Thursday 31 August 2023

Easy day

Got to work to say bye to intern.
Boss is giving me a fun piece on work.
Remembered to cancel a week's payment for the session counsellor was sick.
Got to the woods and enjoyed reading my book there.
The traffic was gone by the time I headed back.
Had a good chat with a workmate in the team meeting.

Tuesday 29 August 2023

On a roll

Happy for another good day.

I was so into work that the alarm took me by surprise.  Is good to know I still enjoy bits of it.

Something that I've been asking to be done, the boss has requested from someone.  Feel validated.  And proud of my foresight.

Got a nice bit done tidying up tasks.  

Remembered to clean my sink.

My library book arrived which was great timing for collection tonight while husband was at the dentist.  Got some interesting looking books and a free bag.

Monday 28 August 2023


Thankful for an easy day, a slow start and little to do.  

The freedom to disappear when I needed a break.

Enjoyed doing the lenormand draw, the cards are so sweet. 

My new cards arrived too & I like them, the box is really cool.

Found some better reiki printables. 

Mostly in a good mood today too.  

Made most of Pilates, it was ball work & those are fun sessions.

Did some low level decluttering, stuff I previously was reluctant to part with.

Confirmed carbs don't suit me (breakfast & lunch anyway).

Sunday 27 August 2023


Thankful for a lazy start to the day.

For breakfast with husband, & a good nap after.  Husband was chatty at dinner too, & I enjoy talking with him.

That the weather was nice for the walk and the others were good company.  That the walk went ahead.  

We had some ideas for future meetups and one of the women likes gaming.

That I'm in a good mood today too.  I have been for a few days now.  Even to the point of going back to sololearn.

Saturday 26 August 2023


I'm content, I love my life.  Blessed in so many ways.

I have the time, space, resources, and support to do what I want to do, & what I need to do to keep myself well-ish.

The Internet and meetup opens up the world and so I have hope of meeting new people and making friends.  For the friends I already have, & those who I can chat about my hobbies with.  

The lenormand meeting was interesting and my reading was helpful.  Am enjoying the new groups I joined, esp not being the one hosting.  

For being able to download and print decks, that I was restrained and only got a couple.  I'm enjoying looking at them and if I buy more it's no hardship.

That we had card, and scissors were good enough to cut them out at least as a training deck.  That my no-spend is being challenged and I have the will power to stand up to that challenge.

For the walk tomorrow.  Can get some exercise this weekend.  That I had today free to indulge lazy hobbies.

Fresh bedding, that husband came and helped me with the duvet.  

The freezer is defrosted and the drawers open easily again.  That the ice and water were mostly caught in the drawers so there was little mess.

The fruit that arrived is nice.

Got a massage booked.  Glad I found one here.

Friday 25 August 2023

Freedom and safety

Thankful I have reduced hours with the freedom to work them as I  choose.

Team meeting was a good laugh.  Work was easy today and I finish the week successfully.

That I got to pilates and enjoyed it. My back is better after and the class motivated me to start clearing a ball space.  Friend is trying to schedule the ball class.

Am feeling better in general.  Am happy.
Made a start on the shredding and clearing the spare table 

Lunchtime walk with husband and sharing chicken meal for lunch.

Remembered to phone for my tablets and collected them.  Managed to get back OK in broken boots. 

Thursday 24 August 2023


Thankful that I got a card posted to my aunt, & it should arrive in time.  That the trip to the shop and post box saved me from having to sit in the hot car.

We got Husband to his appointment on time, & he was relatively quick.

Found the tops I've been missing from the move.  Remembered to hang the washing.

Remembered to look up the documents husband was asking about.

Pleased to have an easy day at work, a few things off the list and a few things I was proactive with.

Husband came for a quick walk, I always like when he does that.

Team meeting was a laugh and I was on much better form today.  Was left alone to just get on with things.

Wednesday 23 August 2023

More escape

Thankful that I got a break and a friend was free for a walk.  That worked magic.

