Tuesday 26 July 2022


Thankful that I am part of a team & we lunch together and walk afterwards.  That lately the pace has slowed and I've enjoyed the chat.  Being part of a team helps me feel included and supported- that there are people to turn to and who can help.

For husband and his support and how calm and loving he is.  That we get on well and everything is good.

Thankful for my 4 day week and the flexibility to work extra if I want or to work less as needed.  That my boss is supportive and facilitates us being able to do our jobs.  That today is my lie-in so I have a chance to recover from the exercise and additional steps if the past couple of days.  For the boss being online so we could have a quick conversation last night.  That he appreciates what I do and I can leave unpleasant memories of other workplaces behind.  That I'm learning that lesson too.

That husband loves the treats I picked up while we were shopping, happy to have found something he likes.  

For having a good reliable car and being able to drive and get around.  That husband's putting the work in looking at houses and he has a good eye for what's after.  That he's conscientious and puts the work in, to most things he does.  I trust him.  Glad I can recognise that too - that I am learning to let go of needing to control things and have them done my way.  That I have the opportunity to apply that same lesson at work...  as challenging as I'm finding that- it's a way for me to grow.

For friends making the effort to see me while I was over in the UK and for their care and concern.  For book recommendations and being able to read, the access to knowledge I have and that I enjoy reading and learning.

For the resources and tools I have access to & am discovering.  Later recommendation is really good.  Thankful for availability of books and information.  

That I can make changes now and improve my health and well-being before it reaches crisis.  For the people on my life who act as role models (for good and for bad) so I can see consequences without having to necessarily suffer them myself.

That having started grats again that I can feel the change in me as gratitude takes over, that writing them down here shows me a pattern of consistency and I can easily see how long and how many.

For access to healthcare and medication.  Including counselling.   That the Internet and locjdown had changed the world so remote working and telehealth is established so I have access to a wider pool.of providers.  

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