Friday 4 August 2023


Glad friends are coming tomorrow.  Gaming time!  Also helping with our tax returns.  Glad we know to claim - esp the renter's credit.

That the local gaming group is friendly with a crowd of semi-regulars so I'm getting to know people and there's usually few enough of us  for one big game.  There are groups out there I can join.

Husband's made a lovely vegan curry and is happy eating it giving us the option of serving it or just eating it ourselves.  That he simply went ahead and made it.  Love how easy everything is with him.

Past me sorted out my receipts and left them out ready for tax return - being thoughtful towards present me and future me.  Glad I got the opportunity to go on the training at work and that I actually see the benefit of implementing some of the ideas.  Like the idea of being future me's friend rather than enemy.

I got to play with my new blender experimenting with dessert.

Got a new stability ball so class isn't waiting on me any longer, & I chucked the manky one out.  New one has a pump so I can inflate my pilates balls properly too.  Glad there's room for them all on the shelf downstairs. When I got to the till it was less than half price.

Also that I managed to log back into my amazon account and ordered some smaller balls which are due Sunday - well in time for class.  That the bath seems like a handy place to store them where they're not in the way.

Hung the picture friend gave me.  Glad I kept it, & for the magic of the Internet and being able to send her photos.  

Shop is close enough to walk there and back in a lunchbreak & tends to have the basics.

Treated myself to a new diamond dotz that was on offer and resisted wool and stationery.  Have tidied up all the wool out of sight in storage cubes in the lounge expedit.  Glad I have plenty of supplies and ideas for projects.

Messaged pyramid friend and have provided the encouragement and motivation for her to get moving.  She is pleased with the ones she's made already and has a surprise one for me too. Happy to have arranged the workshop and enjoyed the day.

Am feeling lucky with the friends I have, esp to have one I enjoy talking with everyday, and ones that share similar hobbies. 

Got the urgent thing done and out of my hands for now.  That boss will do the necessary if he wants it pushed through quickly.  That I noticed and corrected my own mistakes rather than have someone else find them.

Have the link for the creative writing now and it's on Thursday so I can make most of Pilates class (if I want) and then go - meaning it doesn't mess with existing activities and is probably my preferred evening for it.  Am enjoying the journalling and have managed 6 days in a row now.  Thankful for my obligation-free life and ability to spend loads of time on hobbies and relaxing.

Have realised how much better I'm doing on the HRT than I was 3 months ago before I started.  Have got some of my exercise mojo back - managing daily walks and am back to pilates, & have just started skipping again.  Am looking forward to things like the stability ball class and the creative writing.  Am hopeful I'll get my work mojo back as well.  Very thankful for boss allowing me the space I need and spreading out my hours is working well for me. 

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