Saturday 11 July 2020


Glad I got up early, that the interview was over quickly, & the things I failed on are things I don't need to be concerned about - I didn't enjoy the experience enough to want to do it as a job (which is also good to know).

I had a video call with a friend, & I just don't smile through things like that because I'm concentrating on what's being said, & their face rather than looking at mine & checking I'm smiling.
I'm also glad I photographed the second feedback because I was kicked from the room almost straight away.  Am glad for the experience & to know that company's not for me.

Thankful that I didn't unpick my stitching when I thought it was wrong because it wasn't, I was just looking at the wrong bit of the pattern.  Glad I thought to colour the pattern in as I've been stitching because it's so much easier than counting each time.

Thankful I've got loads of hobbies to cheer me up / keep me entertained, & that I've rearranged the sofa cushions.  So very glad that we have a large enough house that when I'm done sitting on the sofa I have plenty of other places to be, & that having a headset means I can now have video calls on the pc rather than having to find a way to hold or prop the phone up.  & of the reminder of what it was like when we first arrived & were self-isolating.  Am thankful I'm not a sitting on the sofa kind of person.  

Friend has a suggestion for how to find people for practice treatments, I've posted in the crystal group to see if there's anyone nearby.
Glad I got my necklace done, it's a lovely crystal I've incorporated.  Thankful to friend who taught me how to do this.

Glad they're enjoying the tv show I recommended, & that I was able to sit with them as long as I did.  Very glad of my cosy bed, & being able to snuggle with husband.

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