Tuesday 7 May 2024

Me time

Thankful I thought to check my calculations. I can disclaimer them rather than having to modify them.

Can investigate different environments rather than stay stuck on colab.
Found what looks like an interesting/ useful book in the college library.

It was dry and sunny and I enjoyed my walk to the chemist & had time to sit out on the swing for lunch.
Managed to get a full episode watched before college.

Remembered to hang my washing.  Washer seems OK now.
Team meeting was fun & had an enjoyable meeting with team mate.
Counselling was also useful & I remembered to set up next week's appointment.

Useful reminder that I get to enjoy my time.  I have few obligations and plenty of free time to enjoy.  That I can afford what I need: timewise, moneywise, & with a few considerations - energywise.

Was in a good mood for  counselling- and big change from last week where o was lethargic and dull.


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