Saturday 27 February 2021


Thankful the sun shone today, & I got to hang washing out & have a go on the hoola hoop.

That I managed 2 conversations volunteering, was calm for both & am proud of myself.  Thankful both took their time to respond.  & that I transferred my last one in plenty of time.

That I finally created grid for friend, & she likes it.  That I found a suitable grid template to download, & husband had got spare ink.  That we have a printer & paper & ink etc.  That we managed to get what we need.

That husband talked me into buying new boots, & that helps compensate for all the ones I didn't bring.  That I can look forward to getting new clothes when lockdown lifts, and that I spent our Christmas amazon voucher on a new top, & a book.

That I have interesting conversations with people, and there is plenty to read etc.  Thankful that access to the library e-collection has reduced the number of books I buy, and that kindle is also an option, & those are generally cheaper than books.

That I have some pleasingly scented things, and can use them to cheer myself up too.  That I have plenty around me that I can enjoy.  That I have enough and recognise that.  That I have savings now, from my job so there's no pressure for me to get a permanent job, and the longer before we buy a house, the bigger deposit we'll have.  That I can use that logic to help counter the house in England just sitting being a source of anxiety.

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