Sunday 16 June 2024


Parking angel worked magic and I got a space in my favorite carpark.

Dinner was lovely.  And husband shared dessert with me because I didn't think I wanted one.

Got my report finished.  Friend is going to read it for me and I have loads of time to add in the graphs I took out.  Is a relief to have it in a food enough state to submit if something comes up and I don't have next weekend free for it.

Looking forward to it being out the way, & to starting the next module.

Remembered to contact the person about the books and they've been collected now.

Remembered to phone my parents, & clear up a few things about my visit for my mum.

Got to the woods early and it was empty so I got a bit of backwards walking in, and some time on the swings.  

Husbad ordered really nice bread and brought me the crust.

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