Wednesday 29 May 2024


Thankful we got the first meeting in person.  That I am progressing nicely to plan and coped better with the meeting.

Having team mates to go with to lunch, & to calm me down when I was feeling stompy.

That I waited as long as I did to go down to the other meeting, handled it OK, said my piece and escaped.

Got to catch up with the boss and leave early.  Husband came too so it was the one trip and I got to the woods, to the swings, remembered skipping, walking backwards, flower photos.

Home in time to charge the phone before counselling.  Counselling was good although I am stuck in the past still - really angry at the way I've been treated.  At least I know, & blogging provides an outlet.

Enjoyed my dinner, glad I went and that I asked about eating in the bar.  Was a pleasant evening.

Got the car service and ferry booked, library books extended, admin out of the way.  Glad for the Internet and ease of being able to do things and sort out finances etc.

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