Friday 20 September 2024


Glad I got up in time to shower
Got to work before the audit
Knew the references instantly - I'm usually good with that which is why the boss requested me
Enjoyed the social today 
Am more able for the week at work than I have been previously
Glad I have the flexible working and working from home
Got the urgent thing done 

Thursday 19 September 2024


Thankful I got to come home at lunch, that I live close enough to do that.
For getting out for a few walks, & had a laugh with team mates
Husband had tea ready for me when I got home, & got dessert too
There's another series of one of the TV shows we were watching
Very glad college wasn't on tonight

Wednesday 18 September 2024


Survived another day at work

Enjoyed chat walking to carpark with friend

Walked in with a team mate & joined them for breakfast

Got husband's tablets changed while he made dinner

Relaxing evening with a book

Back is better

Think we got all the chore work out of the way

Get to sit with my feet up at work & no-one comments

Loving the noise cancelling headphones

Tuesday 17 September 2024


Glad husband phoned the chemist for me
Their computer system was back up.
Managed to get my prescription  
Enjoyed a walk up to the smoke hut with the other team
The new module started tonight and seems better, enough to keep me interested in the course
He also made dinner 🥰
Thinking about how much he eases my life
He was included on the group meal invite

Monday 16 September 2024


Remembered to text my brother.  And his card arrived in time.

Got to the chemist's at lunch and remembered husband's eggs

Enjoyed walking from the carpark with team mate and back again at the end of the day

Remembered to take hourly movement breaks at work and my back feels better today

Glad I got a proper chair

Fortuitous meetings with a couple of people in the corridor 

Remembered to put the bin out

Sunday 15 September 2024


Glad friend was able to confide in us 

Also that we were there together

Back got better as the day wore on

Like the new game and husband says it's OK.  Good 2 player game

Alarm set for tomorrow

He made yummy tea with the old eggs and saved cooks sausages for me so I have breakfast to take to work tomorrow

That I have time enough on the assignment to be able to take today off to rest my back

Saturday 14 September 2024

Baby steps

Did a little on my assignment
Enjoyed a relaxing morning in bed
Got the towels put away
Got my laundry put away
Interesting chats with husband
New games arrived - looking forward tompkaykng with them
Got my NCT booked 

Friday 13 September 2024

Good life

Enjoyed a lazy morning
Reading in bed, my favourite thing
New book is interesting 
Just was ready in time 
Enjoyed the walk and chatting with friend
Very thankful to have friends
Liked the bread at lunch
Time to rest up earlier
Counselling was interesting 
Husband ordered me things he knows I want and forgot to put on the shopping list
Ordered new games that're coming tomorrow 
Sunday plans with friends
Results came out for the creative writing
Have some ideas for new stories
Rediscovered a really nice deck I got a while back


Thursday 12 September 2024


Glad I went to work
Lunch was fun and I have a new go-to order
Survived being at work
The headphones are great
Started undoing the short scarf and hopefully this one will be long enough
Happy to be off tomorrow & have a friend to go out for the day with

Wednesday 11 September 2024


Thankful to finish work early
Arrived at hospital in good time
I was allowed right through 
Made it the coffee dock and they had hot chocolate even though it wasn't on the menu.
Was back before husband got out 
Parked reasonably close to door
Made it to the walk too and it was good - glad to get some exercise in
Finally listed the walk I said I'd do
Can see the end of the pink wool now - that scarf is nearly done 
Glad I took the headphones - the waiting area was reasonably quiet but they were still nice to be inside

Tuesday 10 September 2024

Home comforts

Things under control at work
Got a few things closed out and reminders sent for the rest
Got my assignment extension
Had a suitable card and posted it 
Still enjoying omelette 
Finished the book and enjoyed it
Survived the day on negligible sleep
Managed the full day
Husband did the washing up and put the bin out 
Being able to work from home and flexible hours

Monday 9 September 2024


Managed to catch the neighbour in to hand over his parcel.
Took husband shopping while he can still walk
Was right about the bottle return location and there are more slots than any of the others
Got nice bread
Enjoyed my omelette 
Fed myself veg
My prescription came in and I got a pleasant walk to the chemist at lunch
Left alone to get on with stuff today 

Sunday 8 September 2024


We had a nice trip out to the garden centre.
Another trip planned with friends for scones

Enjoying reading my book amd crocheting
Another relaxing day
Mood is good
Lots of husband time and he made me a cheese toastie

Remembered to water the plants

Saturday 7 September 2024


Glad I have the fitness to walk to the shops and back
That my book arrived in the library and they open on Saturdays
For libraries and accept to free books
That I know how to read and enjoy it, & have easy access to books
Husband suggested a trip to the garden centre tomorrow.

Friday 6 September 2024


The scarf edges are still straight

Started the blanket with the blue and managed to get it on the big hook

Noticed my mistake at work and fixed it

Picked up healthy food at the supermarket

My zombie dice arrived

Got into the online library and found some worthwhile books

Got the bed changed and ready earlier


Thursday 5 September 2024


Thankful for flexi & being able to take it easy in the mornings

Chuffed to have figured out how to reassign (rather than cancel & reroute) my document

Reminded the boss of something he'd forgotten about, & am on top of all my work

Work mate was going to cover for me this evening so I don't have to log back on, but actually we managed to get finished before I left for the day

Husband's appointment is in the nearer hospital 

Managed to log back onto the computer & look at my assignment again, at least it's a start & I am moving myself, & I finally emailed the tutor back

Got the washing & dishes done.

The scarf was good entertainment while I waited, & started a few conversations :)


Wednesday 4 September 2024


Enjoyed being onsite and chatting with workmates

Managed to figure out the memo

Got the urgent thing did

Moved a few other tasks on

Enjoyed a chat with the boss

Everything's under control

Figured out a work around for my broken project

The edges of the scarf are straight :)

Tuesday 3 September 2024


Survived the meeting

Bonus of a walk & talk to the coffee van, & a hot chocolate

Brownie points for helping with an urgent thing

The scarf edges are much better now I'm using the stitch markers

Enjoying the crochet, & managed to do that & listen to audiobook rather than veg in front of tv.

Got the adulting done, renewed my prescription & paid for my motor tax - both painless.

Monday 2 September 2024


The headphones were great against the road digging.
Husband did the pulled pork for me
My document went through with no corrections.
For being able to lie in bed amd take it easy this morning
Pulled round
Being able to stay home and not navigate the diversion.

Sunday 1 September 2024


Got myself to the walk on time
Enjoyed the chats
Gave myself the day off from study and been enjoying the audiobook and cross stitch again.
Husband fixed the door seal on the car
Got the longest grass in the back mowed
Remembered to water the plants
Mint is doing well, & apparently likes moist and shade so will do well behind the shed.