That I was able to help, & when she collects her stuff from the freezer we'll finally be able to defrost it.

Husband didn't need a lift to work afterall amd so I was able to settle down to work after my walk.

That the work I had to review was a better quality.

I got a side quest completed.

Remembered to take my tablet.

Found the needle that escaped on the sofa.  Learnt my lesson this time and put it somewhere else.

Managed to interrupt a ruminating session.

Having grats to concentrate on has put me in better mood for bed.

Tuesday 22 August 2023


Thankful for the excuse to skip a meeting, & relieved we got the work finished.

That I get a break from reviewing and have the chance to catch up on other things.

For counselling and the opportunity to understand why I reaction to things the way I do.  That I have the time and space and money to allow for the weekly sessions.  For having found a counseller I like.

That I'm feeling better, and got out skipping this morning.  Was OK at it as well.

Remembered to put the bin out.  

Husband is sweet and thoughtful and generous.  He's kind and patient and a good influence on me.

Am enjoying the cross stitch and looking forward to displaying it when it's finished.  That I have hobbies I enjoy, ways to cheer myself up and take care of myself.

For recruiters getting in touch and the reminder that there are jobs available.

Bonus meeting with a friend earlier & we got a quick chat.

Sunday 20 August 2023

Lazy days

Thankful for being able to sleep, & that husband made me breakfast when I got up.

For being able to read and having access to information, Internet, library, people...  the support I have and have access to.

Husband came for a walk with me, hoping we can re-establish that as a daily habit.

The writing workshop was enjoyable and I got to know my new deck a bit better.  That I have a dedicated notebook for those sessions.  For being able to actually use some of the notebooks I have.

Braved evicting the spider.  Went into the tub easily and I released it outside.

For being able to get myself up and into the shower.  For hot running water and fluffy towels, the ability to keep ourselves and clothing and possessions clean.  For the house, safety.

My pyramid design has worked and a friend is going to collect it for me

Remembered to phone my parents at a reasonable time and spoke to them both.

Saturday 19 August 2023


Glad I had the hours built up so I could finish work early yesterday.  That I got to catch up with my boss and move the next item on a little.
Above site contact got in touch and I have plenty to do without being overwhelmed. 

Recruiter got in touch, even though I'm happy where I am it's good to know there are other opportunities out there.
Counselling seemed to make a break-through and we had dinner finished in time for me to make pilates. 

Husband's shoulder is better enough that he can.out it round me again.
Got into the loft and it isn't bad - no cobweb ot spider attack when I stuck my head in.

Got a new deck at the crystal shop.  They had a cheap little one of the kind I was after.  Friend has recommended a YouTube channel with useful videos and I've found some lovely decks on etsy.  And resisted buying any more.

I got back to the car before husband did.  We finally remembered to go to Iceland.

Did a little tidying up of the bedroom floor.  Enjoying the bubbles of the cross stitch.  
Have the writing workshop to look forward to tomorrow.  Am doing well with the journalling - glad that's becoming a habit.

Husband is getting chatty and open. 

When I fancied crepe from the market he already had batter ready and made me an omelette thing instead- quicker and nicer than market. 

The sunflower field is open again.

Thursday 17 August 2023

More rest

Thankful husband came for walks today when I needed to get out.
Bonus walk to the shop, & I remembered to get tooth brushes, & have a hair appointment.

That my boss is flexible & disappearing for a rest meant I was way more productive when I went back after.
Relieved to have a big document update drafted, & think I've done a good job with my research

Am feeling better, enjoying my cross stitch & audiobooks.

Have a good life, am happy

Wednesday 16 August 2023


Thankful for being able to speak with the specialist.  That she's sending on the prescription and I have another review in 3 months.  A lunchtime appointment means a day off and a trip to the beach.

For my swing outside and it being dry and warm at lunch so I could sit out.  That there were left overs for me to ear and yoghurt to recover after the chilli.

