Monday 30 November 2020


Thankful I went to bed at a reasonable time last time, & that I was up earlyish today.

That I'm going into work tomorrow so don't need to go today, & made Pilates.  That there were some new exercises & fewer of the ones I dislike.

That we found a new loop to walk at lunch, & that's better than just walking up a road, then turning round & walking back.  Thankful husband comes for a walk with me. & that it was dry while we were out.

That I'm excited about my advent calendar tomorrow!  & that I have the willpower to wait.

That husband's made me hot chocolate, & emptied the bins & taken the wheelie bin out.

Sunday 29 November 2020


  • Thankful that going for a walk is now an established habit 
    • we tried a new way & have found a reasonable loop to walk.  
    • That the day is reasonably warm, & dry
    • That we saw some lovely trees & greenery
    • That the area is safe and open, and pleasant for walks
    • for little traffic, & cars that stop to let us cross
    • for people keeping their distance
  • That we can walk easily & breathe, 
    • for health and ability
    • for clean air
  • For music
    • internet accounts & the variety of music available
    • for being able to hear
    • that my new gratitude journal reminded me to listen to music
  • For friends, interesting conversations
    • for all the different ways to keep in touch.
  • For realising that my kindle was low battery so I had time to charge it before I wanted to read it.
  • For realising how to make a start on my decluttering,
  • For loads of hobbies that I enjoy
  • For finding the packet of nose studs I thought were lost

Saturday 28 November 2020

Christmas presents

Thankful I phoned friend today, & that she's ok.  

That I went to healthfood shop while husband was in the supermarket, & that they had some raw crystals.  That the fluorite bracelet wasn't there so I wasn't tempted.  That the teabag gift set was a reasonable price & I got back to the car before husband.

Thankful we went for a walk afterwards & the weather was good.  

That we brought a hoover with us & it doesn't take much to make an impact - did the stairs & landing.

That he makes meals that I like.

That I found Dad's Christmas present at a reasonable price and have it ordered.

Friday 27 November 2020


Thankful I cancelled my shifts & the supervisor was supportive about it.

That I was at home when I split my jeans.

That I've just remembered the bunny!  Time to put her away.  Thankful husband got her treats.

That work was over when the internet went down.

That my new hot chocolate supply arrived, favourite flavour :)

Thursday 26 November 2020


Glad that I checked the door for the postie before going out to the bunny so I saw the postman coming up the drive & got my parcel.  That another parcel I've been waiting for arrived today.

That husband helped me figure out to do something I was stuck on so I made some progress on a chore task today.

That it was dry at lunch & we went for a walk.  

That he helped me with some tables in my report.

Thankful for husband & for my friends.  Tonight I remember a friend sent me a "stress less" deck & I was using it at work quite often.  I have some happy memories from my previous job.  Am glad of the friends who helped me through when I was off sick, & who take the time to message me.

Wednesday 25 November 2020


Glad I live near work, & that it's an easy commute.  That I got parked in the car park.  That  I remembered to ask where the fire assembly point is, & colleague pointed it out & even showed me the emergency exits.

Glad mentor buddy came & sat near me so I was included in their lunchtime conversation.  That I've got my pass activated for the canteen.

Glad I took my prescription specs in & they're much better than over glasses.  And that I have work issue ones on the way.

That I got to work on time, & that I figured out what a problem was.  

Thankful to get to work & to the supermarket & back safely.

Tuesday 24 November 2020


Thankful friend told me about the present she'd sent so I finally know who it's from and can thank her for it.  That she sent me some really cool & thoughtful presents.

That it was dry for me walking between the car & work,

That the book club book arrived & a late webex meant I got to read the first chapter whilst being available for work.  That I'm really enjoying the book.

That I can go to bed as soon as I like.  That where we live is quiet, and safe.  Thankful for a house & warmth and shelter.  

For husband taking care of the meals, & for him being here & being so great, & so easy to get along with.

Monday 23 November 2020

Good days

Thankful to have a job, & to have sufficient work to do.  That I read through some documents this morning & presented my thoughts, seems like no-one else was going to & it's good for me that I was proactive about it.

Thankful too to be working from home and able to keep my own hours.  That having an hour set aside for lunch as site policy makes it easy for husband & I to get out for a walk together.  Glad it was dry for that.  Thankful I have a reminder for the bin set on the phone so we were able to fill the recycling bin & put it out.  That we are gradually getting rid of our cardboard mountain & can reclaim parts of the house again.

Thankful my advent calendar arrived, I am so excited!  Also that I have an idea for a craft competition entry that I am also energised for.  Thankful that I am much better & able to get excited about things.  That I thought to set up another blog as a tarot journal so it's easy to keep track of what cards are coming up.

