Monday 24 June 2024


Glad we went gaming.
Enjoyed the pirate game with more people & it's one we'd play again in the group.  
That husband comes too so I'm not just left there on my own.

Husband sorted out dinner early and I got to lie down before we went.  

That I found a few interesting games on amazon and they should arrive before I leave.  
For having the money to be able to buy things when I see them. 

Managed to do a bit more background reading tonight so I'm mostly ready for tomorrow.

That my energy levels seem better these days, & I feel more stable.

Sunday 23 June 2024


Enjoyed the woods with friends
Got another mint plant
Found the original mint & it's doing well
Home in time to share husband's chips
He got what he wanted at the shops & we survived the chaos
Spent the evening watching tv together
Would orchid growing in the garden 
Game I want is in stock in a UK supplier & I'm getting it delivered to my parent's - should be there when I arrive.

Saturday 22 June 2024


Slept late, loved the lie-in
It was dry for my walk down to town and back
Enjoyed my crepe & there wasn't much queue
Nor queue at cash machine
Got the cards I was after & he's going to be doing workshops. 
Love the new cards
Husband rescued all the ones down the back of the sofa 
Managed to get some of the background reading done

Thursday 20 June 2024


Remembered to request my medication & I got it all no bother.
Bonus crisps for the meeting & I ate them all before the need for quiet.
The meeting was better than expected 
Was dry for my walk, & I got my 7000 steps 
They ate most of the slices yesterday

Remembered to do the things I'd missed off my to do list.

Wednesday 19 June 2024


Thankful I got to work and had a nice chat with the boss.
He's happy with my work, & the amount I have on
Lunch was fun and the food was OK, glad I got my ice-cream too.
Got to home just in time, & arrived in Waterford in good time.
Found a ring I like and it was really cheap.  Resisted buying any more crystals
Husband was really quick so it's as well I didn't get myself settled in a cafe.

Tuesday 18 June 2024


Got my initial calculations done - am good to progress them tomorrow.
Work mate agrees to keep the test doc small. 

Got the second set if calculations in hand too.

Was dry and I have a reasonable area for skipping.  Husband bought me a new skipping rope when my old one got worn out.
Am glad to be in good enough shape to skip and move around.  For access to things like pilates.

Counselling was good. 

Monday 17 June 2024


Chatting with a workmate today & finding lots of reasons why I like my job / the team / the boss.

Friend read over my report for me & sent back some suggestions.  It's submitted now.  Very glad to have it out the way.

For the information available to us at the moment, that I have access to libraries and books, & that I enjoy reading.  For a support group I joined on Facebook.

For being to log into the library & extend loans, & that's possible even when there are reserves on the books. That I can go to the library on Saturday & pop into the crystal shops & pick up a few more things.

Was interesting looking back over photos, & the memories they evoked.

Am lucky to be able to go private with healthcare insurance, & that we have a comfortable life.

Got a quick catch-up with the boss today.  

Sunday 16 June 2024


Parking angel worked magic and I got a space in my favorite carpark.

Dinner was lovely.  And husband shared dessert with me because I didn't think I wanted one.

Got my report finished.  Friend is going to read it for me and I have loads of time to add in the graphs I took out.  Is a relief to have it in a food enough state to submit if something comes up and I don't have next weekend free for it.

Looking forward to it being out the way, & to starting the next module.

Remembered to contact the person about the books and they've been collected now.

Remembered to phone my parents, & clear up a few things about my visit for my mum.

Got to the woods early and it was empty so I got a bit of backwards walking in, and some time on the swings.  

Husbad ordered really nice bread and brought me the crust.

