for it now.  That I remembered to keep the part of the paperwork I need to export to car.  That we both have good jobs & can cope with the bills.  That it was dry when I was waiting outside the test centre.

That paying tomorrow still gives me a chance of getting number plates before lockdown & I am calm for the moment. & my boss was still online when I came home so I've got a half day tomorrow.  That my boss is cool with holidays etc.

Glad to have my own little projects to work on now. & that I read the appropriate documents & know them to refer to know.

Going shopping with husband meant I found my favourite teabags & got them all, & that I got the coloured biros I was after & remembered to get the sheet.  That I remembered shampoo & face cream.

That my cards arrived & they're lovely.  The first card I saw was abundance & it put me in a good mood, reminded me of what I have, & to law of attraction style start manifesting.

That friend stayed over in the house & everything was ok there.  That he found & opened some mail for me & I'm getting a refund.  & that he's set up some lamps.  

That other friend survived the bad weather & managed her day ok, & her partner's home safe.  That I enjoy chatting with her during the day, & that she lets me vent.

That I was free when the bin was emptied & blew over, & that I got it in before it was a nuisance.  That the woman next door saw us as we got in the car & gave us a big cheery wave.

That I'd pulled the bunny nearer the house last night, thankful that husband put the boards around it for the bunny to have shelter.  That she was obviously ok because she spent some of the day in the open eating the grass & mooching, & that when it was bad she had the box to shelter in inside the boards. That her fur wasn't stained / wet as before.

That I finally caught up on the WhatsApp chats, & have suggested online games which looks like it'll go ahead.

That doing downstairs to eat chocolate meant I remembered to take my washing out of the machine.

Thankful to have friends.

Monday 19 October 2020

Getting up

Thankful I got up this morning, that I get up every morning, even tired I feel loads better than I have done previously.

Thankful that I have an easy unpressured job.  That I have a team to help when I get stuck, & people are generally available.  That I made a little progress today, got some reading done & there is nothing urgent.  That I made a sensible point in a meeting, & that I generally only make valid points.  That I have a little project to get on with & the chance to prove myself.  Plus I have a badly written document to update so I can change the nonsense sentences without being petty to someone else's work.

Thankful for husband, in terms of company, tech support, support, food, & general loveliness.

That I have my documents together for the car import, & thankfully the test is just round the corner.  That taking a half day tomorrow means I can do 9 -1 & have a bit of a lie in.  That the car was bought in my name, & is a few years old now so hopefully cheap to import.  That missing the first appointment means I've been paid so have plenty of money for the tax & new insurance etc.

That husband's just brought me a chocolate, that he knows the kinds I like & treats me to them.  He does lots of sweet things without being asked.

That I've stayed awake til bedtime & have remembered to turn the morning alarm off, & set the alarm for the VRT appointment.

Sunday 18 October 2020


Thankful that I found my ring, unharmed.  

That I can take Sunday as a lazy day & rest.  That the bed is comfy and I can sink into it & feel better.  That my Reiki is good and flows easily, that friend appreciates the bubble I sent yesterdays & says he can notice the difference.  Thankful that I could do that for him, & that I thought to ask.  For the friends that send me Reiki too.  For the friends who appreciate the bubbles.

That I have a calm, quiet life.  That I have everything I need.  That my family & friends are reasonably well.  That I have access to healthcare & medicine.  That we have a house, & heating, & clean running water.

That I drive, that I have a reliable car, and the access it gives us for shopping & going places.  The ease & convenience of being able to get to the shops & to collect parcels etc.

That husband got me new hot chocolate sachets & is happy making it for me.

That I have lots of hobbies & things I enjoy doing.  That I can close my eyes & take a deep breath & reset.  That husband is sweet & understanding & calm.  That he talked to me in the morning when I had the energy & attention span to listen to him.  That he opens up to me about what's on his mind.

That I have the crystals, & the option to meditate with them, or build grids, or merely admire them.

That I have books, & easy access to books.  That I can read, & that I grew up around books.  That my parents are tech enabled & capable of using the internet to get in touch so we can speak / type & remain in touch.


Saturday 17 October 2020


Thankful we went for a walk, that we got outside & had a decent walk.  That it was dry & reasonably warm, & that we had an explore down a cool side street & saw some lovely houses.  That we both have our health & can get out & walk.