That the traffic round here is good for letting us cross when we're out on our walks.

That I remembered to text friend, & am glad she's ok.

Sunday 22 November 2020

Love & friends

Thankful husband comes out for a walk with me.  That the shop is open on Sundays & we're able to get out & get food, & when we weren't that they were doing next day deliveries.  Glad we're not self-isolating anymore & can get out for walks (& that the rules changes so even if you're self-isolating you can go our to exercise).

That husband does the cooking & makes the effort to provide meals that I'll like.  

That I've taken a break from reading for a while.  Am relieved.

Thankful for weekends, for rest days.

That the new guy managed to join us for the game & everyone enjoyed it.

Phoned a friend to cheer her up & got my bit of ranting out of the way & gave her the space to have hers & then we talked about happier things.

That friend is going to look for the planner for me.

Saturday 21 November 2020


Thankful I made it to the opticians in time, & that I resisted getting new frames.  That my prescription hasn't changed so my current glasses (& sunglasses) are still ok.

Also thankful that I called into the healthfood shop & got myself a couple of bracelets, that the assistant was so pleased to see me & I braved asking her if there was anywhere selling loose crystals.

That I had a break in volunteering so I could get my tea.  That it was a quiet session & I enjoyed colouring in.

That I've got friends to play online with tomorrow.

That I've ordered the gratitude journal & it'll be delivered here.

That I discovered my clothes in the washer before they went mouldy & I rewashed them & remembered to hang them.

That I had a good conversation with a friend this afternoon.

Friday 20 November 2020


Thankful that it occurred to me to ring friend rather than exchange voice clips, that we had a good catch up & it's reminded me why we're friends.  It also gave me plenty to blog about.  I feel better after talking to her. & she's reminded me how much progress we've made with the decluttering etc.  That I have plenty of time to speak with / message friends.  That there are people I care about & who care about me.

Thankful for meetup & when we arrived lockdown was lifting so I got to meet people & have access to online socials.  That being an organiser means I can host events that I want to do.

Thankful to have a fresh start with the house, & job.  & to have been able to get rid of what I have so far, & the packing that I've done.  That friends are keeping an eye on the house for us, & one managed to find the game I'm sending niece for Christmas & is wrapping & posting it for me.

Thankful for the internet & staying in touch with people.  For the friends who I have good (& coherent) exchanges with via messenger, & for voice comms so I'm not paying for international phone calls.

That we went out for a walk again at lunchtime & looks like we're making it a habit.  That husband got us a cooked chicken for lunch & then fried the leftovers up for tea.

That I resisted buying things I don't need on Amazon tonight, really proud of myself.  That Easons sent me a tracking number for my new colouring book & it was in Dublin 17th so am hoping it arrives tomorrow.  That we are reasonably tidy still, & we've been here 6 months.  That husband's bought free standing units so we can store stuff.

Thursday 19 November 2020


Thankful we had time for a quick walk again.  That my boss acknowledged I wanted to talk to him & I got to speak to him later, & we got the right answer back ;)

Someone I wanted to speak to came up to the office (saves me putting on shoes & overglasses), & sent an email for me. 

Had a productive conversation with another colleague.

Glad I have Reiki and crystals.

We finally finished the jigsaw.

For hot shower & warm house, & clean clothes, & washing machine, & dishwasher, & all the appliances & conveniences we have.

That I finally got round to hoovering the stairs & landing & it looks much better now.

Wednesday 18 November 2020


Thankful for the reminder to take a proper break for lunch.  That husband took me for a walk & the weather was pleasant. 

That the shop was empty & we got straight through a till.  That he'd remembered to bring a bag.  & we picked up a cooked chicken for lunch after.

That I figured out how to make the new custom fields work, & have managed to get them into the protocol.  

That friend's bracelet arrived & she was pleased with them.  That other friend's job is safe.

That my book arrived & i enjoyed reading it.

That I remembered grats.  Yesterday was my 1000th post! 

Tuesday 17 November 2020

It's the little things

Thankful I got the first couple of reports finished.  That we had a laugh at the meeting, & I seem to be doing ok.  That I figured something out that we've been stuck on & ignoring for months.

That I made it into work & chatted with someone new.  That work is near & I can pop in & out at will.

That it was dry for my walks between work & the car park.

That husband did some washing so my jeans could go in, & he hung the washing when it was done.

Glad I remembered to do friend's timetable, & that I remembered there was something else I was supposed to remind her to ask me & she remembered & I figured it out.

