Saturday 15 June 2024


Had a lovely snuggle with husband this morning.
Went to the supermarket early and he got my favourite bread, he also pointed out Irish snacks for me to take for friend.  And we got breakfast.
A message prompted me to walk down to the library and I had a lovely wander & saw some nice gardens.
I got a crystal bracelet that I've been looking for, and I found some other lovely stuff in the shop.  
Have picked up a deck for a friend, so I can ask for my others back now.
Very impressed with my finds.
The health food shop had the supplements I wanted.
Going back the same way to take photos had me pass a new crystal shop & I got some excellent finds in there too.  It's only been open 3 weeks which is how I've not noticed it before.
Resisted going nuts spending, and the tower I did buy was half price.
Have remembered to pack presents I'm giving friends.
Husband sonicated my cobalt calcite and got most of the sticky off it 😍
I read the assignment brief so now I know what to concentrate on for the next few days
Am feeling more confident about my report now, got a good bit of background done & now it's just extending the work.
It stayed dry for my walk & got damp once I got home - perfect excuse to avoid the hedge trimming.

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