Saturday 1 June 2024


Thankful to be able to read in  bed without disturbing husband.

For access to ebooks and library books and books of my own.  For being able to read.

Woke up on time for tutorial and glad I went.  Seems like I'm on schedule for my assignment.

Arrived to plenty of parking spaces.  Phew.  Thank you parking angel.

It's a pleasant day and the beach is large enough for me to have a quiet spot to myself.

That I picked up my sunglasses just in case, am glad of them now.

That friend brought me to this beach a while back so I knew what to put into Google maps.  Loving the freedom of sticking in a destination and not concerning myself with directions.

That friend declined.  Think I'm happier here alone with my thoughts and books.

Have solidified plans to meet a friend I have seen in years, looking forward to seeing him and speaking with him.

For the bank holiday weekend, plenty of time to study and maybe time during the week for a trip out somewhere. 

Thankful to be in a good mood and remember what that's like.

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