Wednesday 12 June 2024


Was awake early and enjoyed snuggling and finishing an ebook
I got a few more graphs added to my report before work
Boss came to team meeting and i had already drafted the document he was wanting
Got husband to his appointment and treated myself to the beach.  Really enjoyed it, amd found a reasonable rock to sit on.  Glad I took a fleece and a book. 
Was ready to leave when husband messaged to say he was done.
Someone stopped and waved me out onto the main road.
Remembered to stop at BurgerKing for husband and we've discovered how to remove eg lettuce and mayo from the burger so I got a fish burger (like a wide fish finger).  Amd it was nice enough that I'd get it again 
That my boss allows us the flexibility to take the few hours off I did today
Also been working on my report tonight.  I finally see it's getting there.

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