An easy day workwise, the doctor phoned late so I got the urgent thing out of the way first.  Colleague was reassuring amd said he'd resist any pressure on us to rush.

Caught the parcel guy as he was leaving - and the car in the way moved before I was ready to pull out.

My back is getting better.  Husband's shoulder is getting better too.

Glad I'd already decided against gaming ao can ha e a lazy evening reading.

Found a simple method of joining squares which  I'm looking forward to trying.

Tuesday 15 August 2023


Thankful I got to chat with the menopause nurse again, we had a good chat, & she said I was doing a lot better than when she'd last seen me.  She's right, I feel loads better whilst still not really being back on form.  & I got to see the doctor I wanted.

The statins are working & can stay the same anyway.

Got the print-out no bother, & have it ready for consult tomorrow

I got to the woods for a short wander & got to see butterflies, & took a reasonable photo.

Got everything urgent done workwise & was free to log off early for a nap before the doctor.  My boss is happy for me to disappear as needed.

Found my larger plastic crochet hooks & have them stored with my crochet supplies now. Looking forward to making a blanket with the thick wool.

Monday 14 August 2023


Thankful for a relatively easy day.  The complicated thing will wait.   

I got through what I needed to and the boss said he prefers me to be reviewing things (because I'm thorough) .

The cup I kicked over stayed intact.

Did a little extra at work and still managed to make it to Pilates.

Remembered to phone for my prescription and husband came for the walk to collect it.

Sunday 13 August 2023


Glad I made it to the writing workshop and enjoyed it.  They're free and don't require any interaction or camera etc.  

That I'm keeping up with the journalling habit and seem to be doing better on my grats streak too.

Husband made us cookies and battered chicken. Both yummy.  That he looks after me and cares for me when I need it.

The squares worked out nicely.  

I had a good sleep, and slept late.  

Saturday 12 August 2023


Thankful to have no obligations and to spend the day relaxing.

That I finished registering and paid for the course.  For having time and money for hobbies and development activities.  Also that I enjoy my job and have a sound boss.

Husband offered me a walk and we had a pleasant chat.  Also had an interesting chat early about personality quizzes and he shared his results.  It's nice when he opens up.

Have figured out how to add a border to the diagonal squares.  Proud of myself.

For husband providing and taking care of me.  That we have food and a house and jobs.  And each other.  For friends.

Friday 11 August 2023

More rest

Thankful for an easy day.  Being able to start late and take it easy. For permission to avoid meetings and realising I wasn't up to them anyway.  Relief.  Thankful for my boss.

That I discovered and rectified mistakes I make earlier (work) before they were an issue.

For warm showers, hot running water, fluffy towels.

That there are woods nearby and the weather held while I had a little trip there.  For the coffee van and the guy remembering how I take my drink.  I got onto the swings.

That I got my request in for tea before husband ordered.  He's sweet and thoughtful and makes good choices for me.  He made me a big hot chocolate when I asked.

That I'm feeling better today.  And had a nice nap earlier.  Feeling better since as well 

Thursday 10 August 2023


Thankful to be able to contact my boss and take time off easily.  That I know when I'm not ok and can't work and there's no pressure on me.

Friend drove us to the gardens and we enjoyed it. 
It stayed dry for our wander.

Got a wedding present for a friend who's just got married.

Managed to cancel the meeting I had to attend and can catch up with recordings for the rest.

Husband lets me be and quietly takes care of what needs doing with no drama.  That he sorts out the meals and the shopping.

A couple more of my sunflowers look like they're going to flower.

Wednesday 9 August 2023


Glad I have the freedom to come and go at work. That I got to lie down at lunch.

For meeting recordings and easy days - no pressure on me to do anything at the moment. 

That gaming is a drop-in session so I can decide last minute.  Experience tells me I'll enjoy it if I make the effort to go.  It's easy to get there and free parking- I can afford the fuel and the time.  I made it, & in time for the game - enjoyed it & we played one of the games I took.

