Wednesday 3 July 2024


Had a lovely relaxing morning, & the streaky bacon was good.  
Loved meeting up with friend, reminded me of our Friday afternoon outings.  Glad we're still in touch - even if it stays as only once a year.
Got husband's shopping, friend replied straight away so got hers too
Beach with friend, glad I drove since there probably wasn't time for us to walk anyway, I only just made next social as it was.  Phew I was on time
Glad I stopped to check directions when I did, just before I would have gone wrong.
Dinner was yummy, & was great catching up. Am do thankful for the friends I have.  Also friend is likely to contact husband now.
Found something I enjoy drinking = appletiser, (also J2O)
Had the energy for today & the driving & staying out reasonably late
Am also glad to gave plenty of time to chill when I get back home - & catch up with college

Tuesday 2 July 2024


Plans made for tomorrow :)

Plans made with nearly all the friends I want to see this visit 

Got the photos printed and much better than the ones I printed myself

Picked up husband's treats 

Boot shopping 

Gaming with friend was fun

Enjoyed being at the beach

Was done in time to spend her lunch break with her

Monday 1 July 2024


Made it safely to friend's

Remembered to text everyone I said I would

Hay-fever seems a bit better here

Managed to arrange to meet more people I want to see.  

Very glad of my privilege, and of the time and place I live. 

For husband, & how easy life is with him, & being part of a gouple in general.