Thursday 30 May 2024

Self care

Got to leave a boring meeting and have a fun one instead

Had a reassuring conversation with team mate and he takes me seriously when I say I'm on bad form, and also that we cover for each other as a team.

Made nice progress on my next task, & some prep work that no-one else thought to do

Pilates, thankful to have access to pilates and the exercises.  I know how to take care of myself, & pilates is one of those things.
So is getting outside and movement, & eg listening to music.  

Got out for a few walks while it was still dry outside 

Husband made a new batch of curry, yummy.  And healthy.

Found the well-being resources & enjoyed having a mooch around them

Have a back up plan forming for the holiday.

My dad upgraded my service and is paying for it.  

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