Tuesday 3 December 2019


  • Just in time
    • for the training it benefitted me to complete
    • home for my nap
    • awake for lunch & to fill the car screen wash
    • to work for another meeting
    • meeting trainer in the corridor to direct me to the correct room
    • to the training to get the best seat
    • volunteering to take down the posters taking me to hometime
    • no queue at the post office or the pet shop
    • home to clean out the bunnies before it got dark
    • & to be in ready for my parcel
The meeting I had was gentle & a good laugh, & supportive.  Very glad I had it, & for the opportunity to open up & find a new source of support, & to get a fresh perspective too.  For someone to recognise that the isolation is a problem.

Parcel has just arrived, & I have a few more things picked out to pack.  A friend has agreed they want a set of glasses I thought they'd like, & a workmate is taking something that someone else has failed to take.  Feel like I'm back on track with the decluttering / packing.

Thankful for my health, physical abilities, house, warmth, provisions, friends, abilities, skills, resources, support, so very many things.

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