That husband came to the shop with me, & we had a quick look around.  That there are shops nearby & we can get deliveries to the house or via the motel for UK.  That we've finally been in another shop we've been thinking about for ages.  That he's happy to do the supermarket shopping while I read in the car.  Also thankful for the phone, & technology, & library ebook access.

That he bought me a new phone cover to protect the phone.  That he looks out for me, & automatically gets me treats.  Today more hot chocolate arrived (yummy) & he got my favourite cream cake when he went shopping.

That I've caught up with a few friends that I haven't spoken to in ages.  They're ok.  Very pleased I had a conversation with a friend who always seems to message when I'm volunteering.  Today we had a conversation during the day.

Pleased that I can see improvements in my volunteering.  I am getting more independent and fluent.  Am glad that tonight's texter was appreciative.

Friday 16 October 2020


Thankful for the walk to the chemist's & that my prescription had been received.  That I got the second walk in to collect them & they were cheap enough.  That I got straight in both times.  That I found medication that suits me & helps me feel better.

That we had a good laugh in the meeting today, that I got up on time for work, & got enough done.  That I managed to stay online a bit later & get my task finished.  That I made more sensible suggestions today, & was able to draft out a process flow.  That I am able to speak up, & enjoy the team I'm in.

Glad my blank cards arrived yesterday, & today I have done more.  Thankful I have plenty of inspiration for them, & for the tech to be able to share them with friends.  Also relieved that I didn't order the published deck that I saw.

In retrospect I am pleased with myself over tonight's conversation.

That we have the mattress topper, it's so comfy (better than feeling the mattress springs).  Thankful we have plenty & can afford nice things.  That the house is big enough to allow us both to work from home in separate rooms).  For modern conveniences like the fridge & freezer & washing machine, & ultra-modern conveniences like Netflix, & WiFi enabled devices.  For the internet & all the ways to keep in touch with friends.

For my hobbies, and all the things I like to do.

Thursday 15 October 2020


Thankful I made a decision about tablets & felt better for making it.  That I slept through the night after my early night.  That I got to speak to the doctor, the more 8ng meeting was cancelled so I was free to answer the phone.  He was easy to talk to & understand.  He understood with minimal explanation and had sent 4 month prescription. To the local pharmacy which is a few mins walk away.  That I feel better tonight after taking a double dose.

That a friend is really interested in the cards & might be inspired by mine.  Am thankful I found the deck link so she has a quick resource.  

Am thankful for the support of friend who talks to me each day.  Thankful to other friend who keeps an eye on my mood via my blogs.  Thankful for all my friends.

Glad my mini cards arrived today, that I took husband out to parcel motel at lunch, leaving me free for Pilates then tea after work.  That friens is doing Pilates on zoom til at least the new year so I get to attend classes.  That i've spoken to a few friends tonight who I've been neglecting.  Happy they responded.    & that I have created my first card.  Colouring in the one that I can use as a front & now I know i don't want to colour the backs.

That the pink Sharpie I used nicely matches the pink pencil i used, & the pink boro goes well too.

Thankful I have a safe warm house, that I work from home & can have an off day without wmit being noticeable. 

Wednesday 14 October 2020


Thankful I got up in time to shower & see to the bunny before work, & that I got there on time.
That I was done by lunch so could come home & get out from behind the mask.  That I remembered to pick up masks for my next trip to work.  That was a spare desk & chair for me to use.

That I had a laugh at the morning meeting, & got to meet my boss & some colleagues.  That I know some people to talk to now.

That I changed out of my jeans because I thought they'd be too uncomfortable to sit around in.  That I've made some more progress on stuff.  That husband came & vetted an email I was sending.  That someone I needed to speak to came out of "do not disturb" as I was wondering whether or not to send an email, & he finished off a task for me.

Thankful my mood improved once I left work.  Thankful that I usually work from home, mask-free.  That we got laptops & supplies provided by work.

Tuesday 13 October 2020

Relaxing & energising

Thankful I changed my mind about a post I was going to do on a forum, shut the tab down instead.

That I'm going in to work tomorrow, it's all arranged & I'll get to meet my boss & mentor / buddy.  That someone else I will be dealing with is going to pop their head in & say hello.