Using an embroidery hoop means I can stitch left handed to give my right arm a rest.

Relieved to have left lab work behind- my wrists are much better since. 

Tuesday 8 August 2023


Glad the blood tests were painless and the nurse was doing them all without needing to be asked (so I got my hormones done too).

Waiting room was quiet and I had cash so got back to work in time for team meeting. 

Got a review appointment with doctor in time to get the results for the specialist on Wed.

Different reviewers so it went through without issue.  Promptly as well, thankful boss got it pushed through.

Counselling cancelled so I can make up some time today.

Monday 7 August 2023


Thankful for a lie in and a lazy day.  

Found the fruit I was after & had a good shopping trip.

Was home when my parcel arrived.  Love the new game, it's short enough that husband will play sometimes.

Got my stability ball inflated & it's a good size so I'm ready for the class.

Pleased about a friend who replied & is managing her struggles.

Have remembered my tablet in time to function tomorrow, & set an alarm for the doc's.

Finished the square I wasn't enjoying.

Sunday 6 August 2023


Thankful we had a pleasant walk, & the weather was good to us.  Remembered the cake & they enjoyed it. Interesting & varied chat, evenly distributed airtime.

Washer finished in time for me to hang before the walk. & I got there on time.

Enjoyed lunch with husband, & then straight out with another friend.  Was good to see her & catch up, & we went to the park where I rarely go - the flowers were pretty.  The weather was much nicer than expected and we got a bonus walk in by the river with her dog & partner.  I managed to pay for the drinks.

Borrowed a ladder so I can get into the loft.

Tomorrow is a bank holiday so bonus time off, & I get to rest after a tiring day.

Stability balls arrived while I was out, thankful they arrived & husband was in to receive them.

Got a chatty opponent for a new game I've started playing, & we had a few rematches & became friends on the site so we can play together again.  Has said the tiles in the game are really nice as well.

Saturday 5 August 2023


Glad the cake was ok in the end, that friend enjoyed it.
That the shop is near enough to walk to, & the weather was alright while I was out.
That we finished lunch before they arrived.
They stayed for dinner & enjoyed it.
We got our tax returns completed & will getting a refund
Thankful to friend for helping (& her encouragement to get husband to do it as well)
I can get back into Amazon on my pc
Found another simple little game that I'm enjoying on boardgamearena & have just ordered it 
Actually didn't mind cleaning & the place looks much nicer clean
Unsolicited hot chocolate from husband
Thankful for the long weekend, & an extra day for hobbies

Friday 4 August 2023


Glad friends are coming tomorrow.  Gaming time!  Also helping with our tax returns.  Glad we know to claim - esp the renter's credit.

That the local gaming group is friendly with a crowd of semi-regulars so I'm getting to know people and there's usually few enough of us  for one big game.  There are groups out there I can join.

Husband's made a lovely vegan curry and is happy eating it giving us the option of serving it or just eating it ourselves.  That he simply went ahead and made it.  Love how easy everything is with him.

Past me sorted out my receipts and left them out ready for tax return - being thoughtful towards present me and future me.  Glad I got the opportunity to go on the training at work and that I actually see the benefit of implementing some of the ideas.  Like the idea of being future me's friend rather than enemy.

I got to play with my new blender experimenting with dessert.

Got a new stability ball so class isn't waiting on me any longer, & I chucked the manky one out.  New one has a pump so I can inflate my pilates balls properly too.  Glad there's room for them all on the shelf downstairs. When I got to the till it was less than half price.

Also that I managed to log back into my amazon account and ordered some smaller balls which are due Sunday - well in time for class.  That the bath seems like a handy place to store them where they're not in the way.

Hung the picture friend gave me.  Glad I kept it, & for the magic of the Internet and being able to send her photos.  

Shop is close enough to walk there and back in a lunchbreak & tends to have the basics.

