Saturday 18 April 2020


Today I am thankful that it was dry when we went to the corner shops, that I got some flowers for the window, & that my geranium is flowering.  I'm impressed that it's still alive years after I got it as a present.

That we've dismantled the spare bed & now there's more room to pack stuff.  That I have managed to pack some stuff and throw out some stuff, & set some stuff aside for charity.  That I've done a little bit of cleaning & feel like I've made progress.

That husband & I have had a brief conversation about the practicalities of the move.  That I have the outline of a plan and can leave the rest to him.  That I can trust him to deal with everything.

That I had the idea to colour in my cross stitch pattern as I've been stitching, it's so much easier to figure out where I am than having to count it out each time.  It suits the small frequent sessions that I've been doing it in.

That I had the sense to leave out some fun stuff, & that I can cycle through hobbies.  Doing just a little of whatever takes my fancy.  That I have hobbies that I can do inside, & on my own.  That I have friends to talk with

Thankful Google Keep & that I've been recording what I've been packing for when I need stuff again, & so that I can keep like stuff together.

Thankful that there's no pressure.  When there's a deadline I'll get stuck into the packing and until then I can keep doing a little at a time & working my way through it.

Thankful that we can still access food & supplies, to the people working to ensure we have access to what we all need.  That we have safe running water, electricity, wi-fi etc.

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