Saturday 15 June 2024


Had a lovely snuggle with husband this morning.
Went to the supermarket early and he got my favourite bread, he also pointed out Irish snacks for me to take for friend.  And we got breakfast.
A message prompted me to walk down to the library and I had a lovely wander & saw some nice gardens.
I got a crystal bracelet that I've been looking for, and I found some other lovely stuff in the shop.  
Have picked up a deck for a friend, so I can ask for my others back now.
Very impressed with my finds.
The health food shop had the supplements I wanted.
Going back the same way to take photos had me pass a new crystal shop & I got some excellent finds in there too.  It's only been open 3 weeks which is how I've not noticed it before.
Resisted going nuts spending, and the tower I did buy was half price.
Have remembered to pack presents I'm giving friends.
Husband sonicated my cobalt calcite and got most of the sticky off it 😍
I read the assignment brief so now I know what to concentrate on for the next few days
Am feeling more confident about my report now, got a good bit of background done & now it's just extending the work.
It stayed dry for my walk & got damp once I got home - perfect excuse to avoid the hedge trimming.

Friday 14 June 2024


Team meeting was a laugh.
Got a meeting cancelled that I didn't see the point in
Left alone to get on
Made it to pilates and caught up with friend 
It stopped raining and I managed to chop enough hedge to fill the compost bin
Got my testing finished & ready to review.
Glad I checked the requests and took care of all the ones that had been neglected

Thursday 13 June 2024


Team meeting was a laugh.  
The others stayed on after the one left, glad we're doing that.

Remembered Pilates in time to attend, & finally paid for the classes too
Father's day card arrived in good time

Finally managed to get an agreement I needed - can progress my work tomorrow.
Turns out I still have enough time to get my task completed before it's deadline, even if I have to log on a little during the holidays.  If good to have the option to make some time up and save some holiday.  
Another piece of work is ticking along nicely & should be easier after my learnings from this current one.

Wednesday 12 June 2024


Was awake early and enjoyed snuggling and finishing an ebook
I got a few more graphs added to my report before work
Boss came to team meeting and i had already drafted the document he was wanting
Got husband to his appointment and treated myself to the beach.  Really enjoyed it, amd found a reasonable rock to sit on.  Glad I took a fleece and a book. 
Was ready to leave when husband messaged to say he was done.
Someone stopped and waved me out onto the main road.
Remembered to stop at BurgerKing for husband and we've discovered how to remove eg lettuce and mayo from the burger so I got a fish burger (like a wide fish finger).  Amd it was nice enough that I'd get it again 
That my boss allows us the flexibility to take the few hours off I did today
Also been working on my report tonight.  I finally see it's getting there.

Tuesday 11 June 2024


Doing my data analysis in excel means I can edit the graphs in word.
When excel crashed my spreadsheet opened again fine.
Have realised my problem is lack of direction so I just need to keep on at the report.  Managed a buy more of it tonight and started down a new path.
Oversight in work document is fine with just a comment.  Was good having it discussed in team meeting.
Got the urgent thing done and out the way.
The bag got collected
Friend called in, & came back later when I was free.

Monday 10 June 2024


Glad I had a practice project & didn't start the qualification documentation.
That I got everything resolved in the end, & set myself up for tomorrow
Husband got his appointments & they're late enough they should be ok
The curried veg is nice, proud of myself for actually cooking it.
Husband came for a bonus walk
Resisted snacking tonight.
Still chipping away at the report

Sunday 9 June 2024


Thankful husband comes to the woods with me. 

We have interesting chats. 

Machine accepted all our bottles amd supermarket had my favourite bread and husband's favourite water.

Ate some veg

Feeling better now 

There is still plenty of time for my assignment.

Enjoyed a relaxing day on the sofa

Saturday 8 June 2024


Glad I got to the woods early and enjoyed my walk.  That I got a father's day card and posted it and friend's card.  Phew.
Also got to call into the library and get a new book.
Enjoyed a lazy day 
Traffic wasn't bad going to the airport, made me realise again how spoilt I am with my local  commute.   And I am still fine with the traffic jams and motorway driving.
Was just arriving as husband phoned.  
Glad I got a loo break.
Amd that I have aircon and good acceleration in the car.
I know the way to the airport now - don't need the directions any more.
And that we stopped for food on the way home.  
Finally got the tarot reading out of the way and actually enjoyed doing it.

