Monday 3 June 2024


Thankful for the day off.
That I messaged host in time for him to cancelthe walk - also glad I had the sense to rest my leg.
Pilates was good and I made the full session.  I find them less of a drag now and can mostly do the full hour.
Remembered to charge phone before pilates
Leg feels better.

I managed to settle down and do a bit more of my report.  Slow progress is still progress and I'm choosing to focus on the fact that I did some rather than none today.

Friend didn't suggest meeting up which was a relief.
Husband has started looking at cars and got a reality check.

Plenty of relaxing on sofa having Husband time.
Day off means I can take it easy during the week.

Remembered to phone the uni and am finally into the student portal.
Thankful for things going well in my life, health, support, husband...

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