That husband is lending me a bag big enough to put the things I need in.  & I can get it all packed ready for the morning.  That I have the paperwork I need ready.

That I made it to Pilates tonight to make up for missing yesterdays.  

That I got to try out some of my self-care ideas for the cards, & have a draft of some ready.  That my parcel has been received at the first parcel motel so will be here soon.

That husband feeds me well, & we have treats in the house.  That I have a lovely dressing gown to keep me warm & cosy.

Monday 12 October 2020


Thankful that I got up early to get the Monday morning task out of the way.  The activity is time stamped so the ones I didn't complete are obviously not because I slept in.

That I figured out some of what I'm supposed to be doing, I think, & made some progress on a couple of other tasks.  Someone was finally willing to talk to me and I have a way forward.  I consider my bit done & now I can pass it over.

I am excited about my latest project, and went back & ordered the smaller cards as well.  I have drafted some ideas ready for when the cards arrive.

That I was on the forum & saw an exchange reading, so I had fun with my cards.  A challenge & my mood instantly improved.  That there's ice-cream in the freezer & I found a mini to enjoy.  That I got to keep the cards so can still enjoy them even though they're a bit damaged (& I got a refund).  

For parcel motel & being able to get deliveries.  

That friend is going to stay overnight for me to keep the insurance valid.

That I found my academic diary so I have it ready to use for work & don't need to buy a new one.

Sunday 11 October 2020


Husband came to the woods with me, & I got a parking space.  We had a good chat.  

The group are interested in board games & I got complimented on my collection.

That I have the space to spread out over the bed & take my time doing readings, that I brought my pens & A3 paper.  That the scrap books are hardback & make a great portable surface to write on.  

Thankful we got work chairs so I have one for each desk now, no more wheeling the chair between rooms.  

That we have a nice house, & each other, & plenty of room.  That we have plenty of home comforts and luxury items (such as the dishwasher, & chocolate stash).  That we have internet & wifi, & I have lots of hobbies that I enjoy & supplies for them.

Saturday 10 October 2020


Glad it was dry while we were out, & that it was sunny when I walked round to see neighbour.  That she was in & we had a nice chat.  & I remembered the money.

That the mookaite bracelet was still in the shop, & that I thought to get myself a drink.  That I got back to the car before husband, & that we didn't need more drinks.  That he remembered deodorant for me, & got nice bread & treats.

That volunteering was quiet & I coped with a long transfer.

That I gave up on a game & found a good walk-through with screenshots & video so I didn't miss much.  I want to play the next game so wanted to get to the end of this one.

That we hadn't got far when husband remembered he didn't have his phone so it was easy to turn around & come home.

That I caught up with a friend I don't speak to often.

That we have what we need locally, & can stay in county easily.  That we have a nice house and everything we need, & we get on well.

That we missed the worst of the traffic, & the bottle bank is near & easy.

Friday 9 October 2020


Thankful I have a job, & I am unpressured, plenty of time for figuring things out.  & that next week I might get to see my work place & meet my boss.

That we got the work chairs, & they both fit in the car.  That it's a quick round trip & I was home in time for my meeting.

That my calculations are good & I have the next bit of work to be getting on with.  That I got one of my IT issues investigated & hopefully is easy to fix.

That I'm feeling much better than last week.

The bunny was fine tonight, maybe holding her horizontally is the answer.

Thursday 8 October 2020


Finished in time for Pilates, was proud of myself for my boundaries.  & then made it out for a pleasant walk with friends.  It stayed dry & it was a quick walk so I got back to put bunny away before proper dark.

That I had a snack break to eat this afternoon.

That I figured out another calculation.

That friend enjoyed his holiday & is back safe.

That I have my dressing gown to keep me cosy when my arms get tired in my fleece.

Wednesday 7 October 2020


Thankful I got the calculations figured out, & that mentor buddy knows.  That meeting being postponed gave me the extra time I needed for inspiration to him.

That husband got me a chair so I don't have to sit on a dining chair, & that husband's going into work this week so can bring office chairs home.

That I got to the post office before closing & posted a parcel to a friend.

That husband made nice dinner, & bought good bread.  For the hot chocolate he made me earlier.

