Saturday 31 August 2024


Found some papers for my literature review.
Am OK with abandoning the model and concentrating on the rest of the assignment.
Husband took me for a walk.
My model continued running while we were out.
Remembered to phone my mum.
Husband found another film for us to watch.
Am happy I can treat myself to hobbies
Enjoying the cross stitch and the audiobooks

Friday 30 August 2024

More recovery

Thankful friend is up for a day out with me while husband has his appointment.
Made it to the gardens and lunch and had a good wander & got some photos- friend enjoyed the photos.
Made pilates, thankful to have access to the class and husband works from the other room so I can have the lounge.
Remembered my tablet 
Fixed my calculation so am ready to progress that one too
Chore person went to team mate so I was spared the frustration 

Thursday 29 August 2024


Glad I have the flexibility to quit work when I'm tired.
That I put in loads of hours earlier in the week to be able to take it easy today
A lie down refreshed me for college
Glad that's online 
Enjoying the audiobooks and cross stitch

Wednesday 28 August 2024


Team meeting was a good laugh, & so was lunch

Food was nice too

Then had a laugh with team mate after

arrived early enough for chairs, & they had tray bakes - enjoyed what I chose & had a bonus strawberry

successful trouble shooting for the lab

got my next custom fields built & protocol ready for review - much easier this time & next one will be even slicker

got all my browser tabs closed, ready for a fresh start

Tuesday 27 August 2024


My boss and workplace recognise us as people, it's a good place to work

Spoke to a team mate who interpreted the instructions in a way that let me follow them

I got my protocol executed without issue - big relief

Calmed down over lunch so I was able to write a considered reply.  The boss is as frustrated as me over this project, solidarity

Enjoy lunch with team mates & we have a good laugh.

College was useful, & I have written up my model so far in the challenges section.

There is still time to try a different base model.

Finished work in time for ball class, & friend remembered to record it

Sunday 25 August 2024


Husband came to the woods again 
Got to the pet shop just as it opened
Made notes on my failed models so at least they've been some use
Gave myself the afternoon off and a friend was free for a cuppa and a chat
Enjoyed chatting with her, & the wander round the garden centre
Came home to find husband had made me dinner
Snuggling watching tv
Enjoying the cross stitch

Saturday 24 August 2024


Got my library books returned.  
Enjoyed lying in bed listening to book while cross stitching - there is still plenty of time in the day for other things
Got the next book in the series from the library so no wait when I finish this one
Is useful to have it eg while waiting for husband to do the shopping
Braved sending my code to tutor - and maybe I can make some progress on the rest of my assignment tomorrow
Husband suggested a film and invited me to snuggle in on the sofa 
Also suggested walk a couple of times and this time it stayed dry.
Thankful there is pavement and a choice of circular walks
That we have a house, somewhere comfy and cosy and spacious to live 
He got me more of the salmon I asked for

Friday 23 August 2024


Got out of work and home to husband in good time.
Made it to the hospital and ended up in the free parking
The headphones work well and I enjoyed listening to my book while cross stitching there
Ran into someone who needed a reminder and my work document is progressed ready for next week
Wrote the memo for the boss and am pleased with how I did
Bonus walk with husband & resisted the stationery supplies

Thursday 22 August 2024


Got out of blood donor's in time to collect husband on time

Glad I took my book, is easier to read one handed than use phone one handed

Enjoyed a few chats while waiting,

Found out where the new library is

Enjoyed sitting in the cafe, glad I took my book

Got my book finished, next one is now available from library and I have a reservation placed.

Good choice for curry for dinner

Someone else also commented that they had followed the referencing guidance

Wednesday 21 August 2024


Preferred candidate got the manager role 

Enjoyed being in work and office was relatively quiet

Got my urgent thing moved on - sorted out all the ways I'd been daft and am ready to roll now.  I have a week longer to finish it than I thought

A quick word in person got my question answered 

Got the next task mostly complete too

Next book I want is ready early - looking forward to starting that

Counselling was interesting

Husband watered the flowers for me with the fish water

My plants are surviving and it's going to get cooler soon

Tuesday 20 August 2024


Thankful for friends, 

We got to eat outside as hoped.

