Monday 20 November 2023


Thankful the documents got moved on.  Boss reviewed them in less than 10 mins so they're back out of my hands.

Got a nice bit done on the next document so I have some breathing room there.  Also discovered a new drop-in session and now I am confident I know what I'm doing.

Was on the ball when the boss rang and answered most of his questions.  And then later on I rationalised something out the same way as previously so at least I'm consistent.

Friend asked to send on one of my pieces and gave me the student's feedback that they'd enjoyed it.  Also made some changes to the latest story and have that and a brief reflection sent on to the tutor.

Got my medication no bother and we picked up more bread on the trip.  Means I actually got some steps today and we did planks again.

Enjoyed the next new game we played, the pieces and bowls are really satisfying.

Felt better as the day progressed, pace slowed from the hectic morning and I even remembered to phone my mum.  She seems fine with my dad's planned trip.

Seems like the solution to being able to write is to  do it at the computer so this weekend I'll try that with the demon story.  I don't really do much editing though because I'd up with no words and said as much to the tutor. 

Remembered to take the towels out the dryer and put husband's washing in.  Brownie points for me.

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