Treated myself to a new diamond dotz that was on offer and resisted wool and stationery.  Have tidied up all the wool out of sight in storage cubes in the lounge expedit.  Glad I have plenty of supplies and ideas for projects.

Messaged pyramid friend and have provided the encouragement and motivation for her to get moving.  She is pleased with the ones she's made already and has a surprise one for me too. Happy to have arranged the workshop and enjoyed the day.

Am feeling lucky with the friends I have, esp to have one I enjoy talking with everyday, and ones that share similar hobbies. 

Got the urgent thing done and out of my hands for now.  That boss will do the necessary if he wants it pushed through quickly.  That I noticed and corrected my own mistakes rather than have someone else find them.

Have the link for the creative writing now and it's on Thursday so I can make most of Pilates class (if I want) and then go - meaning it doesn't mess with existing activities and is probably my preferred evening for it.  Am enjoying the journalling and have managed 6 days in a row now.  Thankful for my obligation-free life and ability to spend loads of time on hobbies and relaxing.

Have realised how much better I'm doing on the HRT than I was 3 months ago before I started.  Have got some of my exercise mojo back - managing daily walks and am back to pilates, & have just started skipping again.  Am looking forward to things like the stability ball class and the creative writing.  Am hopeful I'll get my work mojo back as well.  Very thankful for boss allowing me the space I need and spreading out my hours is working well for me. 

Thursday 3 August 2023


Colleague said to be sure to reach out to her if I need help, and team mate is always happy to help.  Am lucky to be in a good team.  Helped out a team mate and was pleased with myself for being able to help.  

Am proud of myself for quietly sorting out someone else's mistake.  Have benefited from the team helping me out loads.

Urgent thing moved along another step, and another step is looking promising for tomorrow.

Thankful to have met pilates friend and to have joined her classes before they went online so i'm on the zoom list now.   Tomorrow is an evening class so I might actually make it - or sleep through it.  Happy I lasted the entire class today and she said I looked so happy on the rolls.  She knows I enjoy them and throws them in sometimes.

Managed a full workday, even after sleeping badly.  The early starts really helps.  So I have earned a short day tomorrow or can bank hours for next week.

Went to friend's meeting to support her and made some useful contributions.  

Friend recommending a book is a test of no-spend resolve.  And I shall manage to resist which gives me some hope of being better controlled around chocolate.  Have decided to donate the crisps to the food bank.  Is nice husband got them for me and I appreciate the gesture.

Wednesday 2 August 2023

Left alone

Nothing came up during the training and I was happily on do-not-disturb.

We got today's urgent thing done and moved onto the next stage of my priority task.

Enjoyed gaming.  Glad I made the effort to go.  Was a nice crowd.  Got there just in time to join the first game.  My cup of tea was free.

Home delivery arrived after we'd finished eating. 

Got accepted onto the creative writing course.  My short statement worked its magic.

Found the vegan recipe I want to try, & found a second one as well.  Have sat morning to go shopping if needed. Might need to raid the cupboards first.

Tuesday 1 August 2023


Bank holiday on Monday!  Glad to be reminded.  

Had a good laugh at a daft Facebook story.  Glad I have a friend who appreciates such things and I have a laugh with her during the day.

Colleague also had their brain melted by an email reply I received  & other people in the team share my frustrations - nice to be in company.  Colleague is a useful ally and is happy sharing her knowledge on the systems.

Feeling virtuous because we have a milkman now.

Made it to counselling and am glad I did, & that I've stuck with it.  Had an interesting conversation with husband afterwards.  He is so lovely.

Got as much progressed as I could today amd now everything is with other people, I'm not holding it up. 

Am enjoying the lego building, it's satisfying just doing a few pieces at a time.  Same with the crochet squares, am enjoying seeing the collection grow.

Remembered to book in for blood tests.  Thankful I got registered with a doctor and have good access to healthcare.