I like the new yoghurts I got

Tutor is going to provide more coding examples, phew

Last week's lecture slides are up so I can revise my model

Remembered to water the plants,

Survived all today's meetings

Monday 19 August 2024


Got my document draft done 

Revised my calculation code and it works much better now.  Agreesld with team mate to leave the building blocks in too in case we ever need them for trouble shooting.

Should be an easy fix to the execution document.

My units have reset so I was able to use a faster processor for my revised model which was much better - confirmed it's bad and played with a few parameters

Still have plenty of time to find a decent model.

Got out for a walk to the chippie so managed to get a little exercise in

Got myself out skipping in the drizzle.  Happy there a concreted area out the back for skipping on.

Got our results back from the previous module, very happy with my marks.  And that I figured out how to find them.

Feeling less stupid now

Sunday 18 August 2024


Thankful for the Gemini assistant on my model, and that I finally decided to investigate it
I have a model that's training now and I am happy I'll have results for my report.
So happy.  Thankful I can still be happy about things.
The validation is included so at least I don't have to wait much longer for it to finish
Got the hedge trimmed and it all fitted into the compost
Thankful we have services like bin collection, and water treatment, and sewage goes away and gets processed.
Husband came to the woods
For the coffee van and being able to get water this morning 

Saturday 17 August 2024


Got the capsules I went for
Remembered shampoo
The weather stayed dry for my walk
Got to the library before it closed
For the library being open on Saturdays and the variety in the catalogue 
Enjoying my reading time
Being able to read and accessible books 
That we live near enough to walk to the shops snd there's pavement all the way

Friday 16 August 2024


The pint of water I dropped missed my phone.  And the glass stayed intact and the pilates towel came in handy.

Resisted chocolate this evening.

Made pilates 

Got my steps in walking to the chemist

Liked the chicken husband got for me and it arrived after I got back

Thursday 15 August 2024

Under control

Got a few tasks finished & the work finally feels under control
Got booked into the blood donor session 
Was reasonably dry for walk 
Chips were nice & I liked my cake
Made pilates
Enjoyed the cauliflower cheese, 
My bonus got approved
Remembered to move counselling next week

Wednesday 14 August 2024


Managed to clear a few things off my list

Had a nice catch up with the boss, & being in his presence is calming - there is nothing for me to worry about.  Everything is in hand.  Also I'm getting a reward for the good catch I did.

I was on top of the work we went through, all is ok.

Found an example runtime to work through & some more code fragments for my assignment, still making progress & have more than a month to go

Got all the bottles recycled - phew

Thankful I keep managing to study, & that I can keep chipping away at it - baby steps

Enjoyed a laugh with the team

Tuesday 13 August 2024

Calming down

Remembered ball class just in time.  
Husband dialled into his meeting from the other room so I could have the lounge

Got my protocol sensible and out for review
And have my next custom fields good to go,
Feeling like it's under better control now

Tutor read my question and answered with a new article explaining it.
There is still time and plenty of resources for guidance

Monday 12 August 2024


Managed to load my images into colab.  Baby steps.

Having the boss support me being unavailable so I can focus is great, & I made decent progress on a task I've been avoiding.  Will have it ready to route for review tomorrow if I get left alone again.

It's reassuring to have him confirm everything else can wait.

Enjoying my little sand pit under my desk.

Logged onto the pc and did a bit of study instead of vegging in front of the pc.

Got out with the skipping rope, am ready to extend the time a little.

The wire mesh remained in place because I had the hedge weaved through it.  We don't need the pole that's gone missing.

Enjoyed a little lie-in this morning.  

The weekly check only took me an hour, hopefully the users will continue to behave.

The headphones have the ability to connect to two different devices and husband got me a Bluetooth adaptor.  Connected them to the pc and the mic works well too.

Sunday 11 August 2024


Thankful for the tyre pressure device, got my tyres checked and inflated
Husband came to the woods and we had a nice  hat as we walked
Got what we needed at the supermarket
The cheesecake was nice - he loves it, and his ragu.
We'll have the ragu and fried potatoes during the week
Glad it's cooler today 
Glad to be able to have a rest after not sleeping well - glad it's the weekend. 
Thankful for book and being able to read
For library access and online tutorials
Managed to get some code that looks like it'll work.