Glad for the push to go back to the doctor's & that I got a more knowledgeable one & I'm better suited to the tablets she suggested, & that I found a doctor here & seem settled on these.

Thankful that self-care seems important everywhere & there are lots of reminders around.  Work sent a daily appointment out today for a lunch hour for people working from home, & one of the supervisors at volunteering had "remember to practice self-care" (or similar) as their status.

Monday 16 November 2020


Thankful that I went into work for a few things.  That the person I went in to meet was late so I managed to get the urgent thing done & the paperwork handed over before mentor buddy left.

That the mistakes I made don't matter.

That I figured out how to get the reports to work & have a step by step guide written for the blank template.  I reckon it'll be a couple of hours tomorrow & then I can move on to the next piece of work.

Thankful that as part of the conversation it turns out I have more time than I realised, which is good because even though I have it figured out this work will take longer than I hoped.  That there will be data available for all the reports by the end of next week so I have a safety net, & then I will be able to do the next version of the report based on real data.

That I can drive & work is near, & we can come & go as we please.

That I made it home in time for Pilates. & husband had dinner ready for after I put the bunny away.

That having a work laptop at home means I can work as I feel inspired, & it was worth doing a little extra tonight so tomorrow will be straight forward.

That it doesn't really matter what time I get up & start work tomorrow so it doesn't matter that I've stayed up late tonight.

Sunday 15 November 2020


Thankful that husband took me for a walk after volunteering.  That I had 2 convos at the same time for the first time ever & they went ok.

That husband called into the shop for a cooked chicken for tea & managed to get one, & that he got me nice bread too, & a meringue treat.

That game & zoom were successful, & everyone managed to join ok eventually & enjoyed it.

That I got to speak to a friend for a little while, & things are going well for him.

Thankful that I have friends.

Saturday 14 November 2020


Thankful I was awake early, & got up & to my appointment on time.  That my 8.40 appointment was preferable to a late night one.  That it was dry while I waited outside, that the guy accepted my licence paperwork without comment, & that the car passed.

That parcel arrived complete even though the envelope was open. & I saw the FB post almost as soon as it went up & was able to get it taken down because she'd left my address visible in it.

That it stopped raining & I got to the woods.  Parked easily & there were few people around, & it stayed dry while I was there. & that I didn't miss too much of volunteering.

That I found a crystal in an envelope I was tidying up into the bin, & actually that envelope is the perfect size to send another item I'm decluttering.  

That we have the house & it's warm & cosy & we have plenty of space.

That friend shared something funny & let me send it to my mum.  Thankful that I can keep in touch with parents without having to remember to phone, & that it's fine to send little snippets like that.

That another friend told me she appreciates my friendship.  Thankful for the friends I have, & the ones that I can create distance from.  That there are things to do (like share jokes) that makes short contact possible & acceptable.  That another friend got in touch & is enjoying himself.

That husband hung the washing for me while I was volunteering.  That he bought chocolates I like as a treat.

That his favourite supermarket is within 5km of the house.


Friday 13 November 2020


Thankful I took a half day, that I lay in bed & read long enough to finish my book & had a leisurely amble to the laptop for work. 

That I made it into work, in time to say hello to mentor buddy, & for him to hand me a pile of work.  Glad I looked at it today rather than being ambushed by it on Monday.  Also glad I got to look through so it so I have the weekend to gather my thoughts, & that the boss of the area it came from knows it landed on me with no warning.

Glad I remembered my contact sheet before I shut down the pc.

That it was sunny & dry outside while I cleaned out the car, & husband came to help & brushed down the mats for me.  That he bought me screen wash the other week so I topped that up too.

Thankful I checked the email for tomorrow's test so I have all the required paperwork ready.

Thursday 12 November 2020


Thankful some little treats arrived with my mannequin.  That it took so long to arrive I'd forgotten I ordered it so it was a nice surprise.

Thankful guy in the office took me to another scanner & fixed the main one for me.  That I made it into work & got the scanning done.  I reckon I can do the paperwork chore a few items each time I'm in & that should be ok.  The weather stayed ok while I was in work, & I made it home in time for Pilates.  That I found a spare coathanger & made myself a name tag for it.

That husband ordered dinner while I during Pilates so it was ready once I was.  That the bunny let me pick her up & stroke her as I was putting her away.

That I'm taking a half day tomorrow, looking forward to a lie-in reading in bed.

That my advent calendar is ready to be posted out to me.

That I'm off to bed to read, happy I enjoy reading & have access to plenty of books.
& husband is making me hot chocolate.