That I discovered where my recovery had been paid from, & that it gave me a nudge to log into a spare account & see what that's like.

Tuesday 6 October 2020


Thankful that I managed to figure out some of the calculations, & that I have a meeting tomorrow where I can ask them to go through the others.

That husband wanting to go shopping gave me the opportunity to go back for the bracelet, & I remembered peppermint oil & they had some.  & it was behind the counter so I wouldn't've found it without asking.  That I remembered to take a mask.

That husband made me hot chocolate while I was volunteering 💖  

That I braved going back in the queue for a second conversation, am thankful I didn't get one.

That I managed to take a good photo of my fluorite & add a date to the photo.

That husband remembered greens for the bunny, & milk for me.

That a friend who seems to always get in touch when I'm volunteering realises that I'm still there for him, even if I can't chat at that time.

Monday 5 October 2020


Thankful today was a good day, that I logged on early (for me) in time to do my first bit of work, think that's my job now.  Another bit of work to keep me occupied this afternoon, concluded.

They liked my work flow diagram suggestion so that's included in the procedure now.  The meeting was a good laugh.

The fluorite portal worked well, will set it out again tomorrow.  

Enjoyed Pilates, it seems to pass quicker these days.  Very glad to have a friend who's teaching it on zoom, & that I can still attend, & it'll be on zoom at least til the end of the year.

That my crystals arrived today, & that I heard the doorbell, that I was already up (& seeing to the bunny).  For husband helping me move the run under cover yesterday so it was still there.

Sunday 4 October 2020

Safe & warm

Thankful I cancelled the walk, that I made the effort to get down there & support the drinks van.  That I enjoyed sitting reading my book.

That we're safe & warm & dry inside in the house.  That husband helped me carry the run over so the bunny was under cover.  That I put her the paper & hay out & she seemed to enjoy them.  That I made another contact through blogging.

That I noticed an email I hadn't replied to & have since taken care of it.

That I had my phone call with friends, & hopefully have helped her get back on track.  That I remembered to phone someone else as well, & they are all ok.

That I have been in a good mood all day, & feel well rested.

Saturday 3 October 2020


Thankful it's the weekend & I got a lie-in.

That husband came shopping with me & I got nose studs, & that I found a new healthfood store that has crystals in!  Also thankful I was restrained & didn't buy any.  That I can go back & browse the bracelets next weekend.

That I took the opportunity to take it easy today, & treat myself.  

That  I remembered grats before I was in bed, & have used being at the pc to book the next 2 weeks of shifts.

That I'm enjoying the library (e)book I've just started reading.  That for days when I don't want to interpret tarot, I have oracle cards with keywords which are straight forward, & actually I have the sacred circle deck which is similar.

That I got to do a reading & interpret the cards together rather than individually which is something I've been intending to do for a while.

That husband's cut me up some carrot to snack on.

That I can tech off & go to bed early.

Friday 2 October 2020


Thankful for husband's help, pointing me in the right direction & helping me find resources.

For having thought to check my bank balance & transferring money in, & getting husband to put some straight in, & an unexpected direct debit came out - glad he'd put funds in to cover it.

That I got some movement into my day (star jumps & planks) so don't need to do them now.  

That I have this time to enjoy while I wait for a texter, that I've remembered to do my grats so I can have an early night.  

That I've rediscovered my tarot colouring book & am enjoying it.  & have some ideas for people's Christmas presents.

That we got registered at the doctors & I got a confirmation email to say so.

That I was able to disrupt my thinking today.

Thursday 1 October 2020


Made the time for Pilates, & enjoyed it.  That there's just about room for me now the room's rearranged.

Glad I can leave work in time to get to it, & that I'm working from home so no commute, & that I can take my time getting dressed & have wander breaks.  That I contributed something useful to a work discussion, & the boss is sorting out chairs for me.

Meanwhile, thankful that the chair can be easily wheeled between the rooms upstairs, & that I brought it in for volunteering. That volunteering was slow & I got a break halfway through.

That I've uninstalled fitbit from the devices & now it seems to be syncing with my phone ok.

That the group are having another Rock-tober & I got to open with my hedgehog.  Thankful for the friend I had that day out with, & for the friendly shopkeeper.  Happy to have got to know them.

That husband cut the melon up & we enjoyed it for dessert.