Saturday 10 August 2024


Had a lovely day out with a friend 

Glad the weather was nice

Enjoyed peppermint tea (my new default drink rather than hot chocolate).

Toast was a good idea - Glad I changed my mind from cake

Managed to get about the half the bottle recycled 

Did a good stint on the study - slow progress is still progress.  There are loads of resources available.

Husband got the aircon out and I can tolerate the noise (think it was being in the draught I disliked anyway rather than the noise)

Friday 9 August 2024


It's sunny while i'm sat around 

Glad I remembered a book and have found some shade by the river

Braved a cake and enjoyed it

Lunch was fun and I enjoyed being in work

Had as much as was tolerable - will put my headphones in my bag next time.

Glad we left it as late as we did rather than leaving when husband suggested it

Workmate has suggested somewhere to buy bounties.

Thursday 8 August 2024


Meeting was productive - and short 
The notes I'd made were useful

Progress on the next couple of tasks, good to show the boss i'm on top of things.
Nice interaction with favoured work mate 
Got to the library and returned books and picked up some seeds.  Remembered milk too.
Had a cuppa waiting for husband and a short walk in the rain.

Counselling was good after a productive day
Husband made me the potato gratis with fish fingers for tea.

Also found loads of resources to be working through for the assignment.  It just needs time and I have that now. 

Wednesday 7 August 2024


the assignment deadline got extended, relieved

meeting went ok, I was mostly out of nudging range & the boss dialled in

chance meetings with friends

had a laugh with team mates when I got in, happy with my job & the team I'm in

book arrived, & I can return the library books tomorrow while husband is at the doctor

managing the basic programming well, relieved about that too - have time to investigate the coding, & can manage at least a step an evening as a target to get through it

a couple of walks to the chemist today, husband came out at lunch too

Tuesday 6 August 2024


My book arrived
Access to books and being able to read
Meeting was ok, & I met some of the others trying to find the room so we all arrived together
Have a bit more direction on the project
Got my stories submitted 
It stopped raining by the time I parked
Made it to ball class, enjoying it & she's going to continue to run it

Monday 5 August 2024


Kitchen looks good clean
Glad I walked down, and that the rain held off
Started on the tutorials - thankful there is a lot of help & resources around 
Access to healthcare and medicine, & clean water
That I saw the message and got booked in, a me treat
Living in relative freedom and luxury

Sunday 4 August 2024


Managed to shower and get myself to the walk on time.
Enjoyed it and it stayed dry.
Husband made me a cheese toastie for lunch when I got home and fish fingers for tea.
Thankful he takes care of cooking and deciding most meals.

Managed to start on the assignment, and now I have something to build on.  
For the availability of YouTube videos and tutorials, and I have kaggle to explore too
Also autistic community and people's experiences to validate mine

Finished the blanket, is a reasonable size and the colour change isn't bad - glad I did it as a fresh section.

Saturday 3 August 2024

Beach day

Walk with husband to start the day 

Fresh bread and cake 

Glad I took myself to the beach.  That friend took me to a nice big beach with carpark, toilets, cafe and am confident getting myself there now.

For maps and being able to get myself places, being able to drive and having a reliable car.  Freedom to travel and explore.  Being able to afford food and fuel etc. 

Got parked easily and found a quiet area of beach 

Enjoyed reading and made some notes for a new piece.  Weather stayed nice  while I was there

Husband made me a yummy cheese toastie when I got home

Thankful for long weekend and having plenty of time to relax

Access to doctor and medication, and health care.

Friday 2 August 2024


Breakfast was a laugh
Bacon was spot on and sitting outside was the right  choice.
Husband was happy with his trio to supermarket 
Got my laminator & made a start
Remembered the cutter too
Resisted all the notebooks.

Have my bio and covering letter ready, just need confirmation of whether to do separate forms.

Long weekend- hurray :)

Thursday 1 August 2024


Thankful I got my document first draft finished at work
The meeting finished early so I was able to stay til the end and speak up for our site
Got to the dentist on time and parking was easy 
For healthcare insurance 
And a job eith the flexibility to fit appointments in
One of the others has posted videos to help with the course and it's a bank holiday weekend so plenty of time to study
Got my washing done and hung
Nearby team invite me for walks now