Wednesday 11 November 2020


Thankful the rain eased up as I got to the carpark, had a reasonably dry walk in & back to the car.  That boss was in & I got my access form signed & handed in, during another break in the rain.

That a colleague has told me about some more printers & scanners so maybe I will investigate them if there's a next time.

That everyone I needed turned up to the meeting & it was productive.  I know what I'm doing & I closed another task with my boss.

That husband bought nice bread for me, & cake.

Thankful that the other person for the zoom dropped out so I cancelled it, without me needing to drop out first.

Tuesday 10 November 2020


Thankful that we got into work in plenty of time for husband's meeting.  That we have the freedom to attend / go home as we please.  That there's plenty of room in the carpark, & it was dry for the walk over.

That the server gave me roasties instead of the rice I didn't want, & that I had enough to satisfy me for lunch without leaving any.  That some chairs are turned so we can actually face each other & talk during lunch, & that husband was sat in there so I was able to join him.

That I got to eat, & drop him back home in my lunch break.  That we live close to work and there's not much traffic.

That I got an email back from friend & she's ok.

That it's bedtime, & the bed is warm & cosy & inviting.  

Monday 9 November 2020


Thankful I missed the worst of the rain when I drove to work & walked in from the carpark, that there was a desk for me, & one of the guys gave me his chair.  That we had a good laugh, & that they invited me to lunch.  That one treated me to a cuppa this afternoon.  That I caught up with another friend this afternoon.  That wearing a mask was easier today, & I had plenty to drink so avoided a headache.  That we went for a walk at lunch & it was lovely to get offsite & take our masks off.

That someone I needed to speak to came to speak to me.  That the project I can't do the work for yet has been delayed.  

That the deck I ordered arrived.  That I bought stamps at the weekend so could post friend a present.

That the shop is close enough to walk to for bits & pieces like milk & fruit.

That I was in the office when I realised I wasn't going to make Pilates, & so I remembered to message the instructor, & I remembered to turn the alarm off so it wouldn't go off while I wasn't in the office to turn it off.

Sunday 8 November 2020


Thankful that I survived the journey to the woods & back without getting scraped.  That I got to see the trees at least & managed to turn the car round.  That husband took me for a walk & I convinced him to go a little further so we could put a little loop in.

I have organised 2 meetups for the coming week, & am pleased with myself for expanding my comfort zone that little bit.  Was good to catch up with a friend, & he's also interested in gaming if I get things organised.  Thankful for meetup & for having met people & socialised when first lockdown ended, so now I know people for online gaming etc.  Also glad someone introduced me to the woods, & that they're still open.

Glad I was in meetups in UK so I already knew about them, & turning up to events when I arrived here wasn't new to me.  That I have braved setting up online events & people are attending them.

Thankful that I had an easy conversation volunteering today, & that I got supervisor feedback from my previous one.  That I got encouraging feedback today.  That the community is supportive & enjoyable to be part of.  

Thankful that I enjoy blogging and colouring in, & have hobbies to enjoy inside on dark nights.  That I live with husband & he is sweet & thoughtful.  & he is currently making me hot chocolate.  

That I have a job, & it's temporary so I have time to get used to working, & decide what I want.  That I'm in a fun team with a good employer, & a supportive boss.  That the job is well within my capabilities.  That we can work from home, & have the option to go in to work, that they provided external keyboard, mouse, monitor etc. & that we got monitor arms & the laptop riser.  Also that we have plenty of room to have a permanent work set up each.  Also for the home computer, that husband is tekkie enough to look after everything & make sure we have good setups.  That we are only a few mins drive from work, & work take our health / safety very seriously.

Saturday 7 November 2020

Relax, breathe, everything is under control

Thankful my reading is sent, that I drew from a different deck and have decided to part with the initial deck.  I'd decided that originally & changed my mind.  Glad I have the ability to change my mind.

That husband took me for a walk after volunteering & I'm ok now.  That the supervisors & fellow volunteers are great for support.  That I got my 10k steps, & am starting a new streak.  That I plan on going to the woods tomorrow, thankful that they're close by.

That friend's son tested negative, & that she's feeling better today.  That she recommended an author to me & the library had the ebook so I've got it reserved now.  That I had plenty of time this morning to lie in bed & read.  & I enjoyed send

That it was dry & reasonably warm & I walked down to the healthfood shop & got some bracelets for a friend.  That I resisted the fluorite one, the one I ordered from friend's shop is much nicer so I'm also glad I saw that one first.  That I finally got my export slip posted to the DVLA.  That I declutter a deck I no longer like & it's finally posted to a friend.

That I remembered the washing in the machine & it's hung now so my jeans should be dry to wear to work on Monday.

That I have time to relax and breathe.  That there is so much to be thankful for.  For the encouraging people I know, & the groups I'm in.

That my parents are tech enabled & can send emails & messages so I don't need to ring them, or worry about not having rung for a while.

Friday 6 November 2020


Thankful we have food in the house, & a shop within walking distance.

That we have a house with a garden so I can have the bunny here.  That we have kitchen appliances & conveniences, like the washing machine, fridge, freezer, kettle...

That husband gets me thoughtful presents, & I'm enjoying the jigsaws.  Thankful for the table to put them on & the house & rooms are a good size.  

Thankful workmate will give me a shout when I'm needed on Monday so I don't have to get up early.

That working from home means not wearing a mask, & that I can listen to music & wear my dressing gown & be cosy.

That I have the internet & ways to socialise without actually meeting up with people.  That winter evenings make it easier to stay home & I have hobbies I enjoy that I can do in the winter, like colouring & the jigsaws.  That I was able to bring my crystal collection. That Reiki friend gave me my master training, & I have a strong & varied toolkit at my disposal.  Thankful for the people in my life, & that they are well.

Thankful that I've been allowed to keep my prescription safety glasses from previous jobs & that I brought them with me & can take them into work with me next week, so I don't need to wear overglasses (that I have to hold on my face).

Thankful for post & being able to order things online, & for being in the library & having access to ebooks, (& for the kindle & being able to download ebook there too).

Thankful for a workplace that takes safety & health (inc mental health) of workers seriously, & that I have a job where I can mostly work from home.  For the internet, & computers, & electricity.  That I have a good boss who looks out for us, & that I enjoy the team I'm in, & that we get to have a good laugh.

That I am fit & healthy.  That I am stable on my medication.

That friend enjoys reading my grats, & that I enjoy writing them. 

That the cards I'm sending to a friend fit into an A4 envelope.  The necklace I want is still in stock so it's being added to my order, & a few extra crystals are being thrown in as a loyalty bonus.

That I've remembered about kind acts.  Thankful that there is hope & kindness & gratitude & still so much good in the world.  

Thursday 5 November 2020


Thankful I'm in a good mood.  That a mood tracker helps me know that it's sustained.  That a friend is getting some lovely bracelets in & I've reserved a couple.  That there is post.  That husband took me walkies to the shop.  That I have a job & people to talk with during the day.

That I have a heating, & warm clothes.  That my life is calm & drama-free, 

Wednesday 4 November 2020


Thankful husband got me nice bread yesterday, & that I had butter out so it was easy to spread.  That he chopped up the melon for me so I had some at lunchtime.

That he bought chocolates he knows I like.

That he got me the skipping rope , & it was dry so I went out & did a little.  Thankful I didn't hurt myself.  That I managed to settle into my tasks eventually, & have fixed an issue we didn't know was broken.  That husband got us a printer & inks, & that we can have spare ink so I am fine to be printing stuff.

That I can put the heating on if I get cold, that I have cosy clothes & my dressing gown.

That we have room for the second table, & we have the lamp & I'm enjoying the jigsaws.  That I had a better conversation with a friend, & a short exchange with a friend I rarely speak to.

Tuesday 3 November 2020

Warm & dry

Thankful we got through as they were setting up the checkpoint so we weren't stopped.

That we got to the supermarket ok, & that we remembered to go back out to the parcel motel.

That the house is warm.  

That I figured out my mistake in the calculation I created.  That work is picking up & there is plenty to do and also plenty of time to do it in.  That my boss remembered I wanted a word & stayed back to speak to me.  That we're allowed to carry holiday.

Monday 2 November 2020


Thankful I found a game to play with friend tomorrow, & looking back I'm thankful I suggested meetup to him & he joined some groups straight away so he's got some social as a result.

Thankful I collected husband & got home in time for Pilates.  That I kept the light weights & they were plenty for the initial exercises tonight, & that I had the heavier weights for the later sets.

That the point I was after is still in the shop & has been set aside for me.

That friend is enjoying the book I sent her.

An old workmate got in touch, was good to hear from him.

Thankful husband cooks for me, & that he's made a new batch of stew rather than curry.  

Sunday 1 November 2020

Lazy days

Thankful husband cooks, that having the rabbit run under the shelter meant I stayed dry putting her away.  Glad I did the zoom on my phone rather than the pc. That I have no obligations / responsibilities & can have lazy days where i do nothing.  

For the library & ebooks.   That I remembered to pay for a reservation.  That I got paid & have money to spend.