Friday 7 June 2024


Meeting was quick and I'm on top of things.
There's less work than I thought.  

Got my next set of calculations working.
Boss predicted the lesser work so I'm covered for the next while.
Quick word with someone got my documents moving and I can start execution next week

Made it to pilates
We have a lovely house, 
Husband met up with brothers ok. And I remembered to turn on the tank light and feed his fish.

Thursday 6 June 2024


I finally got my calculations working!!   Feeling smart and very grateful not to have to reach outside the dept for help.

The car tyres seem fine, even if I have a slow puncture I have time to get it fixed.  

More weekends between now and assignment deadline than I was thinking so I have plenty of time as long as I keep on at it.

Meeting is cancelled so I can get home earlier than planned.

Husband seems fine.  He'll be home soon enough.

Was dry when I got out for my wander round the block.  

The black grass is surviving and some of the flowers from last year have returned.  Plus there's a new something flowering.

Did a new grid for friend and she likes it.

Free veg from work and team mate came over with me for cake.  We had a good chat.  Got the neurodivergent community link.  Enjoyed the massage.  Got husband to the bus plenty early.

Wednesday 5 June 2024


Thankful it was dry when we went for a walk
That husband got curry out and it was yummy.  That he takes care of the meals and shopping.  
Everything he needed was in his prescription.

That I've been doing research for my assignment questions and enjoying it.  The online college library is impressive and some of the other books I'm interested in are there too.  I actually see that I might make a reasonable attempt at the assignment questions.  

Tuesday 4 June 2024


Thankful for the chemist being painless, remembering to phone & husband coming for a walk.
The chips were lovely.
Boss took care of a chore I didn't want to be involved in.

Am in a good mood again.
Success at work, small steps of progress on a few projects.
My calves are looser today and I managed the walk OK.

Managed another question of my assignment.

Monday 3 June 2024


Thankful for the day off.
That I messaged host in time for him to cancelthe walk - also glad I had the sense to rest my leg.
Pilates was good and I made the full session.  I find them less of a drag now and can mostly do the full hour.
Remembered to charge phone before pilates
Leg feels better.

I managed to settle down and do a bit more of my report.  Slow progress is still progress and I'm choosing to focus on the fact that I did some rather than none today.

Friend didn't suggest meeting up which was a relief.
Husband has started looking at cars and got a reality check.

Plenty of relaxing on sofa having Husband time.
Day off means I can take it easy during the week.

Remembered to phone the uni and am finally into the student portal.
Thankful for things going well in my life, health, support, husband...

Sunday 2 June 2024

Day out

Glad I saw message from friend in time for her to still be at the woods, & that she invited me out
Great bonus day out, & I had a nice lunch & resisted a second hot chocolate.
That we got parked at both destinations.

Enjoyed my lunch, glad I suggested it

Husband doing the cooking & having tasty healthy dinner for us

Have finally figured out the basics of colab, & have graphs created!!!

For the bank holiday weekend & being able to relax

Saturday 1 June 2024


Thankful to be able to read in  bed without disturbing husband.

For access to ebooks and library books and books of my own.  For being able to read.

Woke up on time for tutorial and glad I went.  Seems like I'm on schedule for my assignment.

Arrived to plenty of parking spaces.  Phew.  Thank you parking angel.

It's a pleasant day and the beach is large enough for me to have a quiet spot to myself.

That I picked up my sunglasses just in case, am glad of them now.

That friend brought me to this beach a while back so I knew what to put into Google maps.  Loving the freedom of sticking in a destination and not concerning myself with directions.

That friend declined.  Think I'm happier here alone with my thoughts and books.

Have solidified plans to meet a friend I have seen in years, looking forward to seeing him and speaking with him.

For the bank holiday weekend, plenty of time to study and maybe time during the week for a trip out somewhere. 

Thankful to be in a good mood and remember what that's like.