Sunday 28 July 2024


Met a friend at the woods.  Here's to last minute plans and conversation.

The weather was good and the car park was reasonably empty.

Called in to another friend and enjoyed chatting with her.  Nice to know people locally.  Plus we're going to make lunch time plans after this audit.

Took husband out for dinner, happy to have found a curry house he likes.  And I made the food decision for a change.  Proud of myself.

Has been dry long enough that I got more of the back mowed.  Compost bin is full again.

Found plenty more writing opportunities and submitted another story tonight.  Is good to have a collection of stories ready to submit rather than the pressure of writing to a deadline.  

Also sending details on to a friend so I can fulfil my chosen role as encourager.  

Message from a friend out the blue, was good to catch up.  

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