Thursday 6 June 2024


I finally got my calculations working!!   Feeling smart and very grateful not to have to reach outside the dept for help.

The car tyres seem fine, even if I have a slow puncture I have time to get it fixed.  

More weekends between now and assignment deadline than I was thinking so I have plenty of time as long as I keep on at it.

Meeting is cancelled so I can get home earlier than planned.

Husband seems fine.  He'll be home soon enough.

Was dry when I got out for my wander round the block.  

The black grass is surviving and some of the flowers from last year have returned.  Plus there's a new something flowering.

Did a new grid for friend and she likes it.

Free veg from work and team mate came over with me for cake.  We had a good chat.  Got the neurodivergent community link.  Enjoyed the massage.  Got husband to